Chapter 14

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Once I have my stuff ready I go and look for my mother. I never really got to see the house much and I don't know where she would be so I look in every room. Each room was full of surprises. This place really is huge. Finally I find her in her office and I see that she is on the phone. 

She notices me and she puts up her finger to me to tell me to give her a moment. I go and sit down and wait for her to finish with her phone call. When she is done she hangs up and smiles at me. I smile back a little nervously. 

"Yes sweetie? What can I do for you?" She asks me. I look down and gather my thoughts to me. "Hey mom? I was wondering how do I get over my fear of the water? I trained with Jake today and I panicked and let the water take me down," I say. I look up at her even though a part of me wants to look down. 

But I don't I wait for my moms reaction and I see concern in her eyes for me. I couldn't help but blush. "I was afraid this was going to happen. I was hoping that I was wrong," she says to me. I look down and sigh and feel like an idiot and a weakling for letting that fear get the best of me. "Sweetie don't feel bad it's only natural that it would scare you still. You were really little and no one really tried to help you conquer that fear. But it will be ok I know you can do this, you will be able to face your fear no problem. Just have confidence in yourself. You control the water not the other way around just keep practicing. I have a lot of faith in you," she says to me.

My eyes widen in shock as I hear her say this to me. Everyone has faith in me so I'm more afraid then ever on screwing it up. But if they can believe in me why can't I do the same? I think to myself. "Your right sorry mom for being a coward I should have known better than to doubt myself," I say. She smiles as she hears me say this. "That's my girl, now is there anything else I can do for you?" she asks me.

I blush even more and I look down and shake my head no. "Nope that was it I'm nervous about starting a new school tomorrow but I know I can do it," I say. Mom smiles at me and comes over to me and hugs me tightly I blush and look down and hug her back tightly. "Now get to bed you have to get up early and Melody will be taking you and your sister to school," she says to me. I nod my head and I head to my room and I crawl into my bed and I start to fall asleep. 

That's when I have a nightmare and I toss and turn I dreamt that Jake left me and then ended up being with the Stacey chick my sister warned me about. Then I heard everyone laughing at me at the school even my sister and they all walk away from me and leave me alone. I start to scream in the dream and I wake up with a start. I looked at the time and realized that I had 2 hours to go before I had to wake up and go to school.

I sigh and lay back down and look up at the ceiling and I think about the dream. Don't be a coward Aqua you know you can do this. You faced tougher things than this. I think to myself I roll over to my side and I close my eyes and go back to sleep. Two hours later my phone goes off letting me know it's time to wake up and get ready for school. 

I get up and get dressed and a half hour later I'm downstairs getting breakfast and I wait for my sister to come down. When 10 minutes go by and she still hasn't come down I go upstairs and into her room and I see that she is still sleeping. I grin wickedly and I put my finger to my lips as nightmare looks up at me and she goes and lays her head back down on her paws. 

I sneak into her room and I jump on the bed and screams. "Wake up!" I scream. My sister screams and falls off the bed and I fall on the bed laughing so hard. My sister gets up and glares at me. "That wasn't funny! You scared me half to death!" She says angrily. I just laugh more and smile. "Why dear sissy you did the same to me so this is payback!" I say laughing. 

She gets up and brushes herself off and then she jumps on me and starts to tickle me. I squeal and try to get away. "Enough sissy! We are going to be late for school! So get ready!" I say in between giggles. She grins and stops and let's me get up. She starts to get ready for school and we both come down the stairs. In time for us to go to school. 

I can't help but feel nervous as we get into the car and gets driven to school and Melody lets us out. She waves to us and then she does her signing and sissy nods her head and does it back. I watch stunned, but then again it's to be expected from my sister. "What did she say sis?" I ask her as Melody leaves and sis and I head to the entrance to the school. 

"She said she is going to pick us up after school is all. She also said for me to take care of you. Like I'm not already going to do that anyways," she says to me. I laugh sissy grins and we head to the front office so I can get my class schedule. We head to the front desk and a sweet lady with glasses smiles at me. She looks to be about in her late 60's and she seemed like the motherly type with curly brown hair. "Hello dears how can I help you?" she asks us. I bite my lip and sis elbows me in the back, telling me to step forward and talk. "Yes I am new here my name is Aqua Summers and I came here to get my schedule please," I say in a small voice. 

The lady smiles at me and goes on the computer and types a little and then pulls up something and prints it out. Once done she hands it to me. "There you go dear welcome to Summers high school," she says to me. My eyes widen as I hear the name of the school for the first time. We leave after saying thank you and I pull sissy to the side. "Does mom own this school?" I ask her. Sissy laughs and smiles. "She does more than own it she built this school. This school is for misfits like us mom thought it would be a good idea to build this school so that's what she did she also build other schools for children of all ages even for college!" She says. 

My eyes widen in shock and then I laugh. "Our mother is sure something else that's for sure," I say. Sis smiles and then grabs my hand. "Well let's go I'll take you to your first class. I'll be taking you to all your classes until you know your way around here. So let me see your schedule," she asks. I nod my head and hands it over to her and she looks at it and smiles. 

"Ok looks like we have first period together you will love our teacher!" She says. She drags me along and I look around me and I see other students and a lot of them have different color hair and some even had normal color hair minus their unusual unique eye colors. I smile and start to relax some. Maybe this won't be hard after all. I think to myself.

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