Chapter 45

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I grin real big as I step on it and knew I could control it this time. Dr. James was shocked when he saw what I did. It made me grin even more and I ride it towards him and rams him with it wrapping him up into the board. I jump off and looks at him when I have him tightly in the waterboard now a prison water ball. But then something happens and before I knew it he summons his powers to him and breaks out of it. 

I couldn't help but grit my teeth and then I screamed a battle yell and runs at him. He gets surprised and that was just enough for me to knock him on his ass and get on top of him. I make a water bubble that was big enough for his head and wrapped it around his face. He couldn't breathe and just like any reaction. When someone feels like they are drowning he flails all over the place trying to get out. 
He wasn't able to focus on using his powers to get out of it. I couldn't help but smile gleefully as I do this to him. He was going to die now and I was going to watch. 

But then something happens and I get thrown off of him and I fly through the air and then I landed hard on my ass and I quickly get up. I look around to see what threw me off of him and then I looked at him and my eyes widen in shock. His powers were coursing through him and you could see them clearly. 

I quickly get into battle mode when coach Purdy comes downstairs and instead fights Dr. James. "This is going to end here and now I am finally going to have my revenge on you for killing my mother all these years ago," he says. Dr. James just laughs at him and Purdy gets mad and he summons his earth powers to himself. 

Dr. James smiles in glee and gathers his powers as well and then the fight begins. Coach Purdy tries to hit Dr. James with rocks and some of the stuff that is inside of the walls at Dr. James but he makes a shield and it hits that instead. Coach Purdy gets mad and then closes his eyes and summons every power that he has inside of himself. 

He pushes it out of him and the whole ground shakes making it rise and Dr. James's eyes widen in shock as this happens and he falls on his ass and that's when coach Purdy buries him under deep into the earth. I stood up and walks over to him. "Do you think its finally over or is this not the last time we will see him?" I asked him. He turns towards me and smiles. 

"It depends on how deep I buried him because I am not exactly sure how deep I put him underground," he says. I nodded my head and goes over to where Dr. James was swallowed up and looked down the hole. I saw that it was very deep and it looked like a bottomless pit. We stand there for an hour and when we don't feel or see anything. 

That was a sign of Dr. James coming back we both sighed in relief and looked at each other grinning. "Oh my god I can't believe we actually did it we actually defeated him," I said in awe. The others soon crowds around us and I couldn't help but grin real big at everyone. 

"It took you guys long enough to get here," I said. "Well we had trouble getting here we ran into a few issues along the way," mom said. I just laugh and smiles real big on it and we get up I looked around and sighed. "I am so sorry for the big mess we made mom and dad," I said guiltily. Mom and dad just smiled and shook their heads. "Its fine we were expecting it to happen anyways," mom said. 
I sighed in relief and nodded my head because I understood and was glad that they didn't get mad at us for doing that. 

*A few months later* 

Its been a few months since all the shit happened with Dr. James. We never heard from him so we assumed that he will forever be stuck in the ground. I just kept having a feeling that he was going to come back. But I knew he wouldn't stay underground for long it was only going to be a matter of time before he came back. So I make sure to train constantly. So did Annabelle she trains with me as well and we have gotten stronger.  

Midnight and Nightmare turned back into wolves a few days after everything happened. Amelia and Robby have left as well his sister was able to remember everything. She was able to handle her powers now. Coach Purdy went back to being our coach again at school along as being our private tutor as well. Mom and dad are living together and we have become a family again. Things couldn't have ended up anymore good then they already have. 

The rest of the misfits that were working with Dr. James got taken cared of. They now work for mom and dad. Sis and I have also started working with them as well. Jake and Josh have helped out as well and we are all doing great together on dating. 

The End 

*Authors note* 

That's all I can think of for this story hope you all enjoyed it. 

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