Part 21

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[To Hinata.]

......Hinata has been studying after he got a day off unexpectedly. The doorbell rang twice making the girl alert as there weren't many visitors to her house. With caution, she slowly approached the door and opened it to see a certain man with obsidians eyes.

"I am sorry for my sudden visit without informing..."

...Hinata was standing behind the door without blinking trying to remember the person in front of her. When she came back to her senses, she quickly went to the front gate and greeted the person.

Hinata: "Is there anything I can help?" Hinata's monotone didn't affect the man in front of her as he gave a small smile.

Itachi: "Oh yes, let me introduce myself. I'm Itachi Uchiha. Brother of Sasuke Uchiha. May I have a minute?" Hinata didn't feel any danger coming from him and as he has helped her once, she decided to let the guest in.

Hinata: "Please come in." As Itachi sat on the sofa while Hinata went to make tea, Itachi noticed that Hinata is living alone. The smell of green tea spread through the room surpassing the lavender and vanilla scent in the living room.

Itachi: "Thank you."

...The girl just gave a nod and sat in front of the guest as she took a sip from her lavender tea. Hinata silently stole some glances at Itachi and Itachi noticed it. After emptying the teacup, Itachi decided to go straight to the point not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable.

Itachi: "Are you friend with Sasuke?" Hinata raised an eyebrow at the question and put the cup down on the table.

Hinata: "Well, I can't say I am friends with him." Itachi silently listened to Hinata's cold voice who looked at her laps.

Hinata: "I just met him two days ago to be exact and I was appointed as his guide teacher due to his low grades." Itachi furrowed his eyebrows as he remembered Sasuke is a genius. Moreover, Itachi knew that Sasuke didn't go to school for two years. The Uchiha knew that the girl was saying the truth and Itachi felt suspicious somehow.

Itachi: "I see, please take care of him." Itachi decided to play along as the real intention wasn't to know about their relationship.

Itachi: "Is there anything that you guys do together?"

...This time Hinata looked straight into obsidians eyes without blinking. Itachi was taken back a bit because no one dare to look into his eyes except his family. Itachi knew that he was a serious and intimidating person.

Hinata: "Even though I accept the fact that you want to know about your brother, it would be better if you ask him. It's also his privacy." The girl broke the eye contact and took another sip from her tea.

Itachi: "I must admit that you are right."

...Itachi chuckled at the girl's behavior. Itachi wasn't less handsome than Sasuke which him most of the girls cling to him or praise him to get impression. 'Pretty interesting isn't she? brother' Itachi said to himself. Itachi knew that if Hinata was a normal girl, she would be more than glad to give information but she respected Sasuke's opinion.

Hinata: "I'm sure that this isn't the real reason that you came here Uchiha-san." Itachi looked at the girl sharply who looked at him with the same look.

Hinata: "I'm sure Uchiha-san can track down everything we did, why would the eldest son of Uchiha cooperation come to a schoolgirl house just to ask for his brother's condition? Time must be very precious to Uchiha, isn't it?" Itachi felt shivers as he felt a dangerous aura from Hinata. The sharp gaze of her made Itachi uneasy.

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