Chapter 11

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He laughs and he relaxes. "You sure have changed a lot from the last time I remembered you," he says smiling. I blush and rolls my eyes. "Well duh it has been a long time since the last time we have seen each other. Do you expect me to be the same person completely?" I ask him. He is quiet for a moment and I look at him taking him in. I wasn't the only one who changed he has as well. 

He has more muscle then the last time I have seen him. He has grown more into a man than anything else. I blush more as I think about this. As if he could read what I'm saying in my head he looks at me and smirks. "See something you like?" He asks me. As he gets closer to me and I freeze where I'm at and I can't help but be mesmerized as I look into his eyes. 

Our lips are only inches apart now if he leaned in just right then we would be kissing. I hold my breath and watch and waits for what he does. Till he smiles and pulls away. I couldn't help but feel both grateful and disappointed at the same time. "Well it looks like I can still keep you on your toes that much hasn't changed," he says to me teasingly. I get a little annoyed till I see that he looks flustered like I do. 

Could he really have feelings for me? I ask myself in my head. I shake my head trying to shake that thought away. There is no way that could be true. Guys or girls have never been into me at all. So this is no different. He just likes messing with me. "Hey that's not fair to do that to me," I say a little upset.
"Do what? Do you really want me to kiss you?" He says to me wickedly. I blush and then I get up and grab him and I pull him to the pool and push him in. He swims back up and spits out water. "What was that for?" He asked me. I jump in and swim towards him. "That's what you get for being an ass to me," I say to him with a smirk on my face. He gives me the evil eye and then pulls me to him and I squeal and try to get away. 

He laughs and keeps a hold of me and doesn't let me go. Finally I give in and let him and I look at him. "You have me in your clutches so what are you going to do to me now?" I ask him. He smirks and pulls me closer and then kisses me. My eyes widen in shock but then I kiss him back and then he pulls away from me after a while. 

"That was my first kiss," I say in a whisper looking down. "That's ok it was mines as well," he says to me. I look at him in shock. "Y-your serious?" I ask him. He nods his head and looks at me. "Why is that such a surprise?" He asks me. I look at him and rolls my eyes. "Have you not seen the way you look? You look hot," I say in embarrassment. He chuckles and gets close to me again and I look at him. "What? What's so funny?" I ask him. 

He looks at me for a while and then says something. "Looks don't matter it's what's on the inside that does. It's what makes you, you. Looks go away but your personality? It's always going to be there till you die," he says to me. I smile and hug him. "That's true but do you like me? I mean as more than a friend," I say looking down in embarrassment. He raises my face so I can look at him and he looks me in the eyes. 

"Yes I like you as more than a friend I've always have. I just couldn't tell you because by the time that I could I was moving. So now that I'm not moving again I wanted to ask you this. Would you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I blush deeply and I grow speechless. Not knowing what to say or do. Just replaying what he asked over and over into my mind. It felt like hours since I said anything in response but it was only 10 minutes. Till I spoke up finally. 

"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend very much so," I say to him shyly. I keep looking down till he pulls me to him and he hugs me tightly and kisses me deeply. I blush more and I kiss him back and I wrap my arms around his neck and we stay that way for a bit just kissing. Till my sister comes in and clears her throat and we pull apart blushing more. 

"Sorry to interrupt sissy but it's getting late and mom wants us to get some sleep so we can wake up early and do some training," she says with a smug smile on her face. Oh no she is going to tease me about this isn't she. I think to myself. I get out of the water and so does Jake and he hugs me. "Well I'll be seeing you in the morning babe so take care," he says. Then he kisses me again and leaves.

I stand there for a bit watching him go till Annabelle stands next to me and says. "Well I'm glad that you guys have picked up where you left off," she says jokingly. I blush more and I push her a little and she laughs. I grab her and hug her making her wet and she sticks her tongue out at me. we head inside the house to our bedrooms. "Well night sissy will be seeing you in the morning. Mom likes to wake us up at 7:00am to get ready for training. So we should sleep now. But I want to hear about everything that I missed after we are done training sissy," she says to me. 

Before she goes into her room and I go into mines and I can't help but blush more and I take a shower and I get dressed for bed. I crawl into it and midnight joins me and I fall asleep with my face buried in his fur. I feel safe and happy and I dream a dreamless dream again. 

Then I hear a knocking on my door. "Go away!" I yell. Then I hear the door open and I feel a cold splash as water gets thrown on me. I yelp and jump out of bed and I crash land on the floor. I get up and rub my butt and then turns around and glares at the person who threw water on me. It ends up to be my sister and she grins. "Rise and shine sissy today is the day!" She says excitedly. 

"Why are you excited sis? Haven't you been training all this time?" I ask her curiously. She grins more and laughs. "Yes but this is the first time that we will be training together so I'm really excited about this. So get ready for the training sis. Don't put on anything sexy though if I were you. You would only get it wet," she says jokingly. I throw a pillow at her as she leaves my room. 

I get ready putting on training clothes and puts on my skull converse. My favorite shoes. I go down and eat and I come back and brush my teeth and brush my hair and I wait downstairs for Jake to get here. Finally after waiting 30 minutes. He comes in and grins at me and I blush and smile and I get up and walks towards him. "You ready to go babe? We are going to go to the pool and we are going to work on you summoning water and controlling it. By the time I'm done with you. You would know everything you need to know," he says to me.

I blush more and nod my head and I follow him to the outside pool and I start to feel nervous. Till Jake turned around and looks at me.

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