Chapter 38

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"The boy tries to use his powers and to his surprise he can't he couldn't believe it at all he knew he could use his powers after all he has been training himself to use them better. But now they refuse to be used but then he thinks about that maybe this room must be stopping him from using his powers. Sure enough as he is thinking about this the man comes back and smirks at him. As if reading his thoughts the man speaks up. 

'Trying to use your powers I take it? You won't be able to this room is made to stop people like us to use our powers when being held. It comes in handy don't you think?' he asked the boy. The boy doesn't say anything but shakes his head and the man smiles more. 'Oh well it won't be long before I get what I want,' the man said. The man leaves the room and the boy is sitting there all alone. 

"He just knew he had to think about doing something quick and soon before he didn't know what might happen to him. Soon the man comes back and unties the boy but puts him in handcuffs. The boy knew that the handcuffs would stop him from using his powers as well so he just follows the man as he leads him somewhere. 'I think what you are about to see will change your mind and makes you see things differently about this world for this world has a secret,' he says. 

"The boy didn't say anything and when they reached a room the man pulls him inside and un-cuffs him no doubt this room is made to stop him from using his powers as well. The man pulls the boy to a table and the boy couldn't help but gasp out loud in shock. For sitting on the table was fruit but it was glowing in a way and it was growing out of rocks. The boy has never seen fruit grow out of rocks before he didn't even think it was possible. 

"The man smiles and looks at the boy. 'Interesting aren't they?' he asks the boy. The boy just nods his head and doesn't really say anything. 'These fruits here are the reason why some of us have our powers for some reason eating this fruit brings out a power in you. It brings out that power to use it whenever you want. But of course it changes your hair though for some reason,' the man says. The boy just stayed silent and the man continued as if the boy already said something to him.

'I plan on taking this fruit to another world and control it like I am taking control over this world and I won't let anyone stand in my way not even you,' he said. The boy just shook his head and smirks. 'There will be someone to stop you whenever anyone tries to take over the world there is someone who will stop you,' the boy said. The man just laughs and shakes his head as if it was the most absurd thing the boy has said. 

'It doesn't matter what you say I know I will be able to do it because there will be no one to stop me,' he says. The boy laughs and smirks more. 'Oh there will be someone who will be able to stop you from doing this plan,' the boy says. 'Oh yeah and who is that going to be?' he asked. 'It's going to be me,' the boy said. As he says that he goes and kicks the mans legs out from under him. It took the man by surprise and he goes down and lands on his ass. 

"The boy grabs the fruit and makes a run for it he knew the man couldn't do anything to stop him and the boy knew it. But he can hear the guy chasing after him and he makes sure to run faster he sees the exit. He picks up the pace and runs out the door he sees the mans car and he goes inside of it. He breaks the window and he throws the fruit inside to the passenger seat. He gets in and hot wires the car. 'Come back here this instant!' shouted the man. The boy doesn't say anything he just smirks and starts up the car and drives away. 

"The boy thought he had lost the man but then he sees in the rear view mirror that the man grabbed another car and was chasing after him. The boy floors it and the car flies faster pushing the boy against the seat of the car.  But the boy doesn't let up but then when he glances at the back of the mirror he sees that the man is catching up to him. The boy tries not to panic as the man got to him faster. Then the boy sees something he hadn't noticed before. 

"There was a button on the gear shift that said push. It wasn't a normal gear shift the boy pushes the button and he gets thrown into his seat. As the car lurches forward faster than it was before the boy kept seeing the world flash by in a blur in different colors. The boy wished that this would stop soon and after a while it did. The car came to a complete stop making the boy lurch forward painfully against the seat belt strap. 

"The boy takes a deep breath and tries to calm down and he looks in the rear view mirror and didn't see the man that was chasing him. The boy started to relax but what the boy didn't know until later is that he was transported to a different world," Coach Purdy said. 

*Aqua's point of view* 

Everyone sat in silence in shock as they let the tale they just heard sink in. "So wait you didn't explain how Dr. James got here though?" I asked. Coach Purdy chuckles before he answers. "How else did he do it? The same way I did it turns out he made two cars that can travel to a different world," coach Purdy says. I sit there and shakes my head at this but then again it does make since how Dr. James was different than everyone else here. I felt it when I first met him and talked to him plus I think going to a different world slows his aging process. 

I sit there and think this all over until I felt someone poking my side. I look over to my right and sees my sister looking at me worriedly. I smile at her to reassure that I am fine. "I am fine I promise sissy no need to worry about me," I tell her. She nods her head and I hugs her and we sit like that for a while just hugging each other. Then mom and dad walk into the room and we all sit up and waits to hear what they have to say. 

"It looks like to me we were able to stop whatever it was that was controlling her. Turns out it was some device that they put in her head and we were able to pull it out no problem. But it will be a while before she recovers," mom said. We all sigh in relief as we hear this news I was just glad she was alright. "Also we have something else to talk to you about," dad pipes up. I freeze and dreads what he is about to say. "We decided you should know more and be able to help out. Your all old enough to make your own decisions as much as we don't like it," he says. 

I smile and runs over to mom and dad and so does sis we both hug them tightly to us. "Thank you mom and dad we won't let you down we promise," I say to them. I feel dad laugh under my ear. "We know we are sorry for how we treated you before you didn't deserve it," dad says. I looks up at him and smiles and hugs him tighter. "It's ok dad we understand why and we accept your apology," I said with a smile. Dad smiles back and kisses the top of our heads.   

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