Part 8

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Hinata slowly made her way toward me. A part of me hopes that she hasn’t changed back into a cold person. She stood in front of me and smiled at me like I have got the first prize in class. Her expression shows that she is happy for me. My hand reached out and touched her rosy cheeks. 
“Sasuke: You look good when you smile….” She just stood there. Not even blinking, staring at me with my hands on her cheeks. I rubbed the blood on her face and took my hand back.
Sasuke: “You should take care of your wounds. Hyuuga.”
I cough and tried to avoid the fact that I touched her cheeks. I didn’t know why did I even do that. Indeed, it was bleeding though. and I saw Hinata touching her cheeks with her small hand. Well, at least compared to my hands. Is my hand too big or is her face too small I can’t say because her face fitted perfectly in my palm? 
Hinata: “It’s ok. I will apply ointment later.”
She looked at me with a smile on her lips. Her lips turned into a giggle from a smile. 
Hinata: “Why don’t you take your own advice Uchiha-san?” She asked me a strange question out of blue.
Sasuke: “Huh?” I don’t get what she said and while I am thinking what she meant. She let out another giggle.
Hinata: “You too look good when you smile. Uchiha-san.” She picked a hair strand that slips behind her right ear and placed it back. I watched her move carefully and realized her smile hasn’t disappeared yet.
Sasuke: “You know, for me, to smile is one of the difficult things.” I smiled again which is an odd thing for me to do but I really felt safe and comfortable here. 
Hinata: “I am going back. So see you later?” She started to collect her things and waved goodbye to the kids. 
Sasuke: “Let me walk you home?” I looked at her face and expected to see an expression called annoyed because I have been following like a creep but I was just trying to protect her though.
Hinata: “Is that ok with you? You have done so much today. Sorry for troubling you.” She bowed a bit and her smile disappeared when she stood straight again. I sighed when I knew that she is no longer the warm Hinata. 
Sasuke: “No, I am free and don’t have anything to do. Moreover, it’s been a month since I walk around the town.”    
This is the longest answer that I have given to a person. I see her nod and put on her shoes and opened the door. I followed her to find the sun coming up and melting the show little by little. I wanted to know where her house is and I don’t why I wanted to know. It’s not like we are friends. I took a glance at her saw her a little bit far from me. I speed up my pace to catch her. After walking 2 blocks farther, I saw apartments arranged neatly. She stopped in front of two stories house with a small garden filled with lilac and a few potted plants. Vanilla and cinnamon scents reached into my nose as the wind blew.
Hinata: “Thanks for your company. Goodbye.”
 She turned around and walked toward the gate as she picked up a pair of keys to unlock the gate. She then walked past her garden and unlocked her main door. She is not rich I could by looking at her house size but it was pretty neat and clean. The door clicked as she locked the door from the inside. I didn’t know how long I stared at the door and replayed the movements she made.   
The way she walks, the way she unlocked the door, the way her eyes sparkled when she saw the plants. All the details of her reached into my head. Damn!! I need to go now. I forgot that I muted my phone and took it out from my trousers. 15 missed calls from Naruto. Tsk. Like I care. I put the phone back into my pocket and grabbed a taxi to go to my own apartment. 
    It takes me forever to reach my bedroom with this size of the house.

I scoffed

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I scoffed. I was tired mentally and I need a break to rethink what just happened today. ‘A lot’ happened as long as I remember. I walked inside the house and was welcomed by no one. I looked at my big house filled with expensive modern furniture but felt something is missing. So quiet enough to hear my own breathing, no sounds were made. I am the only one in my house and I was indeed lonely in this house. Even though, I had my mother, father, and my big brother. I separated from them 2 years ago due to a fight. I sighed at my memories. 
      This house was bought on the day that I moved out from my parents. I decorated the empty house day by day along with my blonde friend. The living room is too big, to be honest, but well, I can use some space. I shrugged my shoulders. I looked through the transparent glass. My house is located on a hill with a wide yard and a good view of the city.             
      The living room is downstairs along with the kitchen when the 2nd floor is filled with the workroom. Some parts of the house are still empty and I can’t think of anything to fill this house. The 3rd floor has my bedroom and a large space is available on the 2nd floor as well as the third floor. When you step out of the door. A pool will be warmly welcoming you along with the seats and a fireplace to sit and a chance to observe from the city as the night falls. I ruffled my hair and went to my room to take a bath. Well, all the floor has bathrooms but I prefer my room’s one. When I pulled my room door and a sudden noise disturbed me. My phone!!

Itachi: “Sasuke is that you?”

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