Chapter 43

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*Aqua's point of view* 

Once we got done setting everything up that's when Dr. James came over and I was glad we had it set up in time. Now we just had to wait for the plan to take place. Dr. James looks us up and down and I can't help but think he didn't like us at all. But pretty soon he gives us a toothy grin.  I couldn't help but think wow he must be a horrible kisser. 

Thinking like that almost made me laugh out loud and I couldn't have that because Dr. James would take it as offensive to him. I just smile at him and he smiles at me back then things got awkward because he kept staring at me. I wanted to tell him to stop but I knew mom and dad would get angry at me. 

So I don't say anything as my parents walk Dr. James to the living room and he sits down. We all do the same and then we play the waiting game. Where we wait for someone to answer on what they want to say to you. But they take forever to reply back no matter what they do. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore so I had to say something. 

"So Dr. James what brings you to our place?" I asked him. I felt all eyes on me and I didn't care if no one else was going to say anything then it was up to me to say something then. "Well I came here to offer you guys an opportunity to join me in the biggest research I have ever done before. I finally got what I wanted and I wanted you all to join me. I know you guys would make great soldiers," he says to us. 

I bite my lip and thinks about what he said to us and I couldn't help but be both fascinated and mad at the same time. "So what is it that you are doing? We need to know if we are going to join your army," I said. Dr. James just looks at me for a moment before he bursts out laughing. "Well you see I have perfected the fruit and I can now make anyone willing to join my army more powerful than before," he says. 

I get quiet and then mad at what he is saying. He can't be serious I mean what the actual fuck? I wanted to say something else but he cuts me off before I have any words spilling out of my mouth. "I know you guys have been watching me and spying on me don't think I haven't noticed that. But I let it slide because I need you. Otherwise I would have done you in. I want to take over not this world but every world that's out there," he says. 

I looked at him horrified. He was nuts that's what he is I knew I had to get the trap sprung quickly before its too late. I crawl to the back of the couch he is sitting on and then I pull a lever and a chemical comes down and blinds Dr. James. He screams in pain and I know it made him temporarily blind. Then I pull the lever again and a huge cage comes crashing down on him trapping him and breaking the couch in the process. 

Good thing mom is rich otherwise I would have been in serious trouble for doing that. I knew he wouldn't escape we made it to where his powers don't work when in this cage. At first everyone is quiet and doesn't make a sound and then everyone is talking at once. "What the fuck just happened?........ Why is he in a cage?........... Aqua your in so much trouble young lady!.......... Holy shit I can't believe it worked!............." 

Finally everyone settled down and then Dr. James lets out a huge roar and starts slamming himself against the cage wanting out. I couldn't help but smirk when he tried to get himself out of it.  Looks like we did well on keeping him in there and building that cage. "Aqua explain yourself this instant young lady!" my dad shouted out loud. 

I couldn't help but flinch a little when he called out my name. "I will but can we not do it in front of the prisoner please?" I asked. Dad sighed and shook his head at me. "Alright fine but you are going to explain everything got me?" Dad asked me. I just nodded my head and we all filed out of the living room and into the kitchen. 

Dad stood in front of me and looked down on me and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now start explaining yourself," he said. So I told him everything that happened and what we had planned after I was done my dad was speechless and didn't know what to say. I couldn't help but smile I never made my dad speechless before ever so I couldn't help but suck up all the glory on that. 

"Alright I must admit that I liked what you did and what happened but you still should have told me and your mother about it. But looks like you did a fine job but next time you come up with something like that please tell me?" He asked me. I nodded and looked down feeling bad. I didn't mean to upset my dad I just wanted to do what was right. 

I looked at my dad and smiled. "You have to admit you have a bad ass daughter you can't deny that," I said with a smirk. He laughs and grabs me to him and hugs me tightly. "Your right but still this bad ass daughter of mine better think better of what she does," he says back. I giggle and nods my head and he lets me go.

Just like that I am forgiven for what I did. My dad isn't big on punishing me he doesn't believe in it. So I try to respect that by not getting into any trouble if I could help it. I just knew that I am glad for what I did. But we needed to act soon otherwise he might find a way out of that cage. "So dad where are we going to put him now?" I asked my dad. I didn't really think that one through. But oh well you can't always think of everything. 

Dad didn't say anything for a bit and I waited for him to have something to say. "I know where we could put him. Once that is done we need to think up a plan to stop him," dad says. "Why don't we just kill him then daddy? I mean he was going to do it to us so why can't we do the same to him?" I asked him. My dad had a horrified look on his face. I didn't really blame him since I am not really the type to want to kill anyone. 

But Dr. James was up to no good and the only way to stop him is by killing him. But I was going to let my dad decide what to do. But if worse comes to worse then I will kill him and get rid of him for good. We go back into the living room and sees that Dr. James is still in the cage I couldn't help but smirk to that. We walks towards the cage and I see that it was on wheels I forgot that I put wheels on it. 

Dad gets behind it and starts pushing it out of the living room and into an elevator that we decided to add to the place. Once that was done we left and went back upstairs and started to think up a plan to deal with Dr. James. It's a good thing we had this place sound proofed otherwise I am sure we would have been hearing him scream right now. 

We really couldn't think of anything so we stopped and started to clean up this place. Once we were done an hour later I go upstairs to my room and pretty soon Midnight follows me along with Jake. I could feel the tension between them and I knew it wasn't good at all.  

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