Part 19

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Sasuke made a mental note to go to the hospital and checked his brain and heart as they are not working properly when he is with this girl. 

Strange but he was silently craving for her touch.

Sasuke: “Aren’t you afraid of me?” Hinata stopped moving her hand and looked into Sasuke’s eyes directly. 
Hinata: “Is there any reason to?” The girl broke the eye contact and packed her first aid kit again as she has finished treating Sasuke’s wound. As for Sasuke, he couldn’t find the right word to answer her questions.
Hinata: “Getting into fights is normal for boys.” She said with monotone and got up to put her things back. Sasuke watched her back with an emotionless face and blinked with confusion when she turned back to whisper something. 
Hinata: “You may be a bad guy outside but you are not bad at heart.”
……Hinata missed the amused face of Sasuke who grinned like an idiot. His smile disappeared when he felt something soft is brushing against his feet. A small kitten was playing with his trousers and somehow Sasuke tried to grab the kitten. A yelp from Sasuke made Hinata rush toward the living room. Hinata couldn’t help but laugh at the scene she saw. Sasuke was holding the kitten like he is holding a snake and his face looked terrified. 
Sasuke: “Don’t laugh, take this little monster away.”
……Sasuke's voice was shaky and Hinata started to laugh even more. Sasuke smiled genuinely when he noticed Hinata who is laughing till her tears come down while closing her eyes and he even forgot that he got starches from the kitten. After a minute, Sasuke smirked evilly as he got an idea of how to punish the girl in front of him for laughing at him. 
…Without informing, Sasuke suddenly threw the cat to Hinata which was in his hands. Hinata stopped laughing and screamed softly when she fell down as she lost balance by catching the cat. Now, it’s turn for Sasuke to laugh but Sasuke frowned as he saw the cat laid on her lap and slept peacefully. 
Hinata: “Looks like your plan failed Uchiha-san.” Hinata said with a mocking tone and it managed to provoke Sasuke. “But seriously, don’t do that. It’s dangerous.” Sasuke rolled his eyes but sighed when he saw the clock showing 6:30. Even though he wanted to spend more time with her, it was time for him to leave. 
 Sasuke: “Hyuuga.” Sasuke wore a faint smile while calling her name not roughly, not coldly but gently. Hinata felt something strange in her stomach when Sasuke called her name gently. 
Sasuke: “What can I repay for this?” He pointed his left cheek with his beautiful index finger. Hinata shook her head and smiled faintly.
Hinata: “No need to.” Sasuke smirked mentally as he thought of something to repay her back. 
Sasuke: “I will take my leave then. It’s over 6:30.” Sasuke held back his laughter when he saw Hinata get up quickly and start to panic. Hinata’s felt embarrassed when she remembered there is Sasuke who is watching her panic. 
 Sasuke: “You still have time.” Sasuke said with a flat face and walked toward the door. Hinata quickly walked after Sasuke and opened the door for him. 
Sasuke: “Oh and, teach that little monster to hide his nails.” Hinata let out a lovely giggle and Sasuke just smiled looking at the girl.
Hinata: “I didn’t know you would be afraid of cats.” She said with a smile while walking through her garden. Sasuke just scoffed and knew it was pretty late as the light has faded and the darkness has taken over across the sky. 
Sasuke: “See you at school, Hyuuga.”
Hinata: “See you, Uchiha-san.” Sasuke gave a nod and glanced at her who is looking at the car’s window before starting the car engine. As Sasuke left, Hinata rushed toward the bathroom after locking the main door. As Hinata lives alone without anyone, she has to be alert and careful about her surroundings. 
……Once she entered the bathroom, she quickly opened the shower and let out a sigh as cold water brushed through her skin. Even though she wanted to take a long shower, she couldn’t as she is running out of time. She applied her usual lavender-scented soap on her skin and wash it off. After taking a quick shower, Hinata put on her café uniform and fed the kitten before running toward her workplace. 
……As soon as the girl entered the café, she was confused that there wasn’t a single customer inside the café. It’s odd for Hinata not to have any customers as the café is filled with many people usually at this hour. Not only that, she noticed the smiles on the people who work here. They were smiling like they have won the lottery. Her chains out thoughts were cut off when her partner called her name.
Temari: “Yo, Hinata.” The lilac-eyed girl greeted the lady with a bow who is also in a uniform.
Hinata: “Did something happen?” Her emotionless tone didn’t seem to bother as Temari smiled widely.
Temari: “You see, a few minutes ago, the manager received a call from the boss and informed us that this café is bought by another person.” Hinata slowly digested the information that Temari said as this is new to her. ‘Can a person buy a café just like this?’ 
 Temari: “Oh and, the new boss said the manager to pay us double.” Hinata’s eyes went wide as she heard the news. She couldn’t believe it She felt like her ears are playing tricks on her.
Hinata: “That’s good to hear.” Her sealed lips loosen up a bit and felt happy as she can pay the rent for this month now. 
Temari: “A few of us received a break today and it includes you.” Once again, Hinata was surprised about today’s events. 
 Hinata: “Thank you. Is there anything I need to do before leaving Kankuro-san?” Hinata asked the manager who is the brother of Temari. 
Kankuro: “No need. You may go.” Hinata gave a bow and went back to her house while humming a tone. 
[Somewhere else.]
Kabuto: “Sasuke-sama, I have bought the cafe and told the manager to pay double as you insisted.” A young raven hair man with obsidian eyes leaned again his black car’s window while holding a phone.
Sasuke: “Hn. What about the Hyuuga girl?” His intimidating voice made Kabuto to gather a lot of courage before talking.
Kabuto: “Not to make others suspicious, I ordered the manager to give a day off to other’s waiters along with Hinata.”
Sasuke: “Hn. You are dismissed.” Sasuke smiled faintly as he imagined the sparkling eyes of her when she hears the good news. 

Will she be happier if she knows Sasuke paid the rent for her house for 5 months?

Sorry for not upadting yesterday.


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