Chapter 4

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*several hours later*

Annabelle and I are sitting in her room laughing and talking. Like we have known each other for years instead of only several hours. All we have done was talk nonstop about random things. We had a lot in common and Annabelle's room looks like a punk rocker chicks room. Like my room used to be. 

I just couldn't believe that we were hitting it off so well. "So do you have a boyfriend that you left behind sis?" Annabelle asks me teasingly. I bite my lip and blush. "Sorry to say this sis but I don't. I didn't date, no guy really wanted me. So I spent most of my time hanging out with friends or doing school work. What about you? Do you have a boyfriend that I need to know about?" I say teasing her back.

 She giggles and laughs rolling her eyes. "Nope I don't I'm crushing on this one guy but I know it will never happen but he and I are really good friends so that counts for something," she says. "Well I think you should tell him how you feel unless he already has a girlfriend?" I ask her. She laughs and shakes her head. "No he doesn't he's not very good at dating he's so shy and awkward that it's really cute," Annabelle says blushing.

"Ohhh sis is in love," I say teasing her. She laughs and jumps on top of me and starts to tickle me. I squeal and laugh trying to get away. "Nooooo I'm ticklish that's not fair," I squeal more. I try to tickle her back but she has me pinned down good and then we both hear someone knocking on her door. 

Annabelle laughs and opens the door, standing in front of her is Angelica. "Sorry to interrupt dears but dinner is ready and your mother is waiting for you both," she says smiling. "We will be down there in a moment Mrs. Angelica," sis says laughing. Angelica laughs as well and walks away.

 "Well sis looks like I'm going to have to let you go I bet you want to change into something more comfortable," Annabelle says smiling. "I'm fine with what I'm wearing lets go eat and then when we are done eating I would like to see my room and look around. If you don't mind showing me around sissy," I say smiling at her.

She smiles back. "I would love to sis plus there are some things I would like to show you. Plus I think mom will be getting a trainer for you soon. Someone who can help you control your powers. Mom did it for me and I've gotten good at it. I'll show you some time when your ready sis," she says to me smiling. "That would be great sis I would love that you ready to go eat now? Now that Mrs. Angelica has said that dinner is ready I'm feeling hungry now," I say. As if to back me up on it my stomach growls in response and I blush. Annabelle laughs.

"Yes I'm ready sis," Annabelle says smiling. She offers me her arm and together we head downstairs for dinner. As we are walking down the stairs I smell dinner and I can't help but feel my mouth water from the smell. It was all of my favorites Italian food and Spanish food. When we enter the room my eyes widen in wonder. The table was packed with every food imaginable. All my favorites from spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, breadsticks, to Spanish rice was all on the table.

"Sit, sit I know that your both hungry, I'm glad to see that you both are getting along quite well," mom says smiling. Still seeing that we were locked arm in arm. We quickly sit at either side of mom and dig in for dinner. It's quiet for a while as we eat then finally mom talks. "I was thinking about taking you both shopping tomorrow. I'm sure that you would want to get some things to decorate your room Aqua. Then we will go to the movies how does that sound?" Mom asks us.

We both grin and I can't help but think. Finally I can get me more band posters and other stuff, I think to myself. "I would love that very much mom thank you," I say smiling more. After we are done eating Annabelle shows me around and I can't help but be speechless. 

The place was so huge! There were a lot of rooms and the library was covered from top to bottom of nothing but books. Then we go to the indoor pool and my jaw drops. The pool was so huge it looks like a Olympic size pool! After she showed me the backyard where there were a lot of things imaginable to do in the backyard. We head upstairs to my new room.

"Well this is your room sis hope you will like it," Annabelle says to me smiling. She puts her hand on a panel and the door slides open. Just as I was about to head into the bedroom I get attacked. I scream in surprise as I fall down on the ground and I feel a huge weight on my chest. I get licked all over my face as a huge wolf wags its tail a mile a minute.

My eyes widen in surprise because I've never seen a wolf before. "Um sis we have a wolf as a pet?" I ask in a shock voice. "Yes sis we do this is midnight, and it's a he. But he is yours I already have my own and her name is nightmare," she says smiling. I look at the wolf and I can see why he was named midnight. His fur was so dark and sleek like the night. 

I can't help but grin and throw my arms around him and hug him. He burrows into my arms. "Oh yeah before I forget sis, but midnight is only a puppy," she says. My eyes widen in shock. If he was this big as a pup then he will be bigger when he's older.

He looked as big as a normal size dog. Like a golden retriever looks like when it gets to its normal size. Finally the wolf jumps off of me and walks into my bedroom. I get up and brush myself off and head into my bedroom as well and I can't help but gasp out loud. The room was huge it looked like it could fit four bedrooms in here.

The walls were painted blue and black and all my stuff was in the room waiting for me to unpack them. My bed is a queen size bed and it had get scared the band bed sheets. My eyes widen in shock. "How does mom know that I like this band?" I ask sis breathlessly. Sis laughs and comes inside as well and stands beside me. "It's mom she knows everything we both like. She wanted to make you feel at home she thought you might like it. 

She didn't decorate it any farther she wanted you to do that yourself. Hope you will like it here sis," Annabelle says to me with hope sounding in her voice.

(Hey guys please tell me what you think of my story so far. I'll be posting chapter 5 tomorrow.)

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