Chapter 6

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I still feel shocked being in this library. I've never seen this many books in one room. I walk towards them and I skim over the titles. Some of them are books about cooking, magic, fiction and non fiction. Then I see books that are hand written and I pull them out. I carry them to a window seat and sit down. I pull one of the books into my lap and opens it up carefully. I look for a title but I don't find one so I keep looking. 

Then my eyes widen in shock as I read what's written. Turns out this book is about what happened thirty years ago. It was about the people who got changed and their children. There were a lot of them more than I thought there would be. "This must be what mom has been writing about. She has everything there is to know about these people," I say to myself in a whisper.

 Then I hear someone outside of the library door and I panic. I pull the books into my arms and look for a hiding place. But I can't find one then midnight pushes against the back of my legs. He whines and I follow him and I see that behind one of the bookshelves is a squeeze in area. I go to the spot there and squeezes through along with midnight as the door opens. 

I suck in a deep breath and I try to keep quiet as I see my mom and someone else with her walking inside. The guy looked like he was in his mid thirties. Mom and him seem to be in a deep conversation till I started to pick out words she was saying. "Misfits..... My daughters......... Their father......" Mom seemed to say. My eyes widen in shock what could mom possibly be talking about to this guy. I think to myself and then finally as if they heard me. 

Their voices seem to come in clearer. "You do know what needs to be done do you not?" The guy says to mom. She looked worried about something and she seemed to be scared of the man. "Yes I do but I don't think their ready yet including Aqua. She hasn't learned anything at all to control her powers. So I just need a little more time to train them. Then they will be ready for what needs to be done," mom says to the guy.

"Alright you have 5 months to train them and then it's time they do what was meant for them to do," the guy says. Mom nods her head and doesn't say anything she bites her lip and has a worried look on her face. "I understand sir, thank you so much you won't regret it," she says to him. "Alright now that, that's settled show me the books that have all of the data about the misfits," he says to mom. 

I start to panic because I have the books he wants in my arms and I tighten my hold on them. "Yes I need to add a little more to it and then I will give them to you tomorrow," mom says. I sigh in relief. "Very well now let's leave this library and head to your office I have something to show you," he says to mom. I scoot in more into the squeeze in area as they walk by and I hold my breath. 

When I hear the door click shut I breathe out and get out of the hiding spot. Midnight follows as well and I crumple to the ground in relief on not being noticed. Midnight nudges me and I smile at him. "It's ok boy I'm fine I promise," I say to him petting him with one hand and I get up and put the books back where they were. I walk out of the library and head back to my room. I mule over what mom says trying to make sense of it. Mom looked really afraid of him that's for sure. I think to myself. I lay on my bed and notice that sissy isn't in here anymore. She must have left when I wasn't looking. 

I pat my bed and midnight hops up on the bed with me and lays down next to me. I smile and pull him close and I bury my face in his fur and I drift back to sleep again. This time with no dreams at all. Before I knew it I hear a knock on my door and I turn over and goes back to sleep. Or at least I try to until I hear the knocking again. I sigh and get up and opens the door.

 Standing in front of me is my sister. "Hey sis you ready to go shopping?" She asks me. I pull sissy in and closes the door. "Sis I have something to tell you," I say to her urgently. She looks worried and sits on my bed. "Ok sis what happened?" She asks me. So I tell her everything that happened last night from the dream to what happened in the library. 

Sis is quiet for a little bit thinking over what I told her and she has a frown on her face. "Wow looks like we were both right mom is hiding something from us. I've seen those books you were talking about but I didn't bother reading them. I thought they would be boring to be honest sis," Annabelle says laughing a little bit. 

"It's fine sis I got to read some of it before mom and the guy came in. It was just about the people who got changed by the fruit and their children. It looks more like a data record book to me. But unfortunately we can't look at them further because that one guy wants them and mom said that she would give them to him today," I say to her. "Oh I can get them copied no problem sis leave it to me I'll get it done before mom takes them to the guy," sis says smiling. "Ok sis I'll get ready for the day then while your doing that. Unless you need my help?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. 

"I got this sissy just get ready I'll meet you downstairs in an hour mom is still getting ready it takes her a long time to get ready," sis says rolling her eyes as she walks out of my room. I go into my closet and pull out an outfit it was black skinny jeans along with a black blouse with one strap on the right shoulder and strapless on the left shoulder. I put them on and put on black lipstick and brush my hair and goes downstairs. 

I enter the kitchen and I'm greeted by Melody I smile at her. She smiles a little back and hands me a notebook I look at it and I read what she wrote. "Sorry about yesterday I had a lot going on so I couldn't talk much. But I wanted to let you know is that I'm deaf so I can't talk at all. It's nice to meet you," the note says.

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