Part 15

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          His unconscious mind carried his legs toward her and sat down near the angel. He slowly leaned his head on her shoulders which Hinata accept without a word. The way she looked at them, the way she hugged the girl, the way she caressed the boy's hair are beautiful, breathing, and peaceful. A wave of sadness and excitement rushed to me as I saw my mother's image in her. My gentle mother, My kind mother, My beloved mother. My lips parted a bit and whispered something in a soft tone when I closed my eyes.

Sasuke: "Let me stay like this for a while."

             She hummed softly and I wanted to be like this forever. A lovely lady by who will welcome me back from my work with a smile, a woman that I will love with all of my heart, my children who will run toward me energetically and asked me many questions about my day while my wife prepare dinner for our family. I admit I was lonely. I wanted a family that I will cherish and protect. I imagined Hinata as my wife while Akira and Akito are my children. I wouldn't blame others if someone say we are family. The situation we are in indeed looked like that.

Sasuke: "Hyuuga." I called her name softly and she replied with a soft 'Hmm.'

Sasuke: "I decided to build them a new home." I spoke calmly still leaning on her shoulders.

Hinata: "Hmm, what is your intention Uchiha-san?" I flinched a little at her cold voice mixed with a little bit of anger. She sounded like a mother who is protecting her kids from danger.

Sasuke: "I want to give them a better home. I just wanted to see their smiles." I wasn't lying. What I said was the truth. I felt more peaceful here rather than in the gang.

Hinata: "I don't have to right to interfere with this matter. If Konan-san allows, it's okay but..."

She stopped her sentence midway making me curious that I turned to face her. Her eyes lids slowly opened revealing her lavender orbs but... She looked at me with sharp eyes that made me feel like she is looking into my soul. It made me shiver. Even though she is cold normally, her eyes aren't like this. These eyes... They are frightening, carrying so much protectiveness. It was enough to prove that she loves these kids like her own children by hearing her sentence and seeing her intimidating glare.

Hinata: "If you try to hurt them, I won't hesitate to harm you."

I was stunned for a moment but when I had an epiphany, I smirked and felt amused by her. Even though she was scary, I found that it's love for these kids. I like her spirit. I like how her eyes showed determination when it comes to protecting people she loves. I thought she was just a weakling but I might be wrong. She has a sweet and caring personality around these children. Who knows what she hides behind that emotionless mask?

Sasuke: "Hn. Say the girl who doesn't fight back to her bullies." I said teasingly and she turned her face away and whispered as she didn't want to wake the kids up.

Hinata: "I just don't want to fight back." Her eyes looked broken and I regretted teasing. It was very awkward for me as I don't know what to say.

Konan: "I am back Hinata-chan. Oh, little devils are asleep." Konan was carrying 3 bags and she smiled at Hinata who replied with her faint smile. Her arms must be tired from holding Akira. I slowly offered my hands to carry Akira instead of her and she looked at me with confused eyes.

Sasuke: "Give me Akira. Your arm." She looked down at Akira and hesitated for a moment thinking if she should hand her or not. Eventually, she put Akira into my hands and mumbled thanks. I carried the little girl inside my arms and I felt a strange feeling inside me. Excitement, happiness, and nostalgia.

Konan: "Awnnn, you guys look like a family." A faint blush appeared on my face as Hinata chuckled slightly by looking at me. I looked away as I was embarrassed and she laughed even more.

Konan: "Guess this young man is not used to this stuff eh?" She gently picked up Akito from Hinata's lap and carried him on her shoulders. A small groan escaped from Akito as he felt uncomfortable.

Hinata: |It's okay Konan-san. I will carry him. You must be tired from carrying those bags. | Hinata tried to get up but her knees were stiff for sitting so long making her stumble. I quickly supported Hinata's arm with my right hand because I can carry Akira with just one hand.

Sasuke: "You okay?"

Even though my face is stoic, you can still hear the concern in my voice if you listen carefully. She leaned into the wall and nodded slowly. As she became stable, I let go of her arm slowly. She smiled at me and it made my heart skip a beat. 'Shut up heart.' I shouted as it's pounding quickly.

Konan: "I envy you Hinata-chan. These kids don't sleep easily." I took a glance around the room and saw them sleeping in the space with a blanket covered for each of them.

Hinata: "Oh don't be, I will help you to make them fall asleep." She smiled as she walked toward me and carried Akira to her bed. She pulled the sheet up and covered Akira's tiny body and gave a kiss on her forehead.

Konan: "Admiring the view aren't ya?" I scoffed at the woman beside me. She likes teasing a lot.

Sasuke: "Hn." I replied simply not caring about her words as my eyes focused on Hinata's. She slowly made her way toward us and tried to carry Akito who is sleeping soundly.

Sasuke: "Let me." She nodded and let me carry Akito. I supported his back with my hands and dropped to his bed softly receiving another cute groan from him. They are so lovely, my lips formed a smile at a beautiful sight. I saw Hinata and Konan talking and they turned to me as they heard my footsteps.

Konan: "Would you like to stay for dinner young man? Hinata is a good chief." She winked playfully at me and I just rolled my eyes.

Sasuke: "I will, I forgot I bought candies for them." I heard kids running toward me and it scared the freak out of me. 'What the hell? They were all asleep a while ago.'

Akira: "I want candy Nee-san." The others kids agreed and started to ask me for the sweets.

Konan: "Never mention the candy in front of them. These sweet teeth can sense It form a mile away." I couldn't pay attention to her joke as I was surrounded by kids and I had to pay attention to my landing or I will end up hurting someone.

Hinata: "Kids." As Hinata's firm voice escaped the room. The children went silent. 'What the hell? Just one word from her? Which magic did she use?' My thoughts disappeared as the children sat down in rows.

Hinata: "You will get candy if you do good deeds deal? Also, it's not good to act recklessly like before, you can get hurt." She scolded the children with her soft voice and I admired how she had control over the kids.

Akira: "I'm sorry Sasuke nii-san." Akira apologized and looked down at the ground at her mistake.

Akito: "I shouldn't have done that. Sorry, Nii-san." They started apologizing one by one and I was amazed at how Hinata taught them.

Hinata: "Good. Now go fold your blankets and make your beds okay?" She smiled softly as the children went to make their bed.

Sasuke: "It wasn't necessary Hyuuga. You are making them do chores at such a young age."

Hinata: "Everyone isn't born in a rich house where there are servants to serve you Uchiha-san. They have to know their responsibilities. Stop spoiling them." She gave me a motherly look and I felt scolded. But non the less, I like her attitude and how she taught the kids. She's right, they will have to walk on their own feet later.

Sasuke: "Hn, you will be a great mother one day Hyuuga." I closed my eyes and smiled softly.

"You will also be a good wife." I said to myself

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