Part 2

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On the way back to Naruto's house, Sasuke wasn’t paying attention to the surrounding at all. His mind wandered to the indigo hair girl, her beautiful eyes. 
Naruto: “Sasuke? Teme? Are you ok?” The blonde yelled at his friend who is standing in front of the door. 
Sasuke: “Hn. Why do you ask?” He said with his stoic voice which can frighten most people. He always had a dark aura around him which scares people away.
Naruto: “You have been standing there for like 5 minutes.” He snorted.
Sasuke: “Hn. Let’s eat.” 
He put the food down on the table and sat down on the sofa. Naruto is also rich. His house is well decorated with modern furniture.
[Naruto’s living room.]
‘3 large and comfy sofas are surrounding a white modern table. A tree can be seen in a corner. A large pool can be seen through the transparent glass. A sink can be seen right next to the door as well as the toilet. I am not good at describing things sorry TwT)’
Naruto: “Man, I have to wait for more.” He picked up a paper attached to the Ramen box. 
Naruto-san. Please put it in the microwave and heat it for 3 minutes. For coffee, shake it well before drinking and I gave you extra sugar if you want to add.
Hinata Hyuuga.
Sasuke: “Give me that.” 
He took the paper from Naruto’s hand while he went into the kitchen to use the microwave. Sasuke took a look at the paper and read it so many times. Her round and neat handwriting impressed Sasuke. He didn’t know why but he folded the paper in half and put it inside his trousers pocket. He shook the coffee and took a sip from it. He can smell the dark coffee and his lips like the taste. He can also smell her lavender scent on the cup. 
Naruto: “It tastes so delicious. Warm noodle at cold night is the best.” Naruto said it while stuffing his face with ramen. 
Sasuke: “Hn.” He paid no attention to what Naruto said because he was opening cupcake boxes. 
Naruto: “How’s the taste? I have never tried her cupcakes.” Naruto leaned toward the desk. 
Sasuke: “At least, it’s not heart-shaped.” I was surprised because when I got presents all of them are heart-shaped or words or signs that refer to ‘Love’. 
Naruto: “She is not a fangirl. She is mysterious you know.” Sasuke raised an eyebrow. 
Sasuke: “Like how?” The word ‘Mysterious’ caught his attention.
Naruto: “In class, she rarely talks to someone and always does studies. I often see her walking alone. What a nerd?” Naruto laughed at his speech while Sasuke took a bite from the sugarless round cupcakes with sprinkles on them. ‘Not bad’ Sasuke said to himself. 
Naruto: “Also she never eats at the canteen and she never goes to parties. Not to mention she works part-time.” He sighed at his statement.
Sasuke: “Students can’t work part-time?”
Naruto: “She’s an orphan.” Naruto took a bite from the ramen again.
Sasuke: “Oh.” 
Sasuke felt bad for her. It might be hard for a girl to find school fees. He shook his head. It’s none of his business. He stood up with an empty cup and an empty box in his hands. 
Naruto: “Where ya going?” He also stood up and picked up the bowl. 
Sasuke: “Trash.” Sasuke answered coldly. 
Naruto: “Teme. You know school is the day after tomorrow?” He put the trash and washes his hands.
Sasuke: “So?” Sasuke rarely goes to school and he thinks it’s unnecessary. But something came to his mind.
[Sasuke Flashback.]
Sasuke: “Who is Hinata?” He asked Naruto raising an eyebrow.
Naruto: “A classmate of mine.” He answered cheerfully.
Sasuke: “I don’t know her?” Sasuke scoffed.
Naruto: “You don’t come to school Teme.”
[End of his Flashback.]
Naruto: “Let’s go to school together ya know. It’s fun.” 
He started walking toward his room with a can of beer. Naruto and Sasuke are bad guys. They smoke, they drink, they get into fights.
Sasuke: “I will go.” 
I closed my door apparently which is a guest room in Naruto’s house. I usually come to his house or he comes to mine. Sasuke heard Naruto shouting from the other room which is next to him.
Naruto: “WAIT WHATTTT??!!!” 
Sasuke sighed and laid on the bed which is big enough for 5 people. Even the guest room is pretty good. It has a toilet and bathroom. A small table and some books were arranged neatly on the bookshelf. Sasuke glanced at the bookshelf and walked toward it. He pulled out a book which is a bit dusty and scrolled through it while naruto is playing video games with his beer. He sighed and put it back. Sasuke reached for his phone and saw it was already 10:30. He again sighed and laid down. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep quickly.
[Hinata’s POV.]
Hinata: “I got paid today and I should buy groceries. I am low on food.”
She entered her little apartment and unlocked the door. The vanilla and cinnamon scent from her cleaned house welcomed her. She untied her shoes and went into the kitchen. A red carpet is placed on the floor and a sink is attached to the stove which has pots on it. A cute potted plant is placed under the plate's shelf and another green plant is hung down from the roof. Hinata isn’t a ‘rich’ girl. Her house may be small but it is well decorated and cleaned. It’s a 2 stories house with a kitchen and living room downstairs while her room and bathroom are upstairs. 
          Hinata opened the kitchen light and she realized that she also needs to buy a new light bulb because this one is broken. She wandered toward the fridge in the dark and pulled out a cool water bottle and took a sip. She sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen and put her bag beside her. She is taking a rest from her exhausting day which she met with a raven-haired guy and naruto and got scolded by the manager because of talking with them. She also had to deal with that fangirls. ‘What a day She sighed. She suddenly heard a glass break from her living room.
Hinata: “Who’s there?”

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