chapter 36

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We all sat in silence taking it all in and then finally he goes back to the tale. "The little boy and his mother sneak out and they were able to escape for a few years. But the little boy knew that the others were looking for them. The little boy started to grow up until he was a teenage boy of 16 his mother knew it was time to tell him what the future has in store for him. 'My dear boy there is something that you must know now that you are old enough to understand,' his mother says to him. 

"The boy Rudy waits for his mother to continue what she was going to tell him. 'You see my boy there was this prophecy that foretold what the future has in store for you. You are suppose to save not only this world from a dark evil but another world as well,' she tells him. "The little boy takes it in and at first he didn't believe his mother. But then he thought about it some more and he knew it all made sense now about everything.

'Is that why I have the powers that I have?' he asked his mother. "His mother nods her head on that and the boy smiles and hugs his mother. She smiles and hugs him back she loves her son very much. Even though she didn't tell him about the part where his mother was going to die protecting him. But he understood why she didn't tell him not until a few years later will he understand it fully.

"After his mother said that he made sure to learn how to control his powers more and they lived a peaceful life for a few more years. But then something happens that turns it for the worse. The man that threatened to kill his mother and wants to take the boy would soon find them. Until then the boy and his mother lived happily. Finally after the few years came and went not only was he able to harvest his powers he was able to make things grow where they couldn't before. 

"His mother couldn't help but smile and be impressed about what the boy could do she knew her son could do this even if she didn't have that much longer to live. Finally the day came where everything would change for the boy. It happened when the boy was out going shopping for his mother everyone who was there would smile at him. He would smile back his mother was really loved by the people that lived here. She grew things for the people and she took cared of their wounds because she knew some things about medicine. 

"After the boy got what his mother asked him to get he heads home as he is heading home he sees a pillar of smoke in the air. He couldn't help but tell it was coming in the direction of their house. The boy ran home and sure enough his fears came to life and he saw that his mother's and his home was on fire. The boy ran to the house calling out to his mother and then he heard her call to him but her voice was faint. The boy got scared and ran to his mother when he found her he couldn't help but stand frozen in fear. 

"The man that promised to find them and do what he planned to was hovering over his mother. She laid bleeding on the ground and he got mad. The boy heads towards the man and the man just smirks at the boy. When the boy gets there he felt his powers coursing through his body and he pushes them out. The man was surprised the last time he saw the boy, the boy was weak and couldn't control his powers. But he should have known that the boy would practice and would get better. 

"The man couldn't help but smile in glee and meets the boy face to face. 'Well boy you came too late to save your mother now. So now come along with me otherwise I would have no choice but to kill you and I don't think either of us would want that to happen now do we?' The man said. The little boy doesn't say anything he pushes his powers to the surface and knocks the man down off of his feet. The man's eyes widen in shock. 

"The little boy couldn't help but smile and the man quickly gets up and gathers his own powers around him. He targets the boy and the boy felt pure evil in this man's power. He tried to step away from it but it hits him anyways knocking him over. The boy tries to catch his breath and he gets up and gets ready to try to knock the man down and drive him away. The boy knew that he wasn't strong enough to defeat this man. 

"But the little boy didn't care he wanted to try anyways so he gathers all his strength and powers and sends the man flying in the air and lands on his ass really hard. The man looks up in shock again if the boy didn't know any better he would have thought the man really weak. But at that time he was when they would meet again the man would be much stronger. But until then the boy was the strongest one he goes over to the man and hovers over him. 

'Leave my mother and I alone you can't hurt us and I don't ever want to see your face ever again,' the boy said. The man just smiles and gets up and brushes himself off. 'You have won this time but I will be back and I will get what I want,' the man said. After the man said that he gets up and flees the boy couldn't help but be relieved. He runs to his mother to see how badly she was hurt. When he goes over to her he saw that she was looking pretty bad. 

"The boy saw blood everywhere on his mother he picks her up and carries her away from the house and towards her herb garden. He knew that she kept it away from the house and he went and got some of the herbs he thought might help his mother. But to his horror they didn't help at all they weren't enough to help his mother out and he could tell that her lung was punctured and it was about to collapse on her. The boy couldn't help but feel remorse and anger. 

'My boy my dear sweet boy it will be ok let me die it will be better this way. I know you can handle yourself don't forget what I told you about what you need to do. You need to stick by it no matter the cost. Just know that I will always be watching over you,' she says to him. But the boy looks at his mother shocked for she was telling him all of this in his head. She finally died in his arms and the boy continued to weep for his mother. 

"Finally he sets her down gently on the ground and he goes and takes care of the fire when he does he goes about digging a hole in the dirt. He used his powers to make the hole once he was done he goes over to his mother and he picks her up gently. He goes to the hole and gently sets her down in it he climbs out of the hole and he starts to bury her body. Once the boy was done he sits down and weeps more. 

"For everything that has happened him not being there to save his mother. The way she died and of course he felt hatred towards the guy who murdered his mother. He knew in his mind he was going to make the guy pay for what he did. So the boy got ready to begin his journey to find the man who killed his mother. He was going to make sure he was going to be even stronger when the man and the boy were going to meet again. Little did the boy know that more things were going to happen.

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