Chapter 39

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After everyone went their separate ways I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was missing something here. Coach Purdy didn't tell us about how the fruits got into the hands of others he either forgot or he doesn't want to tell us. So I go over to him and I confront him about it. "How come you didn't tell us about how people got a hold of the fruit that changed all of us?" I asked him. He was quiet for a moment. "That's because there isn't really much to tell I hid them and he found me turns out he had a tracker on the car go figure," he says. 

I wait for him to keep going. "Once he found me he tried to take them and I wouldn't let him so we fought and I lost and he took them and well you know the rest," he says. I just nods my head and I'm disappointed on what I found out. I was actually hoping that he got away and accidentally dropped them. But that was really stupid to think that so I felt foolish. After I talked to him I go back to where Jake is at. 

*warning sex scene* 

As soon as Jake saw me he grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room and closed and locked the door behind us. He doesn't let go of my hand and he pulls me towards the bed I sit down and he sits down next to me. I didn't want to say anything there was just too much stress put on me all I wanted was to be with Jake and feel his touch on my skin. As if he heard my thoughts he cups my face and brings his lips close to mines. 

I close my eyes and give in to the kiss and I kiss him deeply as he kisses me back just as deeply he pulls me further on the bed and lays me down and gets on top of me. We kiss each other hungrily and desperately he pulls away from my lips. Only to trail them over my neck and I bite back a moan then he stops and looks at me. "Do you want me to go further or just kiss?" he asked me. Instead of answering with words I answered with my body and grinds into him and starts tugging off his shirt. 

He understood at once and takes off my shirt as well and kisses around my collarbone and kisses down to the curve of my breasts. He looks at me again for confirmation and I nods my head yes and he undoes my bra. When he pulls it off I can't help but blush and have this urge to cover myself up. But I don't instead I watch his reaction and the look he gives me melts my heart. He was looking at me with adoration. 

Like he has never seen anything more as intoxicating and beautiful as me. He kisses the tops of my breasts and cups them in his hands then I moan out a little as he teases my nipples with his thumbs. I feel my nipples harden as he does this and then he puts his mouth on one of them and teases the nipple with his tongue. While he was playing with the other one with his thumb I felt every inch of my body craving him and wanting him. 

I never felt this way before it scares me yet excites me all at the same time after he finishes teasing my nipples with his tongue and fingers he kisses his way down to my pants line. He looks at me again to see if I changed my mind or not so when it looked like I wasn't going to change my mind. He undoes my pants and pulls them off I blush deeply I wasn't prepared for this. Otherwise I would be wearing sexier panties and not cotton ones. He takes off his pants as well and then his boxers exposing his erection. 

He takes off my panties and I reach out to him and cups his cock into my hands. I look up wanting to see his reaction and I was satisfied when I saw him throw back his head a little. In pleasure so I teases his tip with my fingers for a while enjoying the reactions he shows. Whenever I do something to his cock I see his precum  glistening on his tip. I licked it and then looks up at him. "Tell me want you want me to do," I asked him in my sexiest voice. He looks at me with lust and love swirling in his eyes. 

"I want to be in you," he said to me with a husky voice. I smile at him. "Then go ahead and get inside of me," I said to him. He gets back on top of me again and then rubs his cock against my pussy entrance. I moan and thrusts my hips up wanting him inside of me so badly but he moves his cock. "Not yet my love have to do something first," he said. He gets up and goes and gets a condom from his wallet. But then I shakes my head. 

"You don't need that I'm on the pill I said to him," I blush when I say that. My mother made sure that I was when I started to date Jake. He just nods his head and drops the condom and then he comes to me again and he gets on top of me. He positions himself in between my legs ad he thrusts in me driving himself into me. I moan in pleasure and clings to him as he waits and lets me get adjusted to his size. I spreads my legs wider so he can have more room once my body got adjusted. 

That's when he slowly thrusts in and out of me. I moan out in pleasure thrusting my hips up matching him stroke for stroke. I can see how much he loved it. "God baby your so tight I feel you tightening around my cock pulling me deeper inside of you," he says. I blushes and giggles and then he slams into me making me gasp and moan in surprise and pleasure I dug my nails into his back as he goes a little faster. He moans out my name and then without missing a beat and making sure that he doesn't slide out of me. 

I flip us over taking control riding him slowly he puts his hands on my hips and helps me out by thrusting up as I ride him up and down. Each time he thrust'd up I felt him brush against my pleasure spot feeling myself tighten even more around his cock. I start to ride him a little faster and that's when my pleasure spot got hit in the right away and it made me cry out in pleasure and I feel myself cumming. As he keeps thrusting up riding it out with me on my pleasure spot and then as I tightened around him one last time. 

That's when I felt him cum deep inside of me I cum again as he does and then I collapses on top of him catching my breath he wraps his arms around me holding me close to him I smile and snuggles close and relaxes in his arms taking a breather and soon I drift off to sleep and I begin to dream. 

*The dream* 

I'm walking around in a cemetery I knew it was dream because people were laughing and talking. Around the cemetery acting like it was a party instead of a place to bury the dead I was in this black ball gown and wearing these black boots and no one seemed to notice me. But then I see movement at the corner of my eye and I turn around and looks. I saw fur and curious I follow the furred animal into the trees. 

Once in the trees the furred creature stops and I noticed that it was a wolf and it was my wolf it was midnight. "Hey there midnight it's been a while didn't think I would be seeing you again," I say to the wolf. He just smiles at me.   

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