Chapter 31

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*The next day at the park*

*Aqua's point of view*

We are waiting for Robby and Amelia at the park. I can't help but pace up and down as we wait for them. I kept playing the idea over and over in my head. I really hope this plan is going to work. I really hope I can trust these two to help us out. I think to myself. As I'm thinking this that's when Amelia and Robby show up.

I run over to them and hugs them both. They are surprised by it. I could tell because they didn't hug me back at first. But they do after a while, I look up at them smiling at them. "Thanks guys for coming out here and hearing us out it means a lot," I say to them. They smile at me and I introduced them to everyone. Once done that's when we get down to work.

"Alright so what did you want to meet us about?" Amelia asks me. "We wanted to go over a plan with you about stopping Dr. James," I say to them. I see their eyes go wide when I say his name to them. I already knew that they were scared of him. "Y-you can't be serious," Amelia stutters. I look her right in the eyes and nods my head at her. "As a heart attack it's about time he is stopped once and for all," I say.

Robby shakes his head at me. "You really think it's going to be that easy to stop him?" He asks me. "I shake my head. "I know it's not going to be easy but it's better than just sitting around doing nothing don't you agree?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything about it. "I take your silence to mean I'm right about what I said," I say to him.

He just shakes his head and starts to walk away. "Where are you going?" I asked him. He stops and turns around and looks at me. "Your crazy if you think we will help you out with this. So come on Amelia lets get going," he says to her. Amelia doesn't move and gives him a defiant look. "No I'm not going anywhere I want to help them out," she says.

His eyes widen and so does everyone else's eyes. "Are you serious?" He asks her. "Yes I am serious. I'm done being his lackey I want to be free of him for once," she says to him. He sighs and comes back. "Alright fine we will help you out. But if things get bad then we are out of this got me?" He says. I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright you have a deal so now can we get down to the plan or what?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and comes back to us. We all sit around and go over the plan that we came up with. By the time we are done going over the plan. Robby seems to be at ease about it. "Alright you are smarter than I realized but let's just hope that this goes well," he says.

I roll my eyes at him before saying anything. "I already know that why else do you think there is a backup plan just in case?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything. He looks at the time and his eyes widen. "Well we would love to stay and chat but we have to go," he says. Amelia looks at the time and her eyes widen as well.

"He is right we have to go now," she says. They both leave and it's just the four of us again. We start to head home and I keep thinking about the plan. "I really hope this plan works not just for us. But for everyone else who Dr. James plans to mess with," I say to the others. They all nods their heads in agreement and we start to head off.
Once home we all go our separate ways. 

I'm in the bedroom sitting up. I'm petting midnights head. Dad brought our wolves over with us. I was glad that he did. I love them a lot and wouldn't want anything to happen to them. "Too bad you can't talk it would be nice to be able to understand you," I say to him. He looks up at me.

He tilts his head to the side as if he could understand what I say. I kisses the top of his head and pulls him close to me. He licks my face and nuzzles me. I smile and I curl up around him and I begin to dream. It wasn't coming in clear at first. It was just images and flashes. But then the dream comes in clearer.

I'm running away from something but I don't know from what. I keep looking behind me. Pretty soon I hit a dead end and I'm backed into a corner. I turn around and takes a deep breath. Then what was chasing me is standing in front of me. I'm shocked I was running away from my wolf midnight. He sits in front of me.

We look at each other for a bit. Then to my surprise he starts to speak. "Listen to me Aqua there is something you should know. About the fruit that was brought to your world. You all were chosen for a purpose. The guy Dr. James? He is from another world he brought the fruit to your world. He stole them from another world," midnight says to me.

I just stand there speechless. "The earth quake that caused the fruit to come up to the rest of you. Was because someone else fought Dr. James and knocked it out of his hands. You are all going to have to be careful," he says to me. Finally after midnight is finished talking I find my voice. "W-who are you?" I stuttered.

"I'm a spirit wolf that has lived in this world since it first started. I was told to watch over you and your sister," he says to me. I just nod my head as if that made sense to me. Which in a way it does to me. "Can you talk to me in real life or just dreams?" I asked him. He smiles at me sadly. "Only in dreams can I talk," he says.

I smile and hugs him tightly to me. He nuzzles me and we end up laying together curled up tightly to one another. I wake up from the dream and looks down at midnight and kisses the top of his head. I couldn't help but think it was nothing else but a dream. But then he wakes up and looks up at me and I saw a knowing look on his face and I knew right then and there.

That it was no ordinary dream. My eyes widen in shock but then I shake myself and just laughs at my own reaction. "Well midnight I hope you are right about what you said. I really hope we will win this and do good," I say. He licks my face and I take that to mean that he was reassuring me about it. I get up and get ready for the day. I couldn't decide if I should tell the others or not.

About the dream I had. But I knew I had to tell them. I don't care how they would react to it and I don't really care. Once I'm ready to go I round up the others and tell them the dream that I had. When I was done I couldn't help but see their reactions. Josh and Jake looked like they didn't want to believe me much. But when I saw my sister's reaction?

I knew right then and there that I wasn't alone on seeing the dream. "Hey sissy? I take it you had the dream as well?" I asked her. She doesn't say anything at first. But then she nods her head. Both Josh and Jake looked shocked. But I didn't I had a feeling that she had the dream as well. "Well looks like our world has officially changed that's for sure," I say.
Both the boys looked at my sister and I as if we were nuts and maybe in a way that we were.

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