Chapter 1

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I think about what happens before I go to my mom's and sister's place. On how one thing that went wrong and all the secrets that were kept from my sister and I are revealed. The secrets that our parents kept from us which cost our father's life. The images flash before my eyes and I try not to cry out as it happens.

*the memory of that night*

My father and I are just leaving the amusement park we always go to once a year. Both he and I were laughing as we just finished riding the tilt-the-world. We head for the car and then I hear it. The sqeaul of tires as the car drives towards us. The gun is aimed at me and my dad flings himself in front of me. 

The bullet strikes in between the eyes killing him instantly. I scream and crumple to the ground as my would be killers and now my father's killers drive away without looking back. I scream and cry I was only 16 and yet I just lost the only parent I ever had in my world. Everything else becomes a blur.

*end of flash back*

I just sit in the car that is taking me to my new home to the mother and sister I never got to see since I was little. I look out the window and see my mismatched eyes reflecting back at me. My right eye is blue while my left eye is red. But that's not the only thing you find unusual about me. I have blue hair that has black, red, and green streaks running through it, it reaches all the way to my waist. I was born with this hair. I never try to hide it because my father always told me to never hide who I am and who I want to be.

Then another flash back hits me this one of the night of the funeral it all seems like a dream to me now.

*The day of the funeral*

I stand there in a daze as everyone surrounds me giving me their condolences of my loss. They don't even know the half of it, I just nod and try to smile when I can as I watch some of these people that I have never known before or met. 

I just take what they give me and set it on the table and then when I come and greet the rest of the guests that's when I see her. The woman who gave birth to me she has the same eyes as me. But her hair is just straight black that goes to her waist just like mines. I could only stare in shock and wonder.

She walks to me and smiles and pulls me into an embrace like she has only done it all my life. But in reality she hasn't done it since she left with my sister when I was 3. She finally let's me go and strokes my hair, I want to swat her hand away but I don't. Finally I speak. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I say it in a whisper. I'm too shocked and scared to say it any louder than that.

"Why sweetie I'm here because I'm your mother and I've come to tell you that you will be living with me and your sister for now on. I don't know if you remember me but I know you more than you realize", Sasha said to me.

 I take a step back and all the feelings I have felt towards her I felt rushing back to me and all I feel is anger and abanondment. "You come here after all this time to decide to be my mother again? I'd rather eat dirt than go with you" I nearly shout not caring if others heard us or not. Also realizing that I didn't care I wanted them to hear how a terrible mother she was to me.

Then decided out of the blue to be my mom? It didn't work that way at all. I storm out of the living room and run to my room slamming the door shut behind me and screams in a pillow. As I throw myself onto my bed. Why did this have to happen all this time? It just didn't make any sense at all. 

After an hour being in my room I hear a knock on my door and I just ignore it. The person keeps knocking for a few minutes, I sigh. "Come in its opened", I called. The door opens and my mother comes in and sits on my bed and looks at me.

 "I know I haven't been a great mother to you but I had my reasons for not being there for you. You wouldn't understand at all and it's best if you didn't. But my point is, is that I'm here now and I want to be a part of your life if you would let me," she said.

All I could do was stare at her in shock when she said that and all I do is nod my head. There is so many things I want to ask her and talk to her about. But the words don't seem to want to come out of my mouth. Then I felt something wet falling on my cheeks and I realize that I was crying.

 I didn't think at all as I threw myself at my mother wanting her to hold me tight. She wraps her arms around me and strokes my hair and I cry harder. All the feelings I had inside of me started to come up and pour out.

The feeling of loss and abandonment of despair and loneliness all pouring out from me and into my mother. As if she could wash it all the way and take all these feelings from me. I missed my dad so much and now I was grieving for the loss of never having my mother and then of my mother coming into my life. All of it came rushing out. Finally I stop crying and I let her go and I wipe the tears away and I feel myself blushing in embarrassment on crying like that to a mother I barely knew. It was all just too much for me.

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