Chapter 21

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After I finish telling her everything she looks at me speechless. Then she looks sad about something. "Why did you do this without me?" She asks me. I look down and sighs and I pull her into a hug. "I wanted to protect you, I didn't want anything to happen to you sis," I say to her. Jake snorts and I look at him curiously. "I see you didn't care much for my safety," he says jokingly. 

I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs and we all lay there for a moment. All lost in each other's thoughts. Then I sit up and I look down at them. "Do you think we should get mom to tell us what's going on early? Or should we try to figure it out ourselves?" I ask Annabelle. She looks at me for a moment and is thinking. 

Then finally she speaks up. "I think we should look into it ourselves. I don't think mom would tell us the truth. Even when it comes to the time for her to tell us," she says. I nod my head in agreement. "Ok your right about that. That means we need to start at where we can find our answers and I know where that is," I say. They look at me curiously.

"Let's meet at the library in twenty minutes I have to do something first," I say to them. They nods their heads and I get up and off the bed. I head to moms study thinking I'll see her in there. When I do I go over to her and tell her what coach Purdy wanted me to tell her. After I took cared of that. I start to get things pulled together. Including what sis made copies of on the info mom has on all the misfits of the world. 

At least on the strongest ones I think to myself. After twenty minutes go by I meet up with them at the library. Jake's eyes widen when he sees what I brought with me. Sis only just smirks and rolls her eyes. As if she figured out that's what I was doing this whole time. "Ok now I have what we need now we just have to do some research so are you guys with me?" I ask them.

They roll their eyes at me. "Duh of course I mean why else would we be here?" Sis says. I laugh and agree with her on that. We then begin to do research on misfits and what Dr. James wants to do with the fruit and misfits. Despite the obvious a few hours go by and we didn't find much of anything. 

Annabelle throws a book across the room and screams a little. I look at her and I go over to her and rubs her back. Then an idea hits me and I get mad at myself for not thinking about the obvious. "I forgot about the one crucial thing I found out when I was spying on mom that night. She was going to get us ready for him. He said mom has five months before he needs us for something," I say to them.

Annabelle nods her head when she remembers what I told her what happened that night. "So now we have to make sure that we are ready for him so we can find out more on what's going on. No way in hell am I going to be his lackey and do what he wants me to do," I say. Annabelle agreed with me on that. 

After that and we had a little bit more information we head out of the library and we go into my room and hangs out for a bit. Going over ideas and laughing about stupid stuff. Finally it's time for Jake to leave and I kiss him goodnight. I go to bed knowing I had to do something once I woke up. Thank goodness it was the weekend tomorrow. I think to myself before I go to sleep. 

I wake up the next day with midnight licking my face. I laugh and pats my bed so midnight can jump on up. He does and he lays his head on my stomach. I couldn't help but be fascinated by him. I mean come on he's a wolf and he's mines. I never thought much of having a pet wolf. I've always loved wolves since I was a kid. 

But I never dreamed that I would have a wolf of my own. After laying there for a bit I get up and midnight follows me. I go into the kitchen and I feed him and then I take him outside. So he could run for a bit and stretch out his legs. I play with him for an hour and then I bring him back in. I go to moms study and I see her in there. 

"Hello Aqua how can I help you?" She asks me. I smile at her before I speak. "I was wondering if I could borrow the car?" I ask her. She looks shocked she wasn't expecting me to ask that. You could tell by the look on her face. When I asked her. "Sure sweetie it's all yours to use as you please," she says to me. I smile more then I thank her before I leave the room and she gives me the keys. 

I walk towards the car and drives to Jakes house. I go over to Jakes dad and I can't help but feel weird seeing him. Jake is the spitting image of his father. So it takes me a while to pull my thoughts together. Before I speak to him about something. "Hello Mr. Row I was wondering if you knew where Dr. James is office is at? I wanted to talk to him about something," I ask him sweetly.


He looks at me not sure what to say and I wait for him to speak. "Sure I'll give you the address hang on," he tells me. I nodded my head and I wait for him as he runs inside. He comes back out a bit later with paper and he hands it to me. I smile when I see the address and directions on how to get there. "Thank you so much Mr. Row," I say to him. 

I turn around and was about to head back to the car. When I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and I see that it's Jake's father. Who put his hand on my shoulder. I look at him curiously. What's with all these guys putting their hands on my shoulders when I'm about to leave? I think to myself. 

"Yes is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" I asked him curiously. At first he doesn't say anything then he begins to speak up. "Yes just be careful and don't do anything I wouldn't do is all," he said. I stand there speechless and I just nod my head. I turn around and head back to the car and I drive to Dr. James is office. I go to the receptionist's desk. 

"Hello I'm Aqua I was wondering if I could see Dr. James?" I ask the lady. She doesn't say anything she just stares at me for a bit before she answers me. "Hold on let me call him," she says bored. I just nod my head and wait as she calls him up. After she exchanges a few words with him. She hangs up and looks at me. "He said he will see you shortly and that you should just head to his office and wait for him there," she says to me. 

I nods my head and follow the directions that she gives to me. After a while I find his office and I sit and wait. Well that was the plan until I got curious about him. So I decided to snoop around before he came to his office. So I look through his desk drawers. When it looks like I wasn't going to find anything. I look towards his laptop. 

Why must all bad guys leave their info on what they do in a laptop? It's like screaming for someone to go snoop into it. I think to myself as I wake up his laptop.

(I'm turning this book to a novel so it's going to be a while before I finish it.)

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