Chapter 40

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"I know it has been a while but I have something to tell you that I thought you needed to know the danger is approaching faster now. You and the others are in more danger than I realized so I think you guys need to act soon on your plan. Before it's too late and everything goes to hell and back," midnight says to me. My eyes widen but I should have known that this might happen after all we couldn't keep living peaceful lives for long. I sigh and nods my head in understanding. 

"Alright we will have everything ready to go before you know it. I just hope we are doing the right thing here is what I am concerned about," I say. Midnight comes over to me and nuzzles me and I smile and pets him then he puts his paws on my dress. So I knew he wanted me to bend down to his level and look at him eye to eye. As I do he comes right up to my face and looks me in the eyes. 
I look back and at first all I see is his eyes how much they looked like a chocolate brown color. 

But then it changes and I see something else I feel like I am being sucked into a tunnel and there is no way out. Then its like I was thrown back into my body and I start to breathe heavily just now noticing that I was holding my breath. After I caught my breath I look around and noticed that I am somewhere else. I look around and then I hear voices I follow the voices and when I see them my eyes widen. They were dressed differently it wasn't the usual clothes we wear today. 

Their clothes are ancient they wore nothing but fur wrapped around their waists for the men and around their breasts and waist for the women. I noticed that there is a wolf with the odd couple and I recognized the wolf to be my wolf. I then realized that this was a vision he was showing me so I go over and hide just in case they can see me. I listen in realizing that I can understand what they are saying. "This is what I think will happen only you can help the girl out along with the others otherwise this world is in danger," the woman said. 

The wolf just nods his head understanding what she is saying. Then as if he is talking directly to me I hear what the wolf says to the woman back. "I know but how would I know that I have found the right one?" he asked her. The woman smiled and just shakes her head kneeling down to him. "You will know from the feeling you get when your around her. Your spirit will recognize her the moment you both meet. Just have faith you know I am never wrong when it comes to something like this," she says. 

The wolf sighs and nods his head and smiles with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. "Alright your right I just hope I will reach her in time before it is too late and all would be lost," he says his eyes downcast. The woman pets the wolf and smiles more. "You will do just fine believe in yourself let everything else fall into place," she said to him. The wolf licks her cheek and the woman grins and nuzzles him. "I will miss you my friend but I know I can count on you," she said.  

Then the vision is over and I am back where I was before my wolf just looks at me and waits for me to get my thoughts pulled together. Once done I think about everything I have learned in that vision. "How long have you been looking for me?" I asked him. The wolf is quiet for a bit. "It has been such a long time that I do not remember all I know is that when your mother got me and nightmare. I just knew that I was getting close," he said. 

"The moment I met you I just knew you had to be the one she was talking about and you are. There is something about you that makes you strong and being capable of so much power that you have yet to untap. That is why I am here to help you in five months things are going to go bad and you and the others need to learn how to use all of your powers," he says. My mind starts to spin trying to take this all in I felt like the world was resting on my shoulders.

Midnight sits there and lets me soak it in I sit down and he puts his head in my lap. It soothes me and I start to think everything over that has been going on. The world getting powers from a fruit, Dr. James trying to do what every lame villain does try to take over the world, my sister and I getting dragged into it my dad faking his death, the list goes on. Finally my brain begins to calm down and I look down at Midnight. 

He looks up at me and puts his paw on my cheek it was such a human suggestion that it surprised me. But I smile. "Alright I get this now I know its not that easy and to be honest I am really scared about this but I know it must be done. I don't mind learning how to better use my powers the only thing now is how are you going to help us? I thought you couldn't turn human and could only talk to us in a dream?" I asked him. He looks at me and he smiles. "Looks like I was granted permission to be able to turn human to help you and the others out," he says. 

I was about to question it but I keep my mouth shut it was better this way. I stand up and Midnight just looks at me. "So when I wake up your going to turn into a human and we are going to learn from you?" I asked him. He nods his head in response. "You could say that all I know is that I am allowed to train you and everyone else. You need to wake up now," he says to me. I was about to say something when I get jostled awake. 

I sit up and looks around wondering what woke me up when I see Jake laying next to me sleeping. That's when I noticed that he and I were naked and that we had sex. I started to blush and I lay back down and I start to replay what happened. It felt both incredible and exciting I look over at him and I kiss him. As if he felt the kiss he wakes up and looks up at me smiling at me. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, you were just so cute that I just had to kiss you," I say to him blushing. He just chuckles and looks at me and pulls me close to him. I snuggle closer to him. "Last night was amazing I loved it a lot," he said to me. I couldn't help but blush more I didn't say anything because I agreed with him it was amazing. "I just had the weirdest dream," I say to him. I tell him what happened in the dream and when I am done he looks at me and smiles at me. 

"That sounds really interesting to me I wonder if its true or not," he said. As he says that, that's when he gets up and gets dressed and I do the same thing. Once we are done we leave the room and goes and looks for Midnight. When we found him I couldn't help but be shocked on what I found. He did indeed looked human and he was smiling at me. "Told you it would happen you should trust me more often," he says to me. 

I couldn't help but just stand there speechless and doesn't say anything Jake looked like he was speechless as well. But we both shake it off and walks towards him 

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