Chapter 12

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I look back and I blush. "Are we going to start or are you going to stand there and keep looking at me?" I say jokingly. He laughs and comes over to me and grins. "Nah I can do that later on looking at you and while we are training of course," he says with a mischievous grin on his face. I laugh and blush and then I scream in surprise when I feel someone jumping on my back and I fall to the ground and I hear laughter above me.

I groan and I start to get up and I see my sister laying beside me. She fell off when I started to get up. "Damn it sis give me a heart attack why don't you," I say a little angrily. She just laughs more and then I hear more people laughing and I look over to see Jake laughing and someone else. A older girl who looked like she was a few years older than my sister and I. She had sea green hair like Jake but a little darker around the edges.

I get up and walk over to them. "Yeah that's really funny guys. By the way who are you?" I ask the girl I say a little angrily. She looks at me and smiles at me. "Hello there I'm Jakes older sister Rose I'm your twin sisters trainer," she says to me with a smile. I look her up and down to see if I would remember seeing her or not. But my mind comes up with a blank.

"Have we met before?" I ask her. She smiles more and nods her head. "Yes we have but it was rare so you probably don't remember me. But I know you from the many things my little brother has told me about you," she says. I blush and I look over at him and I see that he isn't looking at me either he is too busy blushing trying to hide it and failing at it. I laugh and I go over to him and I grin more.

"Well you ready to train or what hot stuff? Or are you going to be too busy hiding your embarrassment and failing at it?" I say it teasingly. He rolls his eyes and grins back and pulls me to him and grins wider. "Why I wouldn't want anything more than that. Other than wanting you of course," he says with a smug smile on his face. "Let's get down to training you dork," I say to him.

He laughs and let's me go and I step back and I start to focus as we get closer to the pool. "Ok before we begin I want to show you something first before we get started," he says to me. I smile and look at him and nods my head. "Ok you have my full attention so I'm ready to learn whatever you want to teach me," I say to him seriously. He smiles at me and jumps into the pool and he stands in the middle of it.

At first nothing happens it's just all quiet. You couldn't hear anything it was as if the world got put on mute just for this moment. I think before I see something start to change. At first it was small I could barely see it. But I could see the water start to ripple and change. The water started to rise but they were in the form of ropes. You could see the water rise in a line and you could see that they were like pieces of thick rope.

Then the ropes start to twirl in a circle becoming a water tornado and it started to go faster and faster. To the point that all the water from the pool was being drawn into it. As if there was a tornado only happening in the pool and Jake wasn't affected by it. It seemed to swirl around him and caress him as if welcoming him home. I stare in amazement and I hold my breath for a moment till finally the water crashes down and it lands everywhere but where Jake was standing.

I stand there in amazement and I couldn't think of what to say till finally he gets out of the pool and looks at me smiling and laughing. "Well what did you think?" He asks me. I just keep standing there speechless. So many thoughts running through my head and none seem to want to focus. "Um I'm speechless more than anything but I can only say this. That was amazing! I want to learn to do that!" I say in excitement jumping up and down.

He laughs and shakes his head and gets closer to me. "You can't learn that yet for now we are just going to stick to the basics then when I think your ready then I'll teach you how to do what I just did. How does that sound?" He asks me. At first I feel disappointed and I frown and look down. But then I look back and I grin and nods my head. "That sounds fine but I'm going to make sure that I learn everything and so much more! So what are you going to teach me first?" I ask him.

He grins and I see admiration in his eyes and I can't help but blush. "Ok first I'm going to teach you how to summon water to you. You are going to have to learn that first more than anything. So take off your shoes and anything else you don't want to get wet and then we shall get started ok?" He asks me. I nod my head and I take off my shoes and I straighten out and I look at him with determination in my eyes.

"Ok now I want you to close your eyes and I want you to only think of the water and nothing else. I want you to think that your one with the water. That your body is made of nothing but water that you can't breathe anything but water. Once you do that then try to summon the water to you. Now you ready to begin on that?" He asks me. I nod my head and I close my eyes and I think of nothing but the water.

I think about how the water feels against my skin I think about how it feels to feel water slide down inside of my throat as I drink it. I think about how my body is made of nothing but water.
Once I thought of all of that then I try to summon it to me. I feel it coming closer and I hear it whispering to me. I feel it wrap around me like a blanket and then I open my eyes and I see that the water has surrounded me and at first I smile. But then the memories of that day of being dragged into the water and the shark almost wanting to eat me. Brought the panic back and I loose control.

I get dragged into the water once again and I start to panic and scream trying to get out but I can't I get dragged deeper and I feel water fill my lungs once again. I feel like the dream was happening all over again. Well this is it I'm going to die for real this time. I think before I loose consciousness.

*5 hours later*

I wake up with a start and I start to panic till I feel someone's hands holding me down and I look up to see Jake standing above me and I start to relax. "W-what happened?" I ask him. I feel my throat hurting and I could barely hear my voice. He lets me go and sits next to me. "You lost control of your powers and got dragged in into the water. So I saved you, you have been out for 5 hours. What caused you to panic and lose control like that babe?" He asks me.

I sigh and look away for a bit and then looks back. "You would laugh if I told you," I say. "I will not just tell me so we can overcome it," he says to me. So I tell him when I'm done he laughs.

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