Part 39

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Doctor: "I'm sorry we tried our best but she didn't make it."

......Sasuke kept his head down as he wanted to deny the fact that the girl he loves died. He felt suffocated and unable to breathe as the Doctor's words echoed through his ears. His heart was sliced into pieces over and over again whenever he remembers Hinata's smile and giggles. Itachi just closed his eyes and patted his brother's shoulder for encouragement as he couldn't stand how miserable Sasuke looked. The older Uchiha left the room to give Sasuke space and decided to wait outside. Sasuke walked near Hinata and tears started to fall as he saw the heart monitor showing no heartbeat. Gently picking up her hand which is covered in bruises, his sobs got louder as seconds passed. Sasuke hold Hinata's palm in his and kept crying.

Sasuke: "Hinata, please don't trick me. It's not funny. Please wake up. I'm sorry." He kept begging her to wake up and tell him that it was just a prank. His eyes widened and tears stopped when he felt her thumb move responding to Sasuke's word. He blinked several times when he saw her heartbeat increasing as well as her oxygen.

Sasuke: "Call the doctor. She moved." Itachi was shocked at what Sasuke said but quickly went to find the doctor.

Doctor: "No way... She came back to life?" The doctor was stunned as he has never experienced something like this. A patient who stopped breathing for minutes just came back to life.

Itachi: "Please treat her wounds and do anything you can to wake her up.: Itachi half demanded and pleaded. The doctor just nodded and went out of the room to get help from the nurses.

Sasuke: "You scared me Hinata. Don't do that again. You don't know how much it hurts me." Sasuke knew she isn't conscious but he doesn't dare to say it when she is awake. The reason? It was him who made her like this. None other than Sakura would be cruel enough to kill someone over a boy. His jaws clenched as he thought of Sakura who dared to hurt his girl. 'I will make your life hell Haruno.' He vowed. His heart got squeezed again when he remembered why Sakura did this. It's because of him. It's because he is near Hinata Hyuuga. It's because he wasn't there to protect her.

Nurse: "Please go out for a minute. We are going to undress her to check for any injuries." The nurse said politely as she doesn't want to make her life a mess by angering the two Uchihas. Sasuke and Itachi went out of the room without a word.

"I heard that Sakura tried to kill Hinata because Sasuke-kun is friends with her."

"I think she will get hurt until Sasuke-kun cuts ties with her. Poor girl."

"Sakura is obsessed with him and she won't hesitate to harm someone close to Sasuke-kun."

"Yeah, she killed a girl because she caught her putting a love letter inside Sasuke's locker. That's pretty scary."

......Sasuke's vision got blurry as he heard several girls talking about the incident. He is the one who is responsible for Hinata's injuries. If only... If only he stays away from her... she wouldn't have to go through all of this. That's right. He can't... he can't let Hinata get hurt because of his selfish feelings.

Sasuke: "Sorry Hinata." It was the last time when he saw Hinata...




......It's been a week since Hinata has been discharged from the hospital. Hinata was currently sitting in her classroom accompanied by Ino and Naruto who kept following Hinata wherever she goes. She stared at the space beside her where Sasuke used to sit. Since Sakura tried to kill her, it's the last time she saw him. Even though Hinata is still mad at him for treating her like a toy and playing with her feelings, she couldn't help but miss him so much. She wanted to see him. Hinata has already decided that she would support Sasuke when he loves someone else that is not her. When she forgave him and tried to apologize to him for being childish, he is nowhere to be found. All the calls and messages didn't reach him.

Hinata: "How... is Sasuke?" She looked down as she asked Naruto who is talking with Ino.

Naruto: "He is in a bad mood these past days. Rather than drinking and smoking, that bastard scared me when he hit the wall for no reason not just once, thrice. His emotions are not in control but he is fine."

Hinata: "I see. It's been a week since he hasn't come to school and I can't seem to contact him." She whispered and felt herself shiver when she felt the hateful glares from Sakura. Sakura and her gang were surprised when they saw Itachi picking Hinata up and driving to the hospital with Sasuke. She clenched her teeth as she felt jealous. Since when has Hinata been close to Sasuke's family? Sakura wanted her dead and she survived which angered Sakura a lot.

Sakura: |Next time, I will cut her head with my own eyes. Let's make another plan.| Her friend nodded.




Hinata's steps stopped when she saw a familiar figure near her house. She came back from school and returned home early as she didn't feel well. There he was standing looking at her house, his back facing her, his spiky hair messy, his hands shoved in his trousers' pockets.

Hinata: "Sasuke-kun..." The Uchiha flinched at the soft whisper. He felt his heart ache by hearing the angelic voice that he missed so much. He didn't move a muscle. He couldn't face her because if he did, he won't be able to let her go.

Hinata: "Why?" Her voice was shaky like her legs trying her best to control herself from running to him and hugging him like a child.

Hinata: "I am sorry. Please don't ignore me anymore. I know that I was wrong but please." Tears fell to her cheeks as she sobbed. Her emotions that were bottled up a long time ago need to be opened up. She felt immense pain when Sasuke gave her a cold shoulder. No answer or response from him is enough to make Hinata broken. For Sasuke, he had to hold in his tears and hide them when he heard her shaky voice and apology. He needs to go, he can't stay any longer, if he does... he will definitely find himself never leaving Hinata again. As much as he loves being around her, he can't ignore the fact that Hinata will be in danger.

Sasuke: "I don't want to see you." He forced himself to speak with his usual cold voice when he wanted to cry inside. He started walking away without looking at her. His body froze when he felt Hinata run to him and hug him from behind. Her soothing lavender scent greeted Sasuke while Hinata's tears soaked his shirt making it wet.

Hinata: "Please don't leave me. I need you. I am sorry." Sasuke wanted to hug her, comfort her and tell her that he wouldn't leave by her side but he couldn't. There is an invisible wall between them that can't be broken.

Sasuke: "You are so annoying. You don't know how much you burdened me. Always in trouble Tsk. Just leave me alone." He pushed her away harshly and looked away. Hinata fell silent looking at the boy she loves with broken eyes. She felt thousands of needles penetrate through her heart. Her heart shattered into pieces, her mind went black, her vision blurred, and her whole world went black before looking down and wiping her tears.

Hinata: "Sorry... I won't bother you anymore." She said in a cold distant tone to cover up her pain. She slowly walked away without looking back at Sasuke whom she loved very dearly. Hinata wondered why everyone she loves leaves her and why the world is very cruel to her but found no answer...

She will never know that Sasuke was also crying silently for hurting the girls he loves dearly and not being able to be with her.




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