Chapter 32

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*Annabelle's point of view* 

I couldn't help but think about the dream my sister and I had. But the only difference between her's and I's dream was that my wolf. Nightmare told me about it. I was going to tell my sister and the others about the dream. But when my sister told me that. I just stand there stunned into silence until Aqua turned to me and asked me her question. 

So after Aqua got done talking to the guys. I pull her to the side to talk to her. "The only difference between your dream and mines is that nightmare told me about it," I tell her. Her eyes get wide and I nods my head at her. "Well shit I wasn't expecting that at all. I thought midnight was the only old wolf. I guess I was wrong," she says. 

I nods my head at her and hugs her tightly to me. She hugs me back and we pull apart and we go over the dreams that we had over again. The guys leave us alone. I guess they were still getting over the shock of the dream that Aqua told them about. But looks like we are going to have to tell them the dream that I have. 

I think they fully believed us after I told them about my dream. I didn't think they would after all who would believe such dreams? But after the world we live in now? What is there not to believe? We knew we had to get the plan into action but we are going to have to do it in a few days. There is a lot of stuff we need to get. 

*Aqua's point of view* 

I knew it was going to take us a few days to get everything started. After all Amelia told me it was going to take her and her brother. That long to get what we need. But still the waiting game always sucks. I wanted to be moving right now and get this out of the way. But I knew I couldn't if we screwed this up we won't get another chance. 

So that's what we did but that didn't mean. I couldn't find anything for me to do to help out. After all I have my own part to do. I knew it would be easy for me. The other 2 had it harder. I start to walk towards the place where I'm supposed to meet up with someone that was going to help me out. 

I go over to where my dad used to work at and the guy I meet up with comes out. "Do you have what I want?" I asked him. He shakes his head at me. "I do but I really think your crazy for wanting this stuff," he says to me. I just smirk at him and takes what he offered to me. "I know but it's a good thing you aren't me am I right?" I asked him.

He laughs and starts to walk away. Not before he turns back and looks at me and says. "Your right about that," he walks off again. I look down at the chemicals he gave me. I made sure I had it all. Once I do I start to head back home. Everyone looks at me when I walk inside and confront them. "So did you get what we wanted?" Jake asked me. 

I smirked at him. "Yes I did I really hope we don't have to use this. But this is just in case if we do," I say. I put the stuff away and when I do. That's when my sister and I's parents walked in. "Hey what you all doing now?"  Mom asks us. I smile at her before I say: "We are just talking about stuff and getting things ready. For whatever comes our way mom," I say. 

She looks at me for a while and I swallow before I smile. "Alright I get it just be careful now ok?" She asked us all. We all just nodded before she walks away. But dad stays and looks at me for a while. I can't help but feel like he knows what I'm up to. After all he has known me longer then mom has. "Sweetie you would tell me if you were up to something wouldn't you?" He asked me. I smile at him. "Of course dad what kind of daughter would I be if I didn't do that?" I say back. He just shakes his head and walks away. I sigh in relief before walking towards the others. "I can't believe you could lie like that to him," Josh says. I smile sadly. 

"I wish I didn't have to but I really don't have much of a choice," I say. Josh gives me a sympathetic look. But I just shake my head. I didn't need sympathy. I just needed to get this done so I don't have to lie to him again. This Dr. James guy seems to be able only to tear this whole family apart. But what midnight told me got me thinking. 

If Dr. James came from a different world. Then how many worlds are there really? I ask myself. If there are different worlds then does that mean. That others would come into our world and try to mess it up? I couldn't help but let these words circle around my head. As I think of them. I didn't realize I was standing there long thinking. 

Until Jake comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I can't help but smile about that. I lean into him and then we get called down for dinner. We run downstairs and when we get to the table. I can't help but be shocked on who I see in front of me. It was none other than coach Purdy.

I can't help but stand there stunned into silence. "Coach Purdy what are you doing here?" I finally was able to ask. He just stands in front of us and smiles at us. "Why I'm here to help out with things around here of course," he says. I can't help but raises my eyebrow at him. "You mean to tell me that you know about this as well?" I asked him. 

He smiles and nods his head before saying anything. "Yes I knew but I wasn't supposed to say anything to you guys. I'm just supposed to help you out," he says to me.
I can't help but shake my head and sighs. "How many other people know about this?" I asked my parents. They don't say anything at first. "Not many others besides your coach and the rest of you and us. We are the only ones who know about it," my dad said. I sighs and nods my head and I sit down at the table and eats. 

The rest do the same thing and no one really says anything for a while. Finally after dinner was done. The rest of us were going to go back into our rooms. When coach Purdy stops us. "I know you guys are up to something I can tell by the look on your guys is faces," he says to us. We all tense up and don't say anything at first. "So what if we are? You can't stop us for doing what we think is right," I say. 

He laughs for a bit and shakes his head at us. "I wasn't going to stop you I was wondering if I could help you guys out. I was once your age so I know what it is like to want to do things on your own and not want anyone to stop you," he says to us. We are all speechless for a moment and don't really say anything. Then they all look to me as if I have a plan but I didn't I was just as clueless as they were. 

But then I sigh and nods my head a bit as if I was agreeing with myself before I speak up. "Alright you can help us out. But you have to do what we say no if's and's or but's about it got it?" I asked him. He nods his head in agreement but I wait for him to voice it out loud. "Alright I agree with what you say and will do it," he says. 

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