Chapter 29

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*A week later*

*Jake's point of view*

It's been a week since I've been looking for Aqua. I got Josh to help me thinking he would be able to help. But so far we find nothing. But I wasn't going to give up on her. I promised myself the next time I would see Aqua I would never let her go. I plan on keeping that promise. I never felt this way towards any girl before.

I just knew I didn't want to lose her. That's why I'm so determined to find her. I hear a knock on my door to my room. "Come in," I call out. Josh walks into my room and I fist bump him. He sits in my computer chair and looks at me. "Well looks like I might have found something. But I'm not 100% sure that I'm right about this," Josh says to me.

"I don't care anything helps. So tell me what you found?" I asked him. He doesn't say anything at first. I just wait for him to be able to speak. "Well I found a place that looks abandoned but also it looks like someone has been living there recently as well. I thought we should check it out," he says to me.

I grin big and I get excited. This could be it this could be where Aqua has been. "Then let's go check it out then it doesn't hurt to check it out am I right?" I asked him. He nods his head and I smile and gets up and gets ready. Once done Josh and I both head out of my house and goes to where Josh said he saw movement in a place. Once we get there I look around.

The place didn't look like anything that would have life. Considering it looked like it was about to fall apart the place does. "Josh you sure this is the right place?" I asked him. He nods his head at me. "Yep this is the place I know it looks bad but what better place to go into hiding. Then a place you wouldn't expect anyone to live in," he says.

"You got a point there let's go inside then," I say. We walk up and goes inside and I look around. But the place looks like no one has lived here in a long time. I start to have my doubts when I see something that's on the ground. I bend down and looks at it. It looked like a key hole it was in the middle of the floor.

It looked like someone tried to make it into a drain so no one would notice it as a key hole. But I could tell by the way it was made. Plus my dad has been teaching me how to pick lock, locks. So I knew I could pick it. I grab my kit and I start to pick the lock. Finally after ten minutes I get it to swing open. I grin in satisfaction.

"Hey Josh come over here I found something," I call out to him. He comes over and looks at what I find and I see his eyes widen in shock. "Damn dude your really good," he says. I can't help but laugh and I pulls out a flashlight. I start to climb down the stairs and so does Josh. After he grabs the trap door and closes it up behind us. We both jump down and turns on our flashlights and looks around.

It was a tunnel and it was leading to a place. We start to follow the tunnel and a few minutes later we enter into a room. It just looked like a plain room like nothing is in it. I see a door and I open it and I see a hallway. We follow the hallway and then we notice that the hallway was clean. Usually when a place is abandoned its filthy and has months worth of dust and dirt.

It looked to me like the place was cleaned up. Finally we get into a bigger part of the place. I was just about to walk in further when Josh stops me. I turn around and was about to yell at him. When I hear footsteps we go and hide and press up against the wall. I noticed that it was two guards. I can't help but frown.

What are two guards doing in a place like this? Finally when the guards leave that's when I go out and follow them. Josh keeps close by me and I make sure we don't get caught by following the guards. Finally after a while the guards stop at a room and they knock on the door. Someone opens it up and looks at the guard. My eyes widen when I see who the person is. It was none other than my girlfriend.
A part of me wants to jump out and go to her and throw my arms around her. But I keep still I wait for the guards to leave. When they do I go over to Aqua when she sees me she starts to panic.

*Aqua's point of view*

At first I thought I was dreaming when I saw Jake in front of me. But then I get happy but I also try not to freak out as well. He wasn't supposed to be here. If my parents find out. I would never hear the end of it from them. I pull him in the room along with Josh and I closes the door behind them. "Are you nuts? I told you, you shouldn't be here," I say to him.

Jake just shakes his head at me. "I know but I still wanted to find you I told you I wouldn't stop looking for you," he says to me. I can't help but feel myself blush when he says that to me. I sigh and throw my arms around him and kisses him deeply. He kisses me back just as deeply. I hear Josh clear his throat and I can't help but blushes.

I pull away from Jake and looks at Josh. "Sorry about that if you are looking for Annabelle she is sitting in our room," I say to him. Josh looks at me happily and I take Josh to where my sister is at. Once he sees her he runs over to her. Annabelle's eyes were wide when she sees Josh. She gets up and runs to him and throws her arms around him and they stand there hugging each other.

I couldn't help but smile as I watch them. Then I feel Jake pulling on my hand so I go and follow him and he sits me down and pulls me to him. I cuddle into him and we sit like that for a while. Then I look up at him happily. "So how did you find this place?" I asked him. He tells me everything that happened and my eyes widen and I blush. I get up and kiss him and we just sit here making out for a while. I couldn't help but smile big at this. But then reality starts to sink in and I get up. "Shit mom and dad would kill me if they find you and Josh here," I say. "Wait what do you mean your dad?" Jake asks me.

I sit down and tells him everything that happened and his eyes widen in shock. "Well shit that explains a lot," Jake says to me. I can't help but laugh. "I know but still if they find out I won't hear the end of it from them," I say. He pulls me close and rubs my back. "It will be ok I want to talk to him anyways. Besides I'm not leaving you again," he says to me.

I feel my heart pound and I smile. "Alright but what about your dad? Won't he be looking for you?" I asked him. He shakes his head no on it. "He won't he knows how I feel and he knows he can't talk me out of it no matter how hard he wants to," he says with a laugh. I just roll my eyes and smacks him upside of the head. He laughs and just looks up at me. I knew it was going to get harder.

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