Chapter 18

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I think about what she said to me for a moment. A lot of thoughts spinning around in my head. "Well if you are right about it then that still doesn't explain why my mom is working for him," I say to them. They don't say anything for a while as they gather their thoughts. Then after a while they speak up again.

"It's simple really your mother has no choice. He has something over her that is making her work for him. But that unfortunately is something we don't know about," the teen boy says. I look at him for a bit deciding rather or not to believe what he told me. Until I thought about it some more. It does make sense why he hasn't told them. Because the guy knew that we would end up catching them.

But the weird thing is, is how did he know that? I think to myself. I sigh before continuing on what I say to them. "Ok I believe you on that and liked I promised you I will help you out on getting out of here. But do you guys mind waiting until tonight for me to break you out?" I ask them. At first they looked like they were about to protest till they thought about it some more and then they shake their heads no.

"Alright I'll be here at midnight to break you guys out. But you better not come back here and try to start shit with us. I'm taking a huge risk on letting you both get out of here. So I don't want this blowing up in my face later got me?" I ask them both. They both roll their eyes at me before they both agreed on it. Jake and I leave and head to my room.

"Aqua are you insane?! How could you think about letting them go out when they tried to kill you before?" He half asks half shouts at me. I roll my eyes at him till he starts to settle down in time for me to explain things to him. "I get that but look how they have been treated? I get that they were trying to kill us but they were just doing their jobs can you really blame them?" I ask him.

He gets speechless for a moment before he pulls himself together on trying to talk me out of it. "Yes actually I can blame them for that! They didn't have to attack you like that! They could have done something else. Instead they tried to kill you and your sister and you want to help them escape and think they won't try again?!" He asks me.

I think about what he said and bites my lip. Maybe he's right you never know that it might happen again. "I know your right but look what we are doing? We are just being like them by beating them up and keeping them here. So I want to let them go. If they do come back? Then I'll deal with them. But I'm still going to help them out," I say to him.

He bites his lip and sighs. "Fine but I'm helping you out. But if it bites you in the ass later? I won't hesitate on saying I told you so," he says to me. I roll my eyes at him and just laugh. "Ok whatever you say tough guy," I say. We hang out in my room for a bit going over a plan on what we are going to do tonight. Jake leaves an hour later.

*Later that night*

I hear a knock on my window that startled me and scared me. I look over to see Jake at my window and I open it up so he can get in. "Are you crazy on climbing in through my window? You could have gotten hurt," I say to him whispering it. He laughs and comes in. "Says the girl who is going to break out her would be killers," he shots back at me. I just shake my head and don't say anything as we head to the room where the teens are.

When we get there I notice two guards there and I can't help but swear out loud and pull Jake back some so we could come up with a plan to get pass the two guards. "Ok genius figure out a way to get around the guards this was your idea so you need to come up with a plan," he says to me with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him and I go over to the guards and I hit the spot where you can knock them out. My dad made sure I learned a few things just in case I found myself in trouble.

When it looked like they were out cold I step over them to make sure I don't step on them. I motion Jake over to me to let him know that the coast was clear. We enter the room again and we look around without turning on lights. To attract less attention I spot the two teens and I help them out of their chains after getting the keys from the guard.

"Ok we are going to move quickly before those guards wakes up so try to keep up if you can," I whisper to them. They nod their heads and we leave the room. Careful to not step on the bodyguards. Once we get out of there we enter the hall and I see that my moms study door is opened. I hear her inside the room talking to someone. I curse inside of my head.

I bite my lip trying to think of something to get passed my moms office. Then Jake steps up and goes to me. "I'll distract your mother while you guys go on ahead she won't suspect me much. Because I would come here and tell her stuff my father wanted me to tell your mom," he says to me in a whisper. My eyes widen in shock and I want to ask him why but we didn't have time for that so I just nod my head.

"Ok thanks love, I love you," I say to him. His eyes widen when he hears me say this for the first time. He doesn't say it back which makes me worry but I shake it off. Now's not the time or place to worry on why he didn't say it back. I think to myself. He goes to my moms study and I wait for him to give me the all clear.

*Jake's point of view* (thought I would do other people's point of view at times for a change)

I go to Aqua's moms office and I walk in smiling at her. After she hangs up the phone. She looks up startled to see me standing there. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise? What do I owe this pleasure of a visit?" She asks me. At first I come up with a blank before I speak up. "My dad wanted me to tell you some things that he forgot to tell you before," I say to her.

She looks at me curiously and I try to hide my expression and put on a poker face. Like my dad taught me to do so no one could read my expression. Before I get completely in the room I wave my hand behind me. Letting Aqua know that she could move along as I close the door behind me.

*Aqua's point of view*

After Jake gave me the all clear and he closed my moms study. I pat the two teens shoulders to let them know to follow me. Which they did once we get passed the door we go downstairs and I just hope that Melody and her mother weren't roaming around the house. We go down the stairs quietly and then I look around and saw that no one was around.

We move past the stairs and head to the front door. It felt almost too easy I think to myself. I just shake it off and help them out of the house once we are in the front yard. That's when things go down hill. I hear dogs barking and I hear them running closer to us.

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