Chapter 2

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"We are getting close now miss. Aqua," the driver says pulling me out of my memories. I look out the window and what I see coming up surprises me. It wasn't just a house it was a mansion it was at least three stories high. I couldn't believe this I must be dreaming no way could I picture myself living in this place. My heart started to pound as we pulled up into the driveway. I get out before the driver could open the door for me.

Just as I was about to head up to the stairs to the door a small lady comes out and smiles at me. Before I could do or say anything the small woman pulls me into a hug as if she has known me all my life. Not just meeting me for the first time. 

"Welcome home Aqua it's so good to see you I haven't seen you since you were small," she lets me go after saying this. All I can do is stare at her. "I hope you don't think I'm being rude on saying this but I don't know who you are", I say looking at her. She just smiles at me. "I'm sorry dear I just got so emotional on seeing you again that I forgot that you do not remember," she says.

"My name is Angelica and I've been working with your mom for fourteen years and I've made sure that you got your birthday and Christmas presents. Now go inside and I'll make sure that all your stuff gets sent to your room. Your mother wants to talk to you in the screen room. 

My daughter Melody will show you the way dear," she says as she walks away. I walk inside and I'm greeted by a girl that's around my age maybe a little more older than me. This must be Melody I think to myself she doesn't say anything and just walks away expecting me to follow her. As if she knew what her mother said outside.

I look around in amazement the whole place just looks too unreal. There is a spiral staircase winding all around the center of the hallway. We pass a living room and through a kitchen that looks big enough to feed a thousand people. Finally we get to the screen room and I now get why it is called that now. 

It's a screen in room that's just outside of the house it has a lovely love seat along with a few chairs that have plush cushions. I see my mother sitting in the love seat and next to her is a teenage girl who looks just like me minus the blue hair. Her hair was completely red. Her eyes are just like mines but they are opposite like looking in the mirror and seeing your reflection reversing it. She could almost be my twin.

The girl named Melody disappears without saying anything and I hesitate before I sit across from my mother and my sister. "It's so good to finally have you home dear. I know this can be a shock but I know you will adjust just fine here", my mother smiles at me. 

I smile a tiny smile and I go back to staring at my sister. My mother must of noticed me staring because she speaks up. "This is your twin sister Annabelle I'm sure that you both want to get to know each other and want to catch up. But I have something important to tell you. That I think you would want to know since your coming of age. I have a secret to tell you," my mother says to me seriously.

My eyes widen in surprise and I go very still. "What do you mean by a secret?" I ask stupidly. "Well dear have you ever wondered why you were born with unique hair and eyes? Well I don't know if your father told you this or not. But you and your sister are misfits and not just any misfit. You guys are very powerful because you both have a very powerful power. 

You Aqua have the ability to control water, your sister can control the darkness and fear that's in this world. Not a lot of people have these powers only a handful of them do. They are very rare to find and for anyone born a misfit to have powers like you and your sister do", mom says and looks at me waiting for my reaction.

I stare in shock and start feeling denial coming in its place. Me a misfit? I don't even know what that even means. Have I finally died after all and am only dreaming this? How is this even possible? 

Maybe I finally lost it. As all of this swirls around in my mind I finally open my mouth. "What's a misfit?" Is all I can bring out of my mouth. "Well dear a misfit is what we call ourselves. It's what we are ever since what happened thirty years ago. If you let me tell you I'll answer any questions you have for me," mom says.

I just nod my head and sit here as she begins the tale. "Well thirty years ago there was a terrible quake that caused half the world to split. What came out of the ground was nothing any of us have seen before. At first we thought it was just rocks but then something started to grow from these rocks they were some kind of plant they looked like apples. 

No one wanted to touch them because they thought it might harm us so the scientists started to test it out. They saw nothing wrong with it and they gave it to animals so they could eat it.

At first it looked like the animals weren't going to eat it till they did. The scientists decided to wait a week and see if it would do anything to the animals. When it looked like they were normal they let others eat it. One of the scientists tried it out and started to noticed some changes to himself," she said.

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