Chapter 13

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"Hey you said you wouldn't laugh! it's not funny I'm being serious here," I say in a huff. He stops laughing and looks serious again. "I know I'm sorry for laughing. I will help you out on this. Though this is going to set us back though," he says with a frown. I look down and sighs and I turn over in bed and hides my face in my pillow and screams in it. I feel myself being turned over and I look up at Jake and he smiles down at me and he strokes my cheek with his fingers. I shiver in pleasure and I blush deeply. "It will be ok we will work it out and get this all figured out. We are in this together are we not?" he asks me. I laugh and nods my head and I see him smirk at me. "That's my girl I knew you had it in you," he says. "Your such a dork do you know that?" I ask him with a laugh. He just grins at me and kisses the tip of my nose and I grin. He lays next to me and cuddles me to him and I relax to his touch. "So does this mean we are done training for the day?" I ask him.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Yes tomorrow we are going to go at it on you facing your fear that is if your up to it?" He asks me raising one of his eyebrows at me. I nod my head yes and I have a determined look on my face. "This time I won't back down and let the fear get to me. You will see I'm just sorry that we couldn't do it today I thought it wasn't going to affect me. But I guess I was wrong then," I say.

Jake lifts my face up by using my chin and cups my face in his hands and he looks at me. I couldn't help but blush. "It's ok you being alive and getting rest is way more important than training right now so I want you to get plenty of it. Plus you have school tomorrow when you overcome your fear we will go out to eat on a date how does that sound?" He asks me.

My face goes completely red and I nod my head and snuggles closer. "Sounds good to me I'm going to hold you to it. Because I'm going to hold you to it on your promise. If you don't I'll make you regret it," I say jokingly. He laughs and kisses me and I kiss him back and wraps my arms around him and holds him tight. "Is it night time here?" I ask him. "Nope it's still the middle of the day if it wasn't I wouldn't be in bed with you. No matter how badly I want to be in your bed," he says with a wink.

I smack him up side of the head as I laugh at how ridiculous he sounds. "Well then now that your awake do you want to see how your sister and my sister train together?" He asks me. I can't help but have a eager look on my face as I hear of this and I nod my head yes in agreement. So we both get out of bed and we head to where both our sisters are training. My eyes widen in wonder as I see where my sister trains.

The room looked like the room the two teens that they have in. But the room obviously doesn't stop sis from using her powers.

It seems to be a training room that helps enhance her abilities. I look for Jake's sister and I find her in the control room. She waves at us when she sees us so we go where she is and we watch what we couldn't see before come up on screen. Annabelle was in the dark and she was trying to control her darkness powers and it looked like it might not work because the darkness refuses to be controlled so sissy keeps trying harder.

I couldn't help but be impressed on how well she could make the darkness do her will. Even if it looked like it wasn't going well. Then Rose changes the scenery and Annabelle is in a desert and she couldn't use her darkness powers because the darkness isn't anywhere around her. So she has no choice but to use her brain powers as we see some creatures come and try to attack sissy.

But she easily dodges it and takes control of their mind making them do what she wants them to do. Then finally Rose shuts off the system and Annabelle collapses where she is at and I race to her and I help her up. I get her in a sitting position and I start to worry. "You ok sis?" I ask her worriedly. She nods her head yes and smiles up at me. "Yes sissy I'm fine just trying out a new level is all. It looks like I still have more work to do that's for sure," she says.

I smile at her and I breathe a sigh of relief and I hug her tightly. "Sis how long did it take you to control your powers?" I ask her curiously. She laughs and smiles at me and messes up my hair. "It took me a long while to be honest I was afraid of it till I learned how to control it better. Once I did it came naturally to me. Sometimes we are afraid of what we have till we learn to accept it," she says to me.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock I wasn't expecting my sister to give me advice. She doesn't seem like the advice type. (Hey sorry I had to rewrite this part because I just realized that she can control her darkness powers in the dark well anyways back to the story please enjoy it.)

After training is done we all go and get something to eat and we enjoy our time together. "Hey sissy how did you do on your training?" She asks me. I blush and looks down and shakes my head. "I-it didn't go well my memory of the shark attack done me in. So Jake said we are going to work on it more tomorrow after school," I tell her.

Sis looks at me with worry in her eyes and I hug her and smile. "It will be ok sissy I promise I'll be fine you don't have to worry about me trust me sissy," I tell her. She smiles and punches my arm lightly. "Ok sissy I believe you so now tell me about you and Jake since we are done with training for the day," sissy says to me. I silently curse in my head and sigh.

"Alright I'll tell you what happened Jake and I are dating now he asked me out last night," I said with a blush. Sissy giggles at me and I feel my face getting redder as I told her. "Your going to tease me about this aren't you?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything and just smirks. I feel dread run down my spine and I go back to eating my food. After we are done eating we head back into the house and go to the mini theater that I found out that we have in the house. We watch some movies and we have fun for a bit. Till finally it was time for Jake and Rose to go. I get up and kisses Jake before he leaves and then it's just my sister and I. 

        "Well sissy I'm scared about tomorrow on starting a new school. What's our school like?" I asked her. She is quiet for a bit thinking and then she opens her mouth to talk. "Our school is a private school most of the kids are pretty cool. Some are snobs but their not bad and their not a threat. But you need to watch out for Stacy because she is a royal bitch. If you get on her bad side? I would feel sorry for you sissy," she says to me. I blush and sighs and I nod my head and I go into my room and think. I get my stuff ready for school tomorrow.

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