Chapter 8

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After mom bought our stuff we head back to the car and load up the trunk. Josh follows behind us and when we are done we turn around and face him.

"Well it was nice to meet you Aqua I hope I will be seeing you at our school on Monday?" He asks me. I smile and laugh. "It was nice to meet you as well and I believe so that you will," I say back. He grins more and then goes and hugs Annabelle before he leaves.

I give sis a knowing look and I see her blush and I end up grinning. "Ok girls you ready to go eat and then go see a movie?" Our mother asks us. We nod our heads and we head to the car and go to Olive Garden. As we are waiting to be seated I look around. Then my eyes lay upon this one guy who looks around my sisters and I's age he had sea green hair and ocean blue eyes and I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat.

I shake my head to clear it and I look away as the guy walks towards us carrying our menus and introduces himself as Jake he looks at me and smiles and I smile back at him shyly and we go and take our seats. When he hands me my menu and our fingers touch I feel a electric shock running through my arm to my heart.

I look up at him and I notice that it has affected him as well and we both end up blushing. "W-would you guys like to order drinks before you decide what you want?" He asks us stuttering a little. I giggle and smile. We say what we want and he goes and gets it for us. Mom and sis both look at me and I look at them back. "What? Did I do something wrong?" I ask them both.

"We saw the way you guys were looking at each other he was flirting with you sissy," sis says laughing. I blush deeply and shake my head. "No he wasn't I doubt making eye contact with someone is called flirting," I say to sis blushing more. "It's what was in his eyes that showed that he was sissy you should so go for it and ask him for his number," sissy says.

I blush some more and shakes my head. "I could never do that I'm too shy plus I don't even know the guy well," I say feeling my face growing hot from all the blushing. "It's a good thing I know him then because he goes to our school I'll ask for you then," sis says laughing. I was about to open my mouth and say something when Jake comes back with our drinks and sets them in front of us.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He asks us. We tell him what we want and before he goes and leaves sis speaks up. "My sister is too shy to ask so I'm asking for her, sis would like to know if you would give her your cell number," Annabelle says. My eyes widen in shock and I groan in worldly. Jake laughs and nods his head and writes his number out and gives it to me. Then he leaves to go and place our order.

"I can't believe you did that sis!" I nearly shout freaking out on what happened. Sis just laughs and pokes my arm. "Would you relax? He was more than happy to give it to you if you haven't noticed. You could at least said your welcome sis," she laughs at me. I punch her in the arm lightly and we sit there and talk till Jake comes back with our orders and gives it to us.

I can't help but think as I'm eating I couldn't shake off the feeling like I've met Jake somewhere before. It was a weird feeling to have finally after a while we finish eating and mom goes and pays for the food. As we sit there Jake comes over and looks at me. "Can I talk to you for a moment? He asks me.

I nod my head and I get up and follow him outside so he and I could talk and not be over heard. At first we do nothing but stand there awkwardly but then finally he opens up his mouth to speak. "I don't know if you remember me but you and I used to be next door neighbors when we were little. Till I moved away in middle school. We used to be good friends," he says to me. My eyes widen in shock and then I remember.

"Oh my god Jakey?" I ask. I used to call him that I think before I throw my arms around him and hugs him tightly. I feel him chuckle under my arms and he hugs me back and buries his face in my neck. "Missed you my dark water queen," he said against my neck.

 I used to boss him around and have him call me queen so he would sarcastically call me dark water queen and it stuck. I smile more and I hug him tighter and I kiss his cheek. "I'm so sorry about your dad Aqua I liked your dad very much how are you handling it?" He asks me looking down at me but still holding me tightly.

"I'm handling it ok I guess I miss him so much it's only been 2 months since it happened. I feel like one day I'm going to wake up and he's just going to be there waiting for me you know?" I ask him. Jake nods his head and rests his forehead against mines and we just stand there for a while till finally we pulled apart. 

"Well I have to go back to work you call me or text me if you ever need me ok?" He asks me I smile and kisses his cheek. "I will it's so good to see you again that's for sure it's good to see someone else who knew dad," I say before I start to walk away with so many thoughts swimming around in my head.

I see my sister and mother as I turned the corner and I meet up with them. "So what movie do you girls want to go and see?" Mom asks us. We both look at one another and we both say at the same time. "Unfriended!" We both shout.

 Our mother laughs as we go inside the car and get driven to the movie theaters and mom pays for us to see unfriended. But I don't pay attention to the movie too engrossed on thinking about how it was crazy to run into Jake like that and then forget all about him it just doesn't make sense.

I want to talk to sis about this but I was afraid mom would over hear me so I'm going to have to wait till we get home. I think to myself and then when I finally start to get into the movie before I knew it the movie is over and we head out to the car. But then just as we are about to get close to the car that's when this mysterious person in a hoodie comes up behind us and pulls a knife on me and pulls me close to him.

"Awww isn't this sweet? A family get together after so long but too bad it isn't going to last long," the stranger says to me in my ear. I start to panic but then I slam my head back and I hear a satisfying crunch as the persons nose gets broken and the stranger lets me go and I whirl around and kick the stranger in the shins cracking his knee caps. He falls to the ground and I shove him on his back and I bend down.

"Who are you? It wasn't wise on you doing that now let's see who you are," I say. As I reach out to pull off his hoodie but then I feel someone slamming into my side knocking me to the ground. Before I could get up and do anything they both run off. I swear under my breath and my sister comes to my side and helps me up.

"Are you ok sis?" She asks me worriedly. I nod my head and I brush myself off. "Yep just winded is all are you and mom alright?" I ask her worriedly. I turn around and see 2 other hooded figures on the ground and I can't help but laugh. "Well we sure as hell make a dangerous family don't we sis?" I ask her laughing. Sis nods her head and we go over to the 2 people that didn't run off and I crouch and pull off their hoodies to reveal their faces.

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