Chapter 7

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My eyes widen a little and I nod my head. "Do you read lips?" I ask her. She takes the notebook back and writes on it and hands it back to me. "Yes I can read lips I take it you don't know any ASL?" She asks me. I shake my head no. "Sorry to say this but I don't but I can learn if you don't mind teaching me," I say smiling at her. "I would love to teach you very much. Would you like some breakfast? I'm sure that your hungry," she asks me. I smile at her.

"Yes I would love that very much thank you," I say to her. I go and sit at the table after she shoos me away from the kitchen. I laugh and get comfortable as I wait. As I wait for her to make me breakfast I think about what happened in the past 24 hours of being here. So much has happened in that time.

It's hard to get my head wrapped around it. I've been living a normal life this whole time to finally finding out more about myself. Realizing that I really don't know myself at all. I sit there and think then Melody comes out of the kitchen. 

She sets pancakes and sausage in front of me I smile at her. "Thank you for breakfast," I say to her. She smiles and walks away and I eat after I'm done eating my sister Annabelle comes down and sits across from me.

"Did you get it done sis?" I ask her whispering. "Yes I did it's all taken cared of we are good to go," she says smiling at me. I grin at her and I get up.

 "You hungry sis or can we hang out some before we leave?" I ask her. "We can hang out sis I already ate," she says to me. I laugh and take her hand and pulls her upstairs so we can talk and go over a plan on what we should do next.

We are in my bedroom again laying on my bed with both midnight and nightmare on either side of us. "I feel like we are detectives don't you think?" Sis asks me laughing. I laugh back grinning at her. "Yes it does but that's the best part don't you think?" I ask her grinning more. "Your right that's so true," she says grinning back just as much.

We sit there and giggle some till we hear a knock on my door. "Come in its opened," I call out. Sis and I stay sprawled on my bed and our mother walks in and smiles at us. "Are you girls ready to go shopping?" Mom asks us. We both grin and say at the same time.

"Yes!" We giggle after we both scream it out and we get up and leave my room with mom and walk down the hall. To the stairs and outside where the driver is waiting for us.

I still haven't gotten used to this it still feels like a dream to me. I think to myself as we all pile in. Once we are inside the driver drives us to hot topic and my eyes widen in shock. My mother is sure full of surprises lately. I think to myself in amazement. As we leave the car and go inside I rush in with sis and we look around.

"Gah there is so much stuff to choose from I can't think straight on what I want to look at first," sis says to me with a laugh. "That makes two of us sister," I say with a huge grin on my face. As we start to look around a teenage boy around our age comes up behind me and scares the hell out of me by touching my shoulder. I whirl around in surprise.

 "Can I help you?" I ask him curiously. "Oh come on don't be like that you don't remember your best friend Ann?" He asks me with a grin. I laugh and rolls my eyes. "I'm not Annabelle I'm her twin sister Aqua it's nice to meet you," I say to him.

As sis makes her way towards us. The boys eyes widen and I couldn't help but think he was cute with black and white hair that goes to his cheeks, with black eyes, and a gorgeous smile. I could see why sis would have a crush on him. "There you are sis I wanted to show you something," she tells me. Not noticing that her best friend is behind her. "Hey sis? Guess who I ran into and he thought I was you," I say to her. She lifts one eyebrow at me. "Who is that sis?" She asks me. "Turn around and see who it is sis," I say to her.

Sissy turns around and sees that it's her best friend her eyes widen in surprise. "Josh? Why would you think that she is me? I don't have blue hair or have you forgotten what my hair looks like? That doesn't surprise me you wouldn't know if a model was standing behind you if your life depended on it," sis says jokingly. "I know but I thought you dyed your hair it could happen you know," he says back. I laugh and sis rolls her eyes and smacks his arm. 

"Your such a dork but anyways this is my twin sister Aqua," Annabelle says. "I know we just met she was just telling me about it. Isn't that true Aqua?" He asks me. I grin and nod my head. "Well since your here why don't you make yourself useful and carry our stuff for us like a good gentlemen would do," sis says laughing. He pulls her to him and ruffles her hair I see sissy blush and I can't help but think they would make a cute couple.

"Why certainly I would do whatever my milady wants," he says doing a poor imitation of a English accent. We all laugh and we head to the clothes rack looking at band shirts and skinny jeans and anime shirts. So many things to look at. Finally I find me a skull dress and I pull it out and looks at it. The bottom of the dress riffles out and has skulls on it. Along with strings on the front to tighten it. I couldn't help but want it.

I drape it over my arm and I go look at band bracelets and hair dye I start to find stuff that I would love to get. From band shirts like Pierce The Veil, Bullet For My Valentine, Escape The Fate and many others. Also find me anime shirts like black butler, soul eater, and death note. I find me black nail polish as well I go to my sister and show her what I got. She shows me what she got and it was the same as me I couldn't help but laugh.

Then we head to where there are bracelets and we pick some out. Pretty soon we have a good load and we show them to mom and she goes and buys it for us.

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