Chapter 33

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We all gather into our living room and we go and tell coach Purdy everything we thought we should tell him. About the plan we came up with, we left out the part about the wolf dream. He didn't need to know about that part. After we are done we sit there and wait for his reaction, at first he doesn't say anything. He just sits there and thinks over what we told him about the plan. "Wow didn't think you guys were this smart that's really impressive," he says. 

I can't help but want to roll my eyes at him I don't know who he thinks he is but he thinks we are a bunch of dumb teenagers. Until now but I knew I shouldn't get upset about it, as much as I hate to admit it. We did need help on this, after all despite everything we are in fact nothing more than teenagers. But still that shouldn't stop us.

I was about to say something when my phone rings and I goes and picks it up and answers it. "Hello?" I ask. At first no one says anything on the other line and I'm about to hang up when I hear my name being called on the other line. My eyes widen when I recognize the voice. "Amelia is that you?" I asked. Just as she was about to answer me that's when I hear her scream. Before the phone call got cut off. I just sit there and stare at the phone as if it was some live thing in my hand. 

Then I look up at the others. "Something happened that was Amelia on the other line it seems like she was attacked," I said. I get up after saying that and I quickly grab the keys to the car and runs outside. It wasn't long before I heard the others running after me behind me. We finally get to my car and we all hop in and I begin to drive us to where they lived. I made sure to find out where they lived before doing all of this on meeting them. I knew it would come in handy and I'm glad that I did do that.
It didn't take us long to get there before I pull up to their place. I runs to the door and breaks it down with a water blast.

I look around horrified when I walk into the house with the others behind me. The place looked like a bomb went off in here. The living room and the furniture was scattered all over the place, there was pieces of glass thrown all over the place. We start to search the rooms looking for Amelia and Robby we don't find Amelia anywhere. We do find Robby knocked out cold in a room. 

I go over to him and help him sit up and I splash a little water that I called up in my palm on his face. He sits up with a gasp and looks around panicky. I try to soothe him by rubbing his back but he pushes my hand away. "Where is Amelia? Where is my sister?" he demands from us. I shake my head. "She isn't here we only found you laying on the floor. My best guess would be she was taken," I say to him. 

His eyes widen in shock and then he gets angry and gets up. "I told her this would be dangerous! I told her and the rest of you that it wasn't a good idea! Now look what happened?! She is gone they took her because they found out we were helping you guys out!" he yells in frustration. I can't help but sighs and doesn't say anything for a bit. Because I knew he was right about what he said. I felt so bad we should never asked them to help us out. 

I stand up and go over to him and I put my hand gently on his shoulder but he shrugs my hand off of him. "Don't touch me I don't need this right now I need to be out there getting my sister back from them," he says. "I know and we want to help you out on getting her back we take responsibility on this happening. So the least we can do is help you get your sister back," I say to him.

At first he doesn't say anything. "Alright you can help me out I can't really do this on my own as much as I hate to admit it," he says. I nods my head but then remembered that he has his back turned to us. "Alright do you have any idea where she could be?" I asked him. He shakes his head no. I stand there and think it over about where she could be at. 

Nothing hits me and I can't help but feel helpless on this. But just then coach Purdy speaks up. "I think I know where she might be at but it's completely dangerous. But I know nothing I am going to say is going to stop you," he says to us. I nods my head at him, he is right about that there is nothing that is going to stop us from getting her back. "So tell us where she is at then?" I ask him. 

He sighs and shakes his head at me but I didn't care, We are responsible for this mess and for Amelia being taken away. The least we could do is get her back somehow, even if it is really dangerous. So coach Purdy tells us where Amelia is at and I can't help but feel my eyes widen when he tells us. Now that is something I should have figured out myself. But sometimes the most simple of things is something we can't help but over look at times I think to myself. 

We all pile into my car and I drives us to the place that will help us get to where we needed to go. I can't help but be nervous I have never been on a helicopter before. I have seen one close up but never rode in one. But the place we needed to get to wasn't a place we could just drive to, we needed to fly there. So I take a deep breath and I get into the helicopter along with the others. It was a tight squeeze for us all, but we managed to all fit. 

Coach Purdy was going to drive us to the island, apart from being a coach he also has his helicopter license. I couldn't help but be impressed and then it isn't long before we are being lifted up into the air. We get flown to the island and it's going to take us a while to get there, so I can't help but stare at the view before me. Finally after a couple of hours of being up in the air, we finally get close to the island. 

We don't even try to hide we knew that they knew that we were coming and that they were ready for us. But we try not to get caught and we are cautious we would see that traps were set up and we make sure not to trigger any of them. Finally we see the place that has Amelia in it and I can't help but be amazed by it. It looked more like a mansion then a place to hold misfits like us. 

"You sure you want to do this you guys? You all can turn back if you guys want", Robby says to us. I can't help but roll my eyes at him before I say anything to him. "We are not leaving you we have made it this far we can make it the rest of the way. So don't think you can get rid of us that easily", I say to him. I couldn't help but see a small smile play across his face. It goes away just as quickly as it came. We then get ready to head inside of the mansion as we face the enemy that's inside of this place.
I can't help but feel a chill run up and down my spin when we enter the place. When we do get inside we hear the door slam shut behind us. 

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