Chapter 16

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I nod my head in understanding and then once we are done talking for a bit. I go and get dressed in my P.E. Uniform and I go out and wait for the others. After a while the coach clears his throat and introduces me to everyone. Once done he divides everyone into groups and has them practice their powers. I watch in amazement as he instructs everyone. 

Soon it became my groups turn and I get nervous as I watch the other water users showing how they control their powers. So when it came to be my turn I almost choked and ran out of the gym. But I remember what my mother told me and I begin to relax. I close my eyes and I start to summon the water to me. I think of the beach and I watch surfers as they ride the waves. 

Then I hear everyone's shocked voices and I look down and I see that I made a water surfboard. I tentatively put my foot on it to see if my foot would go through it or not. When it looked like my foot wasn't going to I climb onto the surfboard. I grin and I make the water board move as if I was really riding a surfboard. I look behind me and I see that as I'm riding the board water is trailing behind. 

As if I was really riding a wave and everyone is cheering. I couldn't help but scream joyfully. I can't believe that I was afraid of the water. I think to myself but then I get carried away. I lose my concentration and I end up falling down as the board disappears and I land on my ass. Everyone starts to laugh and then I see a hand in front of me. 

I take it and I look up when I'm standing thinking it was my sister who helped me up. But it was coach Purdy and I blush in embarrassment from losing my concentration like that. But he just smiles at me. "That's impressive I've never seen anyone use their powers like that. How did you do that?" He asks me. I blush more and I look up at him. 

"I don't know I was thinking about the beach and watching surfers and then that happened," I say. He nods his head and pats me on the back and grins. "Well that was an excellent performance you just need to practice to control it more is all. I can help you out with that after school if you want?" He asks me. I smile and shakes my head no. "No thank you I already have someone helping me with it but thank you," I say.

At first it looked like he was disappointed but then he quickly smiles. "As you wish but I look forward to your performance Miss. Summers," he says to me. I smile finally after a while gym class is over with and I just have one more class and then school was over for the day. I couldn't help but smile and relax after I get dressed. I wait for my sister. 

After she is done she comes out and smiles at me big. "I can't believe you did that sis! I thought you couldn't control your powers?" She asked me a little hurt. As if I hid something from her. I hug her and smile at her. "I was telling the truth. I honestly don't know what happened. It was as if it was happening on its own. Coach says he never saw someone do that before," I say. Annabelle laughs and shakes her head and pulls me along to my last class. The teacher smiles at me and doesn't say anything. She hands me what I need for class and I go and sit next to my sister and class began all over again.

Finally after a few hours class is over and we go to the parking lot and wait for Melody to pick us up. When she does we head home and I sigh in relief. I see mom waiting for us and she pulls me to the side. "How was your first day of school sweetie?" she asks me with a smile. I smile back and then after a while I finally speak. "It went really well I was able to control my powers a little. I was able to make a water board," I say with a smile.

Mom's eyes widen when she hears me say this then fear before she smiles at me again. "That's great sweetie I am proud of you. I told you, you could do it sweetie," she says to me. I was about to ask her what was wrong when she walks away after saying excuse me. I watch moms retreating form and I bite my lip thinking about her reaction. It was as if she was afraid for me. But I just don't know from what I think to myself. 

Then I shake my head to clear it and I hear my phone go off. Letting me know that I got a text. I look to see who it was from and it was from Jake I smile and read it. "Hey baby I'm coming over in a bit so we can practice more on you controlling your powers. Can't wait to see you," he says in the text. I just grin like an idiot and I run upstairs and gets ready. 

Twenty minutes later I hear a knock on the front door. I run towards it and I answer. I can't help but smile as I see Jake standing there. I knew for a fact that I was head over heels in love with him. But I was afraid to admit it for fear of being rejected if I rushed too much into it. I think to myself before he pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. I blush and kiss him back just as deep.

"Ok hot stuff it's time for us to practice don't you think?" I ask him after we pulled apart from kissing. He laughs and nods his head and takes me to the training room instead of the pool. I look at him curiously but when it looked like he wasn't going to say anything I speak up. "So why are we here instead of at the pool?" I ask him. He turns around and looks at me. 

"I thought we should have you try to relive your fear. It might help you control your powers better. When faced with your worst fear," he says. I swallow nervously and I start to shake some. But then I take a deep breath and I start to relax. Come on Aqua you can do this! It will make things easier for you! Do you want to spend forever on being afraid of your own powers? I ask myself. 

I look at Jake and I give him my most serious face. "Bring it on, let's do this! I'm all ready to go," I say to him. He grins and goes to the control room and gets it all set up and ready to go for me. At first everything goes dark and I start to panic a little but then I see the bottom of the ocean and I see a shark swimming towards me. I start to freak out and swim away. 

But then I remember that it isn't real and that I shouldn't be a coward. So I stand my ground and I summon the water to me with all my muster. But then it didn't work so I start to panic more. Till I realized that I was still scared of the shark. So I get angry I feel the water get drawn to me and I smile. I make it to be a point like a knife. 

As the shark gets closer I have a eager look on my face. When it gets close enough I stab it and I hear it scream in pain. I jump for joy as much as I could as I'm under water. I turn the water into daggers and I make it slice through the shark. Causing the shark to die and the room goes black again. Till Jake turns the lights back on and he runs to me with a huge grin on his face.

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