Chapter 44

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Once we get to my room I hear the door slide shut behind me. I go and sit on my bed and Jake and Nightmare sit on either side of me. It is quiet for a while then finally I couldn't take it anymore and spoke up. "Alright I can't take it anymore what is wrong with you both?" I asked them. They both looked at me and didn't say anything. "Well I can't help it I think your wolf has feelings for you," Jake said quietly. 

I couldn't help but feel my eyes widen in surprise to that. He couldn't be serious could he? I looked at Nightmare to see his reaction. I saw that he was blushing and then I felt my eyes widen. "Is Jake right about you liking me?" I asked him in shock. "W-well he is right in a way I do like you but its more complicated then that. If you were a wolf then you would be my best choice for a mate. But since your human it can't work that way," he says. 

I felt so confused and I felt my face burning and being hot so I knew I was blushing. "Then how do you feel about me then?" I asked him. He just sits there for a bit and looks at me. That's all we do for the next 10 minutes is look at each other. "Alright seriously tell me now please this is so confusing me," I say in a huff. He smiles before he looks down and nods his head. "Alright I will tell you then. Well I do like you as more than a friend but since we are from two different species it doesn't work out that way. So its not like I am going to do anything," he said. 

I nodded my head. That did make sense but I don't get why he would like me when he is my wolf and I have a boyfriend. It was just going to get weirder and weirder around here isn't it I think to myself. Then I just started laughing out of nowhere. Both of the guys were looking at me as if I was crazy. Finally I settled down and looks at them both. "Sorry about that I didn't mean to laugh just that with everything going on. It's weird and cute that you would like me that way," I said to him. 

I heard Jake growl and gets off the bed and starts to walk away. I get up and go after him and grabs his arm and stops him. "Please don't leave I don't like him that way. I am just not used to someone liking me that way besides you. So please don't take it as offensive and please don't leave I want you to stay with me please?" I asked him in a pleading voice. 

He tugs his arm out of my grip and then turns around and faces me. He had his teeth clenched tightly shut together. But when he saw the look on my face both hurt and pleading he gave in and pulled me to him hugging me tightly. I sighed in relief and hugged him back just as tightly. I knew what I said to him was the truth. I did love Midnight but as my wolf not as more than friends. He means a lot to me but I know Jake is the one for me. 

Finally we pulled apart and he grabs my face and kisses me deeply. I gasp in surprise before I am kissing him back just as deeply. We stand that way for a while just kissing until we hear someone clear their throat. I pulled away blushing deeply and turns around and faces Nightmare. I forgot he was there for a moment. I saw his eyes he looked hurt but he also looked like he understood too.

"I am so sorry about that but I am sorry I do love you but only as my wolf," I said to him. He nodded his head and smiled. Then he walked over to me and hugged me tightly and at first I stiffen from the hug. But then I move and hugs him back. We hugged for a while but then he finally let me go. I smiled and then he left the room. 

Leaving me and Jake alone together we just stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say. "So now that, that has been settled do you think that things are going to get better since we caught Dr. James?" I asked him. Jake looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well we wouldn't know for sure I mean it was really too easy to catch him right?" He asked me. 

My eyes widen and I nodded my head in agreement. "Sadly you are right about that but we can't do anything about it at the moment. But we will do something about it soon if he didn't need my sister and I then he isn't that much powerful is he? That means he has a weakness we just have to figure out on what it is," I said. Jake nodded his head and then laughs. 

I raise my eyebrow feeling confused on what was so funny. "What are you laughing about?" I asked him. He just laughs for a bit before he speaks up. "Your just being too cute on trying to figure this all out I must say it makes you sexy," he says with a smirk on his face. I laughed and then goes over to him and tackle hugs him. He laughs and then we both start to fall on the ground with me on top of him. 

"Hey you did that on purpose didn't you?" I asked him. He laughs and tries to play the innocent act towards me. I just shook my head and gave in. I couldn't resist his cuteness and he knows this. I just lick his cheek. Then I get up and brushes myself off and I help him up when I do he pulls me to him and then kisses me. I kiss him back and gets lost in the kiss. 

Finally we pull apart and he looks down at me. "I don't ever want to lose you ever you mean too much to me Aqua," he said to me. I blushed and smiles. "You won't ever lose me I promise you that I will always be yours and always will be with you, " I said to him back. He smiles big and then hugs me tightly before letting me go. 

"Thank you that is all I wanted to hear you say," he says. I smile big and then I hear a big bang and the house shook. I clung to Jake for a moment so I wouldn't fall finally after two minutes the place stops shaking. "Well shit looks like this is where the fun begins doesn't it?" I asked Jake. He grinned and nodded his head in answer. I heads towards the door and then runs out when it opens. 

I run downstairs to see what was going on and if anyone was hurt.  When I came downstairs my eyes widen in shock on what I saw. There was a big hole in the living room and Dr. James stood over my parents who were knocked unconsciousness. No doubt for trying to fight Dr. James. He turns around and looks at me and he has a huge grin on his face. I kept help but feel myself take a step back. He smiles more as he watches. 

"Well, well looks like you came down just in time to have a little fun. I am done playing nice I am going to make you and your sister work for me and that is final," he says. That did it, it made me have more confidence and I stood up tall and raised my chin up in the air and stared him down. "You have no idea who you are messing with. No way am I going to do what you want me to do. I hate you with a passion I am going to take you down," I said. 

He just laughed and it made me angrier so I close my eyes and called out my water powers and brought all the water I can get my hands on to come towards me. That's when I open my eyes and sees the waterboard in front of me.  

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