Chapter 28

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"What do you mean you were going to tell us later? There shouldn't have been any later you should have told us about it sooner!" I shout. I get up and I storm out of the room. Not caring that the guards tried to stop me. I just kept storming pass. I didn't hear anyone go after me. Guess dad didn't let them that made me madder so I start running down the halls.

Not paying attention just running and turning whenever I needed to turn. Finally I ran into a backyard and I stop running and I fall down to my knees and I curl up into a ball and I start to cry. I didn't care if anyone saw. I just knew I had to cry and let it all out. Finally ten minutes later I let it all out and I just sit there and stare at the grass.

Then I hear someone behind me. I turns around and noticed that it was my sister. When she saw that I was crying she goes over to me and pulls me close. I cling to her and I bury my face in her neck and we just sit there holding onto each other. Finally after thirty minutes later we both pull apart and just calm ourselves down.

"Sorry about that sissy I didn't mean to storm out like that. It's just that dad made me so mad you know?" I tell her. She nods her head and she kisses the top of my head. "I know I get it I really do. It's going to be a while before we can wrap our heads around this. But you and I always have each other's backs am I right?" She asks me.

I just laughs a little and nodded my head. "Your right sissy sisters to the end like we promised," I tell her. She grins big at me. "Good just wish we had that recorded on you saying that I'm right," she says teasingly. I just rolls my eyes at her and sticks my tongue out at her. "Did I miss anything when I stormed out of there?" I asked her.

She shakes her head no. "Nope you didn't after you stormed out I ran after you and dad just sat there. But I think he talked to the guards because they never did follow either of us out here," she says to me. I nods my head. "I figured that much. Let's just go back and figure this all out. But I don't think I can forgive our parents any time soon," I say to her.

She nods her head at me. "I agree with you now let's get going," she says to me. I nods my head and I get up and follow sissy back inside. We find the library room and dad is still there where we left him. The guards gave us dirty looks but I didn't care. We sat back where we were sitting at before. Dad smiles up at us and I smile a little back.

"Sorry about that dad. It's just a lot to take in you know?" I asked him. He nods his head at me. "I understand you had every right to be upset about this. But we only did it for your own good. We really didn't want to lie to you girls," he says to us. I sigh and just nods my head. "So now what? Now that we know what's going to happen now?" I asked him.

He doesn't say anything for a moment he's too busy lost in his own thoughts. "Remember how I said due to circumstances I had to tell you all of this sooner?" He asked us. We both nods our heads yes. "Well while I was looking around for answers about Dr. James. I found something really interesting in his lab. He was working on an experiment that's highly dangerous. Well I don't know what gave it away but he found out I was there," dad says.

My heart tightens a bit on what he is saying. I may be mad at my dad but that doesn't mean I want him to be dead. I still love him and care about him. Sure he lied to me and faked his own death. But people do that when they don't have a choice. "So he has been looking for me. He was going to use you girls to find out where I was at. But we couldn't have that. That's why I had you girls brought here," he says to us.

"What about mom? Where is she?" I asked dad. "She is here as well we are going to be going into hiding for a bit until everything gets cooled down. That means you girls can't go to school for a while," he says. I sit there speechless.

*Jakes point of view*

When lunch time came around and I didn't see Aqua I started to get worried. She wouldn't miss school without telling me. Something happened. I get up and when no one is looking I decide to ditch school to go look for Aqua. I go to her house and knocks on the door. After waiting for 5 minutes and no one answers I start to worry more. I pick lock the lock.

Two minutes later the door swings open for me and I walks inside of the house. "Hello? Anyone home?" I call out. No one answers and I look around the place. I don't even see midnight or nightmare. Aqua's and Annabelle's wolves. Just when I was about to scream in frustration I felt my phone vibrate. I pull it out of my pants pocket and I look to see that I got a text from Aqua.

Aqua: "Hey baby I know you are wondering where I'm at right now. But you don't have to worry. I'm fine and I'm safe we won't be able to see each other for a while though. I have to stay in hiding for a while I don't want to but I don't have a choice. I'm going to miss you so so much we will see each other before you know it," the text read.

My eyes widen in shock on what I read. Then I shake my head and set her a text back saying this.
Jake: "Baby you have to tell me where you are at. I want to be there with you. No way do I want to lose you. You mean the world to me. I just got you back I don't want to lose you again," I sent back.
I wait for her to text me back I wait for 15 minutes before I get a text back from her.

Aqua: "I know but I don't want you to be in danger at all. Dr. James doesn't know anything about you. He doesn't know that you know anything about him. I want to keep it that way. That's why I don't want you to be put in danger," she sent back.

I groans as I look at the message I don't text her back. I just knew I had to find her. I didn't care what she said I will find her.

*Aqua's point of view*

I sigh when I sent the last text to him. The truth is I don't want to be away from him I wanted to see him badly. But I knew I would be putting him at risk if I let him know where I'm at. That's why I want to keep it that way. I look over at Annabelle and I see that she was upset as well.

I didn't blame her after all. Her and Josh finally got to be a couple and now she can't see him for a while. I go over to her and I hugs her and rubs her back. She hugs me back and starts to cry silently on my shoulder. I hold her closer and let her cry it out. After a while she finally gets done. She pulls away and I look at her. "You going to be ok sissy?" I asked her.

She nods her head and I go and get her tissues. She smiles at me and I smile back. I just hope we don't have to stay here too long. That's the only thing I'm worried about. I think to myself.

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