Part 37

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Unknown to them, Sasuke was in the bathroom, clenching his fist until his fingernails ducked into his palm. He looked like a mess since Hinata kept avoiding him starting from the morning. He misses the lavender scent so badly, he misses the evening coffee she makes for him badly, he misses her smiles and giggles so badly, he misses Hinata. He needs her. He wants to see her. Hinata has now become his addiction. She is a drug that keeps him sane and makes him insane at the same time.

Sasuke: "Fuck." His fits slammed the bathroom wall with strength. A clear red liquid came down from his fist but the raven was busy thinking about his love and couldn't even feel pain as his body felt numb.

Sasuke: I need you Hinata.




Neji: "Uchiha Sasuke! Are you even listening?" A man with a stoic face growled creating an awkward silence while two men glared at each other with sharp eyes.

Sasuke: "What?" Naruto wanted to smack his friend who talked back to the pissed Neji without fear.

Neji: "If you are going to space out then get out."

Sasuke: "Fine by me." Before Sasuke could get up Naruto pulled him down not to cause any trouble between Neji and Sasuke. Even though he wants to know who is stronger, he wouldn't even dare to watch the fight between these two ruthless bastards. That will be one hell of a bloody fight.

Pain: "As I was saying, we will start the mission in 3 days. Uchiha Sasuke, Shikamaru Nara, Uzumaki Naruto, Kiba Inuzuka, and the akatsuki will be on front line. Neji and the rest will be rescuing the victim. We will be sending the location and details later. Any question?"

Pain: "Very well. The meeting is dismissed." He continued as no one disagree or questioned.

Naruto: "Hey let's have a sleepover at my house?" The blonde said with enthusiasm as he imagined the fun time he will have playing video games with his friends.

Sasuke: "I am going home." He looked at the clock and it was already over 11. 'Hinata must be asleep by now. I will visit her tomorrow.' He let out a sigh as he remembered Hinata is avoiding him for an unknown reason and he misses her so terribly.

Naruto: "Bro, are you okay? Seriously you look like a dead man." Naruto shivered as a death glare was aimed toward him.

Sasuke: "Shut up before I rip that mouth." Many people may think Sasuke is very rude but for Naruto, it was normal for him because his friend was always like that since he has known him. Sasuke shut his car door with a loud noise and drove away at full speed.

Kiba; "Damn, I know he is usually arrogant but today he seems like he is ready to kill someone." The dog lover muttered and massaged his temples slowly.

Lee: "I agree though but anyway Naruto-kun I'm sleeping at your house." A thumb went up into the air making Naruto's ocean eyes sparkle with joy as he got company.

Shino: "I will join." Shikamaru just mumbled his usual 'troublesome' word but tagged along.

[To Hinata.]

......A girl with long indigo hair was sitting on the white comfy sofa along with her little kitten. In her delicate hands, she held her favorite book that she borrowed from the library this afternoon. Her eyes which look like amethyst read the words written on the yellow-colored paper but nothing reached into her head. Her mind and heart kept wandering to a certain raven man. She felt her heart stung looking at her front door that is closed. She thought he would come and talk to her like he usually does but he still hasn't appeared. It was already over 11 and she still couldn't sleep.

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