Chapter 37

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"The boy kept going even though he didn't know where he was going and he didn't know if he could ever find his mother's killer. But he knew he had to do something he couldn't just sit there where his mother and him used to live and keep living his life. No he knew he had to deal plus he wanted revenge so he was going to go and get it. What he didn't realize was that he was going to get more than he bargained for. It took him a year to keep looking for the man he would listen to what everyone would be talking about hoping that he could get some information that would help. 

"But at first there was nothing and the boy started to lose hope until something finally happened that pointed the boy in the right direction. The boy couldn't help but feel like his mother was watching over him and helping him out. That's why he was able to get the information that he has been looking for, for over a year. What he found that helped him out was a flyer about new recruits for an army at first he didn't think much of it. Until he took a closer look at the flyer and saw that the person who was in charge of the army. 

"Was none other than his mother's killer he could tell by the look in his eyes and the way he held himself that he thought he was better. Than everyone else but he was about to be proved wrong the boy decided to join the army knowing he will be able to be closer to his mother's killer. He signs up and gets a paper telling him where to go and what will happen as he was trained to be a solider. The boy was eager and he went to the operation of the place and saw most of the guys who want to join. Are around his age maybe a little older. 

"He knew he would be able to blend well in here and he was going to learn a few things before he killed the man who killed his mother. The boys were led to a tent that they would be sleeping at and that they will meet their commanding officer tomorrow morning. So they made sure to go right to sleep for it was dark and it was getting late. When the boy woke up from someone shouting at them to get their asses up and in gear. 

"The boy quickly got up and got ready once he was done he went outside with the rest of them and they stood at a formation. They weren't standing and waiting long before the boy's target came into view. When the boy saw the man his first instinct was to go and attack the guy and kill him right then and there. But he knew that he couldn't because he knew he wouldn't get far before someone stopped him before he would be able to do the killing blow. 

"No the boy knew he had to wait so he did during the time he was waiting he learned how to fight and he found out he was pretty good at it. During the time the boy was trained by the guy the boy couldn't help but feel like the man didn't recognized him. Which was weird considering since its been a year since they last saw each other and the boy hasn't changed much during that time. Minus the buzz cut he got after he joined the army.

"He knew it was going to be a matter of time before he could attack the man. Little did the boy know that the man wasn't going to stay in this world for long but that won't happen for quite a while. So until then the boy knew he had to be patient there will be a time for him to jump up and strike. He stays there for a few months and then pretty soon his time to strike comes up finally. They were all training and the boys soon were going to be strong enough to be in real combat. 

"The boy was sitting and eating lunch when he saw the man leave the mess hall and go outside. The boy knew he needed to follow the man so he does. He sees the man go into another tent and the boy creeps closer so he can see what the man was up to. Once he got close enough he started to hear the man talk. 'It won't be long before I can make my move and take control on things that are rightfully mines,' the man said. 

"The boy couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he heard the man talking. The boy knew he needed to strike now before it was too late. So the boy creeps in and pulls out his knife the man's back is to him. The boy raises the knife and was about to strike when the man turns around and looks at the boy. The man has a smirk on his face as if he knew what the boy was up to all along. 'Why hello there I was wondering when you were going to go for the attack. For you see I knew all along that you were here,' the man said.

"The boy couldn't help it but feel his eyes widen in surprise and the boy didn't know what to say. But he didn't have enough time to say anything before the man knocks the boy out. The last thing the boy sees and hears is the man looking down at him and says. 'You shouldn't have come looking for me but thank you for saving me the trouble on looking for you,' the man says before the boys vision goes dark. It wasn't long before the boy woke up and saw that he was in a room.

"The boy tries to get up but then feels that he is tied to a chair and the boy curses out loud he looked around the room. He saw that there was a bed and a sink and a toilet in the room with him the boy couldn't help. But wonder if he was in some sort of an abandoned prison or jail but he didn't dally on it for long. He was looking for anything that would help him get out of this chair but it looked like there was nothing. 

"Then the boy hears a door open and close and the boy stops looking around and looks at the door to the room he is in. The boy holds his breath and then the man comes into the room and he smirks down at the boy. 'You won't be able to escape you know I made sure that you couldn't untie yourself it is made of some tough string,' the man says. The boy sighs and sits there defeated. 'What do you want from me?' he asks the man. 

"The man just stands over him and smirks at him not saying anything at first he was too busy taking in the defeat. That was on the boys face. 'It's simple really if you think about it. I want you to do something for me, you see you seem to be quite strong so I want you to join me in my plans,' the man said to the boy. The boy didn't know what to say his eyes widen in shock on what the man said here he thought the man was only after him to kill him. 

'Why should I join you? You killed my mother I can't forgive that,' the boy said. The man just chuckle's and shakes his head and doesn't say anything. 'That's too bad I really could use your help but no matter I will find a way to get what I want mind you,' the man said. The boy couldn't help but know that the man could. He just hopes he will find a way out of this place before he finds a way to get me to do what he wants me to do. 

"After the man left the boy sits there and thinks he just knew there had to be a way out maybe I could try my powers and see if that will work.

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