Part 47

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Hinata: “Where is Hanabi? Hinata stood up and tried to walk toward Hiashi but was stopped by Sasuke as the ground was full of shattered things.
Hiashi: “I wonder where she is.” Even in this situation, Hiashi didn’t learn his lesson yet. Hinata lowered her head and clenched her fists and gritted her teeth in anger. 
 Hinata: “Hiashi!!” Her demon self has woken up. “If I see a single wound on her… I will burn the whole Hyuuga clan down by myself.”
Hiashi: “I doubt it.” He said sarcastically. Hiashi doesn’t know what his daughter is capable of. He thought she is weak and useless because she never defends herself. He would often beat her since childhood whenever she denies an order from him. Although, Hinata was quite strong mentally and physically. It left a scar in her mind. 
Hinata: “Remember Hiashi. I tolerated you because of my sister. Tell me where she is!!” Hinata shouted again while panicking about her sister’s safety. Sasuke had to restrain her as she would run and killed Hiashi right here and now. Hinata loved her sister wholeheartedly. Even though they were separated for 2 years, she only saw her once a month. 
Hiashi: “You will never know unless you free me.” Hiashi pointed to his hands that were tied. He chuckled evilly and made Hinata unable to choose. Should she let him get away with his crimes of killing her mother and save Hanabi? Should she let him go to jail and find Hanabi by herself? Hinata hesitated.
Sasuke: “Stop manipulating her Hyuuga. We can find her in no time.” Indeed, Uchiha’s intelligence isn’t something he should underestimate. The advanced technology of them can easily find Hanabi in an hour. The video of him killing Hana is proof that Hiashi can’t deny that they will find out later or sooner. After all, it took him 2 years to delete all the traces of it. Hiashi was gritting his teeth to channel his anger. His hope of using Hanabi as a victim has now disappeared. Surely, he can’t run away from Uchihas or his daughter this time. The police officers dragged him out and Hinata watched her father leave unwillingly with anger in her eyes. Even Itachi’s smart brain couldn’t tell how many problems she had in her life were caused by her family. Surely, the burden she carries on her shoulders isn’t easy. 
Sasuke: “Welcome back mother, Hinata.” The raven greeted the two ladies who entered Hinata’s living room. 
Sasuke: “Whoa, mom did you buy the whole mall?” Sasuke got up and helped his mother and Hinata to place the several bags inside their hands. 
Hinata: “She almost did it when I didn’t know which dress I should buy.” Hinata said while panting. Sasuke just chuckled at Hinata’s terrified face.
Mikoto: “Come on Honey, you said you didn’t know what to choose so I thought I should buy the whole shop so you can wear whatever you want later.” The elder finally sat down on the comfy sofa and let out a huff. 
Sasuke: “Wait was that dad’s credit card?” Sasuke said while putting down the last bag. 
Mikoto: “Don’t tell him back.” Mikoto said with a giggle while Hinata went to change her clothes. 
Sasuke: “He will find out sooner or later mother.” Sasuke sat down with a chuckle and took a sip of his coffee as he imagines his father’s terrified face when he saw a large amount of money disappear. Although money is like water for him, he never uses it in unnecessary places. 
Mikoto: “So have you finished the preparation?” She said teasingly. 
Sasuke: “Y-yah.” He shuttered. Before Mikoto say another word, Hinata interrupted. 
Hinata: “Should I prepare the dinner now? It’s over 5 so.” Since morning, Hinata was dragged by Mikoto to go shopping. Sasuke dropped them at one of the Uchiha’s malls and head to the Uchiha compound for the reason that he needs to do something. Hinata couldn’t protest but accept everything Mikoto bought for her. Dresses, perfumes, shoes, and other things. To be honest, Hinata was surprised how much Mikoto can walk in heels. Starting from 9 in the morning to 5 in the evening, the woman walked non-stop and bought everything she likes except for lunchtime. 
Sasuke: “I have already ordered the food.” Hinata just said ‘Oh’ and filled the teacup in front of Mikoto’s as well as hers. 
Hinata: “I forgot to remind Konan-san that we are moving out tomorrow.” Hinata said as she remembered they will move to the new home Sasuke and she designed. 
Sasuke: “Mhm, I have contacted them.” Sasuke smiled. 
Mikoto: “Look at my baby, he is being so kind. Offering a home to orphans is good, mommy support you.” Mikoto cooed receiving a pout from Sasuke while Hinata just giggled. 
Mikoto: “Now, let’s try out the dresses once more Hinata.” Sasuke chuckled as Hinata went pale. The raven knew that Hinata dislike doing these girly kinds of stuff but no one can deny Mikoto. She is a good manipulator. Two women left and went upstairs to try out the new clothes they bought. Sasuke smiled faintly when he touched a small box inside his pocket. Tomorrow he will confess Hinata. Only God knows he won’t be able to sleep tonight because of his nervousness.
Itachi: “So, I bet going shopping with my mother drained your energy a lot.” Itachi said with a chuckle while focusing on the road and driving carefully. 
Hinata: “Well, a bit. I didn’t know she can walk that fast in heels.” She said with a light smile.
Izumi: “You will have to get used to it Sister. She goes shopping once in two weeks. It would be fun to go together late on. You will be one of us anyway.” A girl with long brown hair said to Hinata in a friendly manner but whispered the last sentence with a mischievous smile. Luckily, Hinata didn’t hear it.
Hinata: “I better take some vitamins then.” Three of them laughed together. Currently, Itachi is giving her a ride to the new orphanage as Sasuke isn’t free. Konan and others have already arrived as Mikoto arranged a bus for them early in the morning so that they can settle down. Her amethyst eyes wandered to the dress she was currently wearing. She softly touched the dark blue fabric that matched her hair color which was very elegant.

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