Chapter 41

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"I know but can you blame me? Who really believes in their dreams these days anyways?" I asked him teasingly. He just laughs and goes over to me and hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek my eyes widen in surprise. "W-what was that for?" I couldn't help but stutter when I asked him that he lets me go and stands back and looks at me. "Because you have done a lot for me and this world plus you are a good owner. I just wanted to do that is all," he says also blushing. 

I hear Jake clear his throat behind me and I jump and looks over to him and smiles at him. But I couldn't help but blush Midnight was a cutie like no joke he had that cute boyish face. He had dimples and he had freckles sprinkled across his face. So he was a looker he even had that off to the side of that covers half his face with hair. But then I think of him as a wolf and I realized even though he is older than me. Our years work differently than his does. 

So in the human world he looks like he is 19 or 20 years old. It makes you envious about that but I shake it off and I looks around when I see the others come over. Then I saw a new face that I didn't recognized it was a pretty girl who is around Midnight's age. That's when it hit me that must be Nightmare looks like Midnight wasn't the only one allowed to turn human. Sissy looked like she was as pale as a ghost which I couldn't blame her because of all the shock that has been going around.

I walk over to Annabelle and I hugs her tightly and kisses the top of her head and she hugs me back and looks up at me. "So I take it you had a dream as well about your wolf?" She asked me. I nodded my head and she laughs and smiles. I grab a hold of her hand and pulls her over to the others and we begin the training. I knew it wasn't going to be easy and I was right. It was really hard to deal with. My body felt like it was going to explode from all the pressure I was putting on it. 

But I couldn't help but feel like I was getting stronger as well. The others were doing good. Josh and Annabelle were able to handle their powers well along with Jake. Then Robby looked like he was doing well despite what happened with his sister. Looks like its a slow progress with his sister every time they are together I see the worried look on his face. It must be really hard to see your sister like that. 

Not remembering much and forgetting how to use her powers. He seemed to be really gentle with her too. So I knew things were going to go well I just didn't know how well it was all going to go. Mom and dad are watching us and you could tell they were on edge and I couldn't blame them. Its not everyday that you see your twin daughters being trained to take down an evil person like Dr. James. But they are supportive. Finally after a few hours of training we were done and able to take a break. I couldn't help but want to just lay where I was standing so I plopped down on the floor and just laid there catching my breath.  

I hear someone walking over to me and I looks up and I see that it is Midnight he looked like he wasn't tired. I sit up and glares at him playfully. "You look like you haven't broken a sweat what is your secret?" I asked him teasingly. He laughs and plops down next to me and grins. "It's called knowing how to handle your body and it looks like to me that we have made a lot of progress here today," he says with a smile. 

I couldn't help but smile back I looked around at everyone and saw that they have all gotten stronger. But then again we have come a long way from where we were at before so it goes without saying that it is going to make us stronger. I kisses Midnight's cheek and messes up his hair. he growls at me playfully and I laughs. 

I then looked around and noticed that everyone was watching us. I looked at everyone back and I smiled. I couldn't help but be proud of everyone here. I just hope we are going to win this. Soon its going to be 5 months and Dr. James is going to want to see us all. We just have 3 more months to get everything pulled together for the fight. 

I just knew it was going to be big and some of us might not make it out alive. But I will make sure that we all do and I will protect everyone I can. Who would have thought we would end up being super heroes. I mean you read about them all the time in comics. Yet who would want to have that much responsibilities. But now I can see why there isn't anything you wouldn't do to protect the people that you love. 

If you have powers you can't help but want to use them to change the world and makes it right and better. That's what I plan on doing I believe all of us want to do that. "So who's hungry?" I hear Melody's mom ask. She brought us food and we go and eats and I watch Midnight and Nightmare and I can't help but feel like they were made for this world. They knew how to handle themselves for being humans for the first time. 

But you would have to know how to handle yourself. That's the way the world works once done eating that's when everyone heads out and goes their separate ways and things seem to get interesting after that. We were all minding our own business when an explosion happened and it rocked the whole place. 

"Everyone inside now and lets get to the basement there is an escape route there!" Dad shouts at everyone. We all do what he says and we all go inside and ends up going into the basement and when we do. I couldn't help but be amazed on what I see. The place was big and deep and when you go in deeper. You see another room and then a hallway once we go past all of that. That's when we see the exit and there is a car waiting for us. 

Once we get to it I watch behind us as we all piled in and I watched our safe house go up in smoke. I couldn't believe that, that was happening it shouldn't be this way at all I just knew that we needed to get this done sooner. We drive for a few hours and no one says anything then to my surprise we pull up to our old house and gets out. 

"Dad why are we here? Isn't it not safe to be back home?" I asked him. Dad looks at me and smiles. "It will be safe that was his way of saying you need to come back and be normal or you all will die. He wants to keep an eye on us and make sure that we don't do anything that he can't see us do," dad says. I looked at daddy and I nodded my head in understanding and walks inside of the house with the others. 

"Well this is going to turn out to be a horrible day we need to start our plan soon before its too late," I mumble to myself. I didn't care if Dr. James heard what I said or not I just know that this is war if he thinks he can kill my family and get away with it? then he had another thing coming. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for this family. I know they would do the same thing for me. Now I was more determined then ever to set this up in place.

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