Chapter 3

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"What started as small changes like he could make things come to him. By just thinking about it and then he started to see his hair changing colors. Finally it settled for green. Then his eyes started to change as well. They didn't know what to think of it they thought it would be best if people didn't eat this at all. It could get put in the wrong hands. So they decided to gather all the fruits and lock them away. What they didn't realize is that even if they had the fruits locked away. It could still get passed down.

They didn't realize this till one of the scientists had a kid and the kid was born with powers and different colored hair. They realized they couldn't hide this so they thought they should leave and go into hiding. Your father and I were also scientists and we both ate the fruits.

 We saw changes in ourselves as well. We stayed to make sure that no one could get to the fruit. What we didn't know is that it was too late people hid some of the fruit for themselves and got changed as well. Before long we decided to call ourselves misfits because of how our bodies like to change around a lot," my mother finishes.

My eyes widen and I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. This was just too unreal, my mother must be pulling a joke on me. "You have got to be joking mom, there is no way that any of this could have happened. I mean if it really did wouldn't people be talking about it? 

Plus I've never even seen myself do anything. So how can this make any sense?" I ask dumb founded. "I know it's a lot to take in and I know you don't want to believe it. But it's true sweetie.

The reason why you can't do anything yet is because you don't know how to control it in order for you to be able to do anything. Your father and I were talking about teaching you how to control it in due time. We didn't want to scare you.

 Because the last time you used your powers was when you were really small. You don't remember because it was so traumatic for you that you blocked it off," mom said to me looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"What did I do that was so horrible that I blocked it out?" I ask in a whisper.

"Well one day while we were at the beach you were playing in the wet sand not caring that the water lapped at your feet. Then when you got bored you got up and went into the water. At first nothing happened you were just enjoying your time in the water. 

Then out of nowhere this shark comes swimming towards you and you freaked and the water started to rise up that it threw the shark, but since you didn't know how to control your powers you got sucked in with the shark and we heard you scream.

We ran into the water and your father tried to use his own powers to calm the water down he could control the five elements. But it was like you had a tight grip on the water and it kept dragging you deeper into the water. 

So I used my powers which I can take how people feel and pull it into me and I can take some of their powers if I wanted to. So I was able to control the water and get you back to shore. You were so frightened that you refused to go to the beach ever since," she finishes.

I look at her and I try to remember. But nothing really comes out it all looks vague and blurry to me. But I try harder and then as if I opened up a dam inside of me, it starts to all flood back into me. What she said plays in front of my eyes like I'm seeing an old film being played. 

"H-how can this be? It just doesn't make any sense is that why dad was killed? Because someone wanted to get their hands on more fruit?" I ask her feeling myself choke on every word. It was still too hard to talk about dad without me feeling like I'm about to burst into tears all over again. 

I try to pull myself together and take a deep breath and looked into my mothers eyes waiting for her to answer my question. "Well dear I'm not sure why your father was killed the police are still looking into it. So far there haven't been any leads," she says looking down. I can't help but feel like she was lying to me. I don't get how, I just feel like she is. The question is why would she lie to me about it?

"Now if you would excuse me my darlings but I have to go do a few things I'm sure you both are eager to talk to each other now. I'll leave you girls to it I'll see you both around dinner time I promise. After all we are making all of your favorites Aqua," she says smiling as she walks away. A part of me wants to bolt after her to demand answers on why she was lying and the other part because I was afraid to be alone with my sister. 

Even though we are twins she is a complete stranger to me. But I still sit there smiling a little as our mother leaves and it's just Annabelle and me. At first we don't say anything to each other we just keep staring at one another but then she beats me to it and talks first. "So I finally get to meet my mysterious twin our mother could not stop telling me about," she smiles as she says this and I begin to relax.

"I wish I could say the same but dad never really talked about you guys to me whenever I would ask about you both. So this is all new to me but I would love to get to know you if it's ok with you that is," I ask shyly looking up at her and blushing because I shouldn't feel nervous at all she is my sister after all. I get up and go sit next to her before I lose my courage and don't do it at all.

 Annabelle moves over some so she can sit in front of me so she can talk to me and give me more room. "I would love that very much big sis," she says giggling. "How many minutes apart are we?" I ask. "Your 10 mins older than me," she says. I grin as I hear this, I've always wanted to be a big sister even if it is only by 10 minutes. I think to myself. 

"So can you tell me everything about you so I can get to know you more?" I ask her. She smiles at me and nods her head.

(If you guys are wondering why I keep updating my other chapters 1 and 2 even though I'm done with them. Is because I keep finding misspellings and grammars that need to be changed. I hope you guys are enjoying the story you guys can tell me what you think I don't mind. Also if you follow me I'll follow you back and if you want me to read any of your stories let me know and I will ^-^ well anyways this is the end of chapter 3 I'll be posting chapter 4 tomorrow ^-^)

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