Chapter 30

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Like I knew would happen. My dad gets pissed off when he finds out about Josh and Jake being with Annabelle and I. But we make him let them stay after guilt tripping him on it. But he insists on them staying in separate rooms then us. Dad didn't realize that it wouldn't stop us from letting the boys sleep over. We did make sure that we didn't do anything to get us in trouble.

But what could we say? We were still teenagers it happens anyways on other stuff. So it's been a few days since Josh and Jake have been with us. But we haven't found a thing to help us out on defeating Dr. James and it was getting on all of our nerves. But I didn't give up I knew we could do this. It's just going to take time.

Sometimes time we don't have but we have to work with something. But it's better than nothing. We just needed a new way to get to him. Then I remember the two people I helped out. I knew if I got a hold of them I'm sure they would help us out. The only thing is, is that I have no way of getting a hold of them. I talked to Jake about this and he had an idea that he thought might work. The only thing wrong about it is that we would have to break into Dr. James is office to get the info that we would need.

"I don't know if this is a good idea baby what if we get into trouble?" I asked him. He nods his head in sympathy. "I know but it's a risk we have to take. Plus we are not alone in this. We still have Annabelle and Josh to help us out am I right?" He asks me. I laugh and rolls my eyes. "Yes you are right but don't let it stroke your ego though," I said to him. He laughed and smirks at me. "Oh it won't but your going to have to kiss my feet though," he says. I roll my eyes at him and smacks him upside of the head.

"Hey what was that for?" He asks me. I smirk at him back. "You were getting a swell head. I had to knock you down a little," I say to him. He laughs and pounces on me and starts to tickle me. I squeal and tries to get away from him. "Nooooo don't tickle me! You know I'm ticklish so stop it!" I say trying to push his hands away. But he pins my hands up over me. He keeps tickling me with his free hand. I finally put my knee where I know it would hurt him. "You sure you want to keep tickling me now?" I asked him.

He lets me go and backs away from me. "Oh come on Aqua live a little. Besides you know you love me," he says. I giggle and I get up. "Oh I do that's why I'm letting you off easy," I say. He laughs and goes over to me and kisses me deeply. I blush and giggles and kisses him back deeply. "Alright I forgive you since your so cute and all," I say to him. He grins and picks me up bridal style.

I squeak and I hold onto him as he carries me to the couch. I blush and cuddle into him when he sits next to me. "So do we have a plan on how we are going to get into his office?" I ask Jake. Jake smirks at me and grins nodding his head up and down. "Yes we do just leave it to me I got this," he says. I can't help but groan. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret this," I say.

He just laughs and holds me close to him. "You won't just trust me ok?" He asks me. I nods my head at him. "Alright I will trust you on this. So should we try this tomorrow?" I ask. He nods his head at me. "Sounds good to me that gives me enough time to get things ready," he says. I just laugh and Ruffles his hair. "Hey no touching my hair it's my life," he says dramatically. I just rolls my eyes. "God forbid if I mess up your hair," I say. He just laughs and pulls me close to him.

Then I start to frown and I bites my lip. "What if we don't do this well and we fail?" I asked him worriedly. He kisses the top of my head. "Don't worry about it too much baby. Things are going to go really well trust me," he says to me. "That's what I'm afraid of doing, is trusting you," I say teasingly. He just smirks and we go and spend the day together.

*The next day*

It's the day where we go and break into Dr. James is office and look for, Robby and Amelia. I can't help but be nervous, both Annabelle and Josh were coming with us as well. We tell mom and dad that we are going to go out for a bit. Even though they didn't want us to they knew they couldn't keep us in this house all the time. So they let us go for a bit.

We all hop in the car and I drive us to Dr. James is office and we go inside. We have been going to work as much as we could. So we wouldn't draw suspicion towards us. We go in and smiles at the receptionist. She doesn't smile back but she lets us through. We act like we are going to the lab when we go towards his office. Once we get there we go through his laptop and we find them.

I quickly write the number down and we get out of there no problem. But when we heads towards the car and starts driving. Someone is following us and I can't help but groan. "Ugh I knew this was going to happen. I knew it wasn't going to be that easy to get what we need and go," I say. Everyone is quiet and I sighs more and I gets ready to get things set up on losing the people that are following us.


I start to speed up and I just start to turn every chance I get. At first it looks like the car could keep up. But pretty soon I'm able to lose the person. Once I do I sigh in relief. Then we get back to the house and we go inside. "So how was the drive?" Mom asks us. I can't help but smile. "It was fun that's for sure," I say. We laugh and we head upstairs. Once we get upstairs I go to the phone.

I call up the two people I thought I would never have to call up. When I do all the phone does is keep ringing and ringing. Finally the phone gets picked up and I can't help but grin big. "Hey never thought I would be calling you up. But I really need your guys is help, can you guys meet up with us somewhere?" I asked Amelia.

*Amelia's point of view*

When I hear the phone ring and I go and answer it. I wasn't expecting to hear from Aqua again. I was both nervous and happy about it. After her and I talk for a while. We make a plan for us to meet up. I hang up the phone and hangs my head down. "Hey sis what's wrong?" Robby asks me. I look up at him.

"I just got a call from Aqua she wants to meet up with us. She wants to talk to us about something," I say to him. His eyes widen in shock and he gets nervous. "What do you think we should do?" He asks me. I just shake my head at him. "What we are supposed to do. We are going to meet up with them and see what they want to see us about," I say.
He sighs and nods his head on it. "Alright when are we supposed to meet them at?" He asks me. "We are going to meet up with them at a park tomorrow," I say.

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