Chapter 9

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As I pull off their hoodies I'm surprised to see that their both teens. One of them is female while the other is male. "Why would 2 teens come after us?" I ask no one in particular. Mom comes over and frowns. "That's a good question dear," mom says surprising me. I look up at her and she doesn't look back she is too busy looking at the teens. 

"What should we do with them? Should we bring them home and question them mom?" I ask her. At first she doesn't say anything then she nods her head. "I believe that's a good idea sweetie. I'll get the driver to put them in the car. Are you both alright?" Mom asks us worriedly. I nod my head and stand up. "Yes mom we are dad did teach me to fight after all," I say. Mom smiles sadly and nods her head. 

"I know sweetie but your my children so of course I'm going to ask if you both are alright," she says softly. I nod my head and hug her tightly. She hugs me back. "You girls ready to go home now?" Mom asked us. "Yes mom," we both say. We head to the car and head home it's quiet during the whole ride till we got home. "You girls go ahead of me I'm going to take care of these 2," she says to us. 

I want to protest but sis shakes her head at me and pulls me inside to her bedroom. "Sis stuff seems to keep happening a lot here ever since I came here," I say to Annabelle. She sits next to me and hugs me tightly to her. "It's not all your fault sissy this seems to be happening a long time sis. Even before you came here," she says to me. "Wait you guys have been attacked before?" I ask her. She nods her head at me. 

"I don't know what our parents got themselves into but it looks to me like it's really dangerous and putting all of us in danger. That's why mom wants to show us how to defend ourselves for when the real threat comes at us," sis says to me. I can't help but feel worried and scared. "We need to find out more than ever on what's going on sis. I think we should start by listening in into the interrogation that I'm sure is happening right now as we speak," I say to sis. 

Sis nods her head. "I know how we can do that without being seen sissy leave it to me. This is where your going to see your sister in action on what I can do," sis says to me. I can't help but laugh a little and nods my head. "Whatever you say my dear sister," I say to her smiling. "You ready to go sis?" She asks me. I nod my head and I get up and we leave her room and we go and find where mom is keeping the people who attacked us at. Sis stops me a few moments later at a door you wouldn't have noticed unless you were looking for it. It was concealed into the wall and you could see a little crack where light is spilling from the bottom. 

We both could hear voices and shouting. Sis presses her finger to her lips and then my eyes widen as I see the darkness that's around her. Swirl around her and then comes to me and I'm enveloped in darkness I can't see my body but I can still feel that I'm here and whole. I look at sis and I can see her but I knew people couldn't see us. So sis opens the door and we both slip inside and closes the door before anyone notices that the door opened by itself. 

As soon as we walked in I tried not to gasp out loud because I was afraid I would be over heard but I stop myself. Because what's in front of me shocks me I've never seen my mom look so cruel before. She had both teens chained to 2 metal chairs in the middle of the room. Mom is standing in between them and they looked battered and bruised. Mom looked like not a hair was out of place. 

But I couldn't blame her for this I would be mad as well if someone went after my family and loved ones. Sis and I stand in a corner so we are out of the way and we watch our mother in action. "Tell me who sent you and why you would try to harm my kids?" She asks them calmly. Like they were sitting down and making small talk when it was anything but that. Neither teen says anything they just glare at our mother in defiance. 

Mom smiles and goes to a table and pushes a button on the speaker that's sitting on the table and say into the speaker. "Bring me what I need please," mom says. We are both wondering what mom could be asking to use to get them to talk. It looks like they weren't going to talk at all. Just as we keep thinking what mom could use someone walks in and we push farther into the corner to make sure that the person who walked in won't bump into us. 

Then my eyes widen in shock when I see what the person brings in. It looked like it was a doctors black bag the ones they used to have when they went to people's homes to go and check on them. He sets it in front of mom and she smiles and he leaves. Mom goes to it and rummages into it and pulls out what she needs. It looked like a scalpel that would cut open a part of someone when they are about to do surgery on someone. 

Mom walks over to them and with one quick move mom stabs one of the teens in the leg and the teen tried not to cry out in pain. "Now are you going to talk or are we going to keep doing this? But I'll do so much more to hurt you," she says to the teen. She whimpers in pain and she nods her head. Mom smiles as the female teen does this and mom pulls it out of the girls leg. "There that was easy was it not?" Our mother asks. 

At first neither teen says anything till finally mom pulls up a chair and sits in front of the teens.
"So start talking now," mom demands. "We were sent by someone we don't know who they wouldn't give us a name they just told us about you and your family. That we would get paid if we took them out," the girl teen says. Mom frowns and she chews her bottom lip. It just doesn't make any sense at all why would people be coming after us and for what reason? I think to myself as I chew over on what I heard. "So this person decided to higher two ordinary teens to do their dirty work?" Mom asks them. They laugh and smile. 

"Who says that we were ordinary teens?" They both say at the same time. As they say that that's when I smell something burning and that's when I noticed that their chains are melting that their both fire misfits. Mom shouts in surprise and gets up and she tries to pull on their powers so she can control them. But it looked like it was no use. It looked like my mother couldn't do it. 

Before long they broke out of their chains and they attack our mother. That's when I break out of Annabelle's hold and attack them knocking one of them off of mom. The person I knocked over is the teen girl and I punch her in the face. She gets knocked out unconscious and I turn around and I see both my mother and sister using their powers to stop the other teen. 

It looked like he was trying to burn them by throwing fire balls but sis blocks them using one of the darknesses tentacles and then you hear the guy screaming I look at sis and I see her straining her eyes at looking at the teen as if she was inside of his mind having him see his worst fear.

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