Chapter 19

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"Shit this isn't good," I say to them. They stand up and lets fire form in their hands as they wait for the dogs to come at them. "It's fine we got this you helped us out this far so you can go and let us handle the rest," the teen girl says to me. I look at them worriedly torn between getting out of there or helping them out. "I just can't leave you guys here I need to help you out and please don't hurt the dogs their just doing what they are trained for," I tell them

The teen boy just rolls his eyes and nods his head. "We won't just get out of here ok?" the teen boy says to me. I sigh and decide to do what they asked of me but before I leave them I want to know their names. "Ok fine I'll leave but tell me what your guys is names are?" I ask them. At first they are speechless but then they nod their heads. "Ok my name is Amelia and this lug of a guy is my brother Robby," Amelia says to me. I smile as I hear their names. "I love your guys is names it was nice to meet you both stay safe ok?" I say to them.

*Amelia's point of view* 

I want to look at the girl who helped us out. But I can't see much I'm still a little blind from the beating I got while being held prisoner. But I can't help but want to look at her. She was a strange girl in deed I've never heard someone say that to us before. But I don't think much of it because I hear the dogs coming closer and I want to be ready for them. 

I hear the girl retreating back to the house. I can't help but sigh in relief about it. I'm not used to being relieved on letting my target go. But I don't have time for this so I get ready to defend myself. We attack the dogs and make sure we don't hurt them. Then we start leaving the property. I think about what we should do once we leave the place and looks like bro had an idea because I hear him dialing a phone. 

We hid a phone by the mansion before we attacked the family.
Yes we already had this planned out. What we weren't expecting is for one of them to be so kind to us. 

*Robby's point of view*

Finally the phone stops ringing and someone picks it up. Then my body goes numb as I hear who's at the other end. "I take it you have good news for me Robby?" He asks me. I bite my lip and don't say anything. Then I sigh and knew I was going to regret this but I have no choice. "Yes I do sir, everything you said happened and we are ready to go to the next phase," I say to him. 

I don't get why I'm so nervous and edgy on telling him all of this. I was raised not to care but I do care about our savior. I think to myself before the guy tells me what I need to do.

*Aqua's point of view*

I get inside of the house and I start to relax and breathe a sigh of relief. When I feel someone behind me and covers my mouth. I'm about to attack my captor when I hear the familiar voice whisper in my ear. "It's me babe it's ok we did it so don't freak out ok?" He says to me. I nod my head and he lets go of my mouth and I turn around to face him. 

"Why did you cover my mouth like that?" I ask him. He just grins and pulls me to him and sighs in relief. Before he lets me go and answers me. "I wanted to make sure you didn't scream when I came up behind you is all," he says to me with a bigger grin on his face. We go to my room and when I sit on my bed. Jake pulls me into his lap and smiles at me. 

"Why are you holding me like this? You know I'm fine. I told you I can handle myself did I not?" I ask him. He laughs and rests his forehead against mines. "I know but I'm just glad that your safe is all," he says to me above a whisper. My eyes widen and I feel my face get hot. "Your such a dork I just don't get you at times," I say above a whisper as well. He cups my face in his hands and he looks into my eyes.

"What is there not to get? I do love you Aqua ever since we were kids I've been in love with you. I tried to get you out of my head but I couldn't. Now that I have you? I don't ever want to let you go," he says to me. I gasp and my eyes widen. I feel my face heat up and I knew that I was blushing like you would not believe. So he really did love me. 

"But when I told you that I loved you, you didn't say it back," I say. He chuckles before he talks. "That's because I was shocked I wasn't expecting you to say it so soon is all," he says to me. I see him blushing as well I can't help but giggle. "That's because I've loved you ever since we've been kids as well silly," I say to him. He smiles then he gets up and carries me in his arms and puts me in my bed and cuddles me to him. 

I smile. "Stay until I fall asleep?" I ask him. He grins and gets comfortable. "You bet sleep now my water queen," I hear him say before I fall asleep. I wake up to a scream and I fall out of bed and land on my hands and feet. I run out of my room and head towards the screams. Which is towards the bodyguards I curse inside of my head when I get there. I see Melody and Angelica there. I walk over to them. 

"W-what happened what's going on?" I ask them. Angelica looks at me and walks over to me. "The prisoners have escaped you and your sister should head to school now," she says to me. She hands me the keys to the car and I grin and I go into my sisters room and I see that she is already to go. "Awwwww well this sucks I was hoping to wake you up the same way as last time," I say jokingly. 

She sticks her tongue out at me and I laugh. "Careful now I'm the one who is going to be taking us to school your the one who's going to be left walking," I say cheekily. She runs at me and I run away laughing heading towards the car and I get in. Annabelle gets in after me and I drive us to school. 

Once we get to school I pull in and get out and sis and I head to our classes. A few hours later we are at lunch. I look around eagerly looking for Jake but I don't see him anywhere. "Hey sis? Do you know where Jake is at?" I ask her. Annabelle looks at me. "He must be with his dad. Whenever his dad needs him he doesn't come to school," she tells me. 

I look down and sighs. "I see that sucks I was hoping to see him today," I say trying to hide my disappointment. Annabelle looks at me and rubs my back. Then I look next to me I see a new face and I'm surprised. "Sis who's this guy? I've never seen him before," I ask Annabelle. She looks up to see what I'm talking about and sees the guy. 

With icy hair sitting next to me he looked like he was shy. "Oh that's Leon he wasn't here yesterday because he was sick he sits with us a lot," she says. I smile at him. "It's nice to meet you Leon I'm Aqua," I say to him. 

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