Chapter 27

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Just as she was about to pull them in. Something happens to cause sissy to not be able to use her powers. Someone shot a dart at her. She falls down and is knocked out. I run to her and picks her up but then I get shot as well. We both end up passing out. 

*Strangers point of view* 

After I shot them with darts to knock them out. I go over to them and help the others load them into the car. I try to be gentle as much as possible. Finally we get them in the car and we drive away from the school. I looks down at them and I brush the hair out of their faces. I can't help but stare at them.
But I shake myself and pull it together and we finally reach the safe house. I help them carry the girls in and once done. I leave the room to go get a few things they would need once they wake up. I get everything I think they will need and I go back to the room and waits for them to wake up. I just knew that this was going to be a long day.

*A few hours later Aqua's point of view*

I wake up and for a moment I forget what happened. Until I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my own room. Then I spot someone on a chair. My first instinct is to go on the defensive. But something about this person makes me stop. Then I noticed my sister laying next to me. I shake her awake. At first she tries to swat my hand away.
But then when I shake her more determinedly. 

That's when she sits bolt upright and is looking around her. Then she sees the person in a chair watching us. Annabelle growls and is about to attack her captor. When none of her powers seem to be able to work. I hear her swear out loud on it. But I would be mad as well. Because now that means that we are fucked and are at their mercy. 

I go over to the guy sitting there. "Hello there I was wondering what the fuck is going on?" I tried to be nice but as you can see. I couldn't because I was so mad about being captured it really sucked big time. The guy doesn't say anything for a moment. He just looks me up and down. "Hello Aqua it's good to see you guys up. Now if you guys would get dressed there is someone I want you to meet," the guy said. 

I'm speechless for a moment and I don't say anything for a moment. "How did you know my name? Who are you and where are we? I'm not doing anything until I get my questions answered," I say with my hands on my hips. The guy just sighs and gets up. "He told me you would be difficult but okay then. If you really want to know everything. Then you should follow me," he says. 

I just sigh and shrugs my shoulders and helps my sister up and her and I stay together. "Alright fine then lead the way jackass," I say. He huffs and I can't help but grin at his reaction. He leaves the room and both my sister and I follow him and we look around I couldn't help but laugh. It was a weird place that much was for sure. It looked like a haunted house that they worked too hard on and couldn't make it scary enough.

After walking a while we reach a door that has two guards guarding it on either side. Once our escort stops and talks to them. They let us in and when we walk into the room I couldn't help but be amazed. The room was a library and it was so huge! It looked like you could fit three rooms into this one room. That's how big the place is. 

"Alright I want you girls to stay here while I go and get the guy who is in charge here. You can look around but don't leave this room!" He says. I just roll my eyes and nods my head. Once he leaves I start to look around and my sister starts to follow me. I couldn't help but be amazed about this library I was just dying to get my hands on these books and reads them. 

But I knew that I can't because my sister and I need to figure out a way to get out of this place. But just when I'm about to try to look for an exit I hear the guy come back. I can't help but groan but when I turn around? Everything else I seem to forget as I see who the person is standing in front of me. "N-no it can't be no! You died I watched you die!" I say all panicky. The person standing in front of me is none other than my own father. My father stands there and smiles at me a little. "I know you did but let me explain please?" He asked me pleadingly. 

I shake my head no at him. "Why should I? You made me believe you were dead these past few months!" I yell at him. He looks sad and he looks down before he looks back up at me. "I know but I had to I had a good reason to at the time. Now I'm ready to explain it to you. So please let me do that?" He asks me. 

I sigh and nods my head. "Ok fine but you get one chance and then that's it you got me?" I say to him. He just nods his head and he walks over to me. I tense up a part of me wants to run over to him and hugs him tightly another part of me wants to smack the shit out of him. Never thought I would see the day where I would want to smack the shit out of my own father.

I look over to see how Annabelle is dealing with this on seeing our dad. But she looks speechless for once. I couldn't blame her I would be speechless as well if I was in her shoes. I turn back around to look at my dad and I see him sitting in a chair and he ushers us over to sitting in the chairs that are in front of him. 

I can't help but feel like this is the first time when I saw my mom and talked to her all over again. I sit and wait to see what he has to say. At first it's all quiet and no one is saying anything at first. But finally I couldn't take it anymore so I begin to speak. "Ok now that you have us here now would be a good time to start talking dad," I say to him. He nods his head and smiles at me.
I don't smile back I wait for him to begin talking.

He takes a deep breath and sighs. "What you saw happen a few months ago. Wasn't me it was a spell a trick to make it look like I was shot and killed. I needed them to believe that so I could roam around more freely to get more info on Dr. James. It was necessary at the time. I didn't want to leave your side. But your mother and I agreed that it would be best if you lived with her and she helps teach you how to use your powers," he says to me. 

I'm stunned but I should have known mom was in on this. After all when her and I first talked she wouldn't tell me many details about my fathers death and I get why. I was about to speak up when Annabelle beat me to it. "Wait you mean to tell me that our mother knew you were alive but didn't bother telling us?" She asked angrily. 

Dad sighs for a bit and nods his head. "Yes but we had to do that it was the only way to protect you at the time. We were planning on telling you guys this later. But because of circumstances we had to tell you sooner," he said to us. 

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