chapter 15

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We get to first period and I see what sissy means. Our teacher looked to be in her late 20's to early 30's with bright orange hair and deep blue eyes. She smiles at me as I give her my class schedule she looks down and gives me what I need for the class. My first period class is English 2. "Hello there Aqua my name is Mrs. DarkWing and welcome to summers high school. I look forward to working with you.

Take a seat with your sister and she will catch you up. If you have any questions don't hesitate to come to me with them," she said with a smile. I smile back and follow sissy and sit next to her. She catches me up in class and I catch on quickly finally class is over and Annabelle and I leave the class.

"So what did you think of the class sissy?" Annabelle asks me. I giggle and smile. "It was good I like her and the class already so where is my next class sis?" I ask her. She looks at my schedule and pulls me along to my next class and she pulls me in and takes me to the teacher. I do the same routine over and over for each class. Finally lunch comes around and I groan and rub my eyes.

"Hey sis what's wrong?" Annabelle asks me worriedly. I smile at her and pat her shoulder to reassure her I was fine. "Nothing is wrong just tired of being stared at since I'm the new kid is all. You would think they would know what it was like at one point in time you know?" I ask her. Annabelle just nods and laughs and she eats her food. While we are eating I hear a tray get set next to mines and I look beside me.

It was Jake and he was smiling at me. I blush and smile back. Then Josh comes as well and sits next to Annabelle and she grins up happily and he grins back at her and then he turns towards me and smiles. "Hey Aqua how are you liking this school so far?" He asks me. I grin and then look down shyly. "I love it just wish they would stop staring at me you know?" I ask him.

He nods his head in agreement. "I know how you feel but it will get better trust me. Their just not used to having a new kid it's been a long time since we have had a new student so you can't blame them for wanting to get a better look at you, you know?" He asks me. I nod my head and couldn't help but agree with him on it. "Your right I'm sorry I'm just really shy is all," I say.

He smiles at me encouragingly and I smile back. After a while we all start eating not saying much. But before lunch was over a girl with purple hair comes over to our table. Everyone tenses up and I look at everyone curiously. Till I look in shock when the girl with purple hair comes up behind my boyfriend and hugs him from behind and practically straddling him from behind.

Jake sighs and pushes her off and looks up at her. "How many times do I have to tell you Stacy? I have a girlfriend now so you need to give up," he says to her. I gap and look at the girl. So this is the girl my sister warned me about. I start to get angry as I look her up and down. She was wearing shorty shorts and a top that was practically spilling her boobs out.

She looks at me and smirks and then wrinkles her nose as if she smelt something bad. "I think you can do so much better than her don't you think?" She asks him with a smirk. I narrow my eyes and I stand up and I smile sweetly. "Oh I bet since he looked better on someone else who doesn't have to wear clothes that don't leave much for the imagination thirsty much?" I ask her.

She looks at me with shock written all over her face. Jake smiles and wraps his arm around my waist and smiles more. "That's my girl. Now run along now go bother someone else," he says. She gives me a dirty look and then I feel the air go low and I have a hard time breathing. She smirks and I notice that she is the one taking away my air.

Then I start to get mad and I summon my water to me and I push it towards her causing her to get wet. She lets go and I'm able to breathe again. "Holy shit sis you just used your powers just now," Annabelle says shocked. I just realized it as well and I looked shock so did everyone else. Jake gets up and kisses me I kiss him back and we both laugh. I look up and I see Stacy walking away. "I told you babe that you could do it didn't I?" Jake asks me with a smile.

I stick my tongue out at him and he just laughs more. "Wait until you get to our next class sis that's where we get to use our powers and get to have fun," Annabelle says to me. I grin and get excited. "Yay that's awesome I can't wait!" I say excitedly. After I said that the bell rings and we all gather our stuff and head to our classes I go to the gym with my sister and I can see why she loved it. when we got there everyone was using their powers and messing around and showing off. We head to the gym teacher who is a guy and he also looked young.

He looked to be in his early 20's with a emo cut and he had blue hair that changes color whenever he moved. I feel my face get hot in embarrassment and he smiles when I approach him and give him my class schedule. He looks at it and he smiles at me more. "Hello Aqua I'm coach Purdy welcome to our class if you would follow me I can give you, your p.e. uniform and tell you what we do in this class," he says to me with a smile

I follow him and he gives me my p.e. uniform that's in colors black and red I smile and take them. Once he gives them to me he begins to explain the class. "Now your mother told me your situation and I am going to help you out as much as I can. This class is about keeping control of your powers and how to channel them out of your body and make them physical," he says.

My eyes widen in shock on what he says. "What do you mean by that? Don't we already know how to push our powers outside of our body? Aren't we supposed to be practicing how to control our powers instead?" I ask him. He smiles and nods his head yes.

"Yes that is true but some of the students powers aren't physical. They can't push it out of their body when they need it the most. That's where I come in. You see how the students powers can be seen?" He asks me. He points to the students and my eyes widen in shock. As I noticed what he is talking about.

The students were working hard you can see that. I could tell what powers they had. I could see the water users conjuring water out of nowhere. It's just a water ball in the palm of their hands. Also you can see the fire users. As they light candles right in front of them. By just looking at them, then I see the air users you can tell because of the air swirling around them even though we are inside.

Then I watched all the rest. The earth users, spirit users, and so many more. I couldn't help but be amazed. "Ok I see what you mean you must be a great coach then," I say to him with a smile. He smiles back and shakes his head. "Thank you but I'm not, not really I just help push them in the right direction is all," he says.

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