Chapter 22

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Once I wake up his laptop I notice that there is a password for it and I curse inside of my head. But then of course there is a password on his laptop. They always do in the movies. So I start to get to work on cracking the password. After a few tries I finally get in and I start to go through his files. My eyes widen when I see what I find. He lied to those two teens. 

He has bigger plans then what he told them. My eyes widen more and I'm going through them a bit. When I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. I curse inside of my head and I get rid of all traces of me being on there. I finally get to my seat by the time the door swings open. I look behind me and I can't help but gasp a little. He looked different then the last time I saw him he looks more younger. 

So I try to hide the surprise on my face and hopes he doesn't notice it. He smiles at me when he gets to his seat and he shakes my hand and my eyes widen more. "Hello Aqua it's nice to finally meet you," he says to me with a sweet smile on his face. I'm completely speechless for a bit before I pull it all together. "It's nice to finally meet you as well Dr. James I've heard so much about you. That I had to meet you," I say to him. 

He grins and just looks at me for a bit. "So what can I do for you?" He asks me. I smile before I speak. "I was wondering if I could work for you? I want to help out any way that I can," I say to him. His eyes widen in shock when he hears me asking. He pulls himself together and smiles at me. "Of course you can it would be my pleasure and an honor. To have you work for me. Does your mom approve of it?" He asks me. 

I look down guiltily and then looks up at him. "To be honest I haven't asked her I wanted to ask you first. Before I talked to her about it. Plus I was hoping you could help me out on convincing her to let me work with you?" I ask him. He smiles more and nods his head yes. "I don't see why not we would be glad and pleased to have you working with us," he says. 

I just smile and think. Wow he's dumber than I thought or he knows what I'm up to and doesn't really care. I think to myself. But in any case things seem to be going rather well. "So what kind of job would I have to do if I work with you?" I ask him curiously. He just smiles at me for a moment before he begins to speak. 

"Well there are many things you could do to help us out. We are a good organization that helps out misfits like yourself. Live a better life and to understand your powers more. You could help us out by talking to others like you. Think about it they will look up to you as their role model," he says to me. 

I can't help but want to roll my eyes at him about all of this. He sounds like he is trying to drawl me in by making me into a leader. What he doesn't know is that he doesn't know me that well. He is going to find that out soon enough. But I just nod my head at him as if I agreed with him. We sit and talk for a bit in his office before its time for me to leave. 

"Well I would love to stay and chat more but I have to go now. Thanks so much for this you have no idea how happy this makes me," I say to him. He smiles and pats my back as he gets up. He comes to my side and opens the door for me. "No need to thank me Aqua I should be thanking you for coming here and offering your services to us," he says to me. 

I smile and walks out the door. "Any time I'm just glad I can start helping out on making people's lives better," I say to him. He just smiles at me more and I head to the car and I drive home. Once I get home I start to look for Annabelle I spot her at the pool and I go over to her. "Hey sissy where have you been? I've been looking all over for you," Annabelle asks me. 

I grin at her. "You will never believed what happened sis," I say to her. "What did you finally kill someone and hid their body?" She asks me teasingly. "Haha very funny sis are you sure your not the culprit and you are just blaming me?" I shot back at her. We both laugh and I sit down after throwing off my flip flops and dips my feet into the pool. 

"I'm going to be working for Dr. James so now I'll be able to spy on him and get info and find out more about his plan. I already found out some stuff that he didn't tell Amelia and Robby," I say to her.
She looks at me and with that look I knew I had her full attention. So I tell her what I found out and her eyes widen as well when she hears about it. "Can you believe that sis? It's worse than we thought it would be," I say to her. We both don't talk for a while lost in each other's thoughts. When I feel myself being pulled into the pool.

I let out a scream as I fall into the pool and I hear sissy laughing at me.
I swim over to her and her and I start chasing each other inside of the pool laughing and screaming. Then we hear our names being called and we get out of the pool. We dry ourselves off the best we could and we head over to our mother who is frowning. I bite my lip thinking that Dr. James already called her up and told her everything. My suspensions are confirmed when my mom starts to talk.

"Aqua I got a call from Dr. James saying that you went and saw him. You asked him for a job and he wanted to talk to me about it. Now is this true?" She asks me. I nod my head at her not trusting my voice to speak out loud. Her frown deepens and she looks at me. "Are you sure that's what you want to do sweetie?" She asks me. I nods my head again at her.

She lets out a sigh. "Very well then you can work with him. But with one catch your sister goes with you. So you guys can watch each other's back is that clear?" She asks us. We both nods our heads. Mom smiles a tight smile and starts to walk away. I look at sissy and grins at her she grins at me back and we high five each other. What mom and Dr. James didn't know is that we had this all figured out. 

Now we just need to find a way to stop him before it's too late. We just hope we can stop him at all. I want to know what kind of power he has. You can tell he has something that people can't help but be scared of. But the question is what kind of power does he have? If we find out what's his power maybe we can out throw him. I think about all of this as I'm getting ready to go and eat dinner. 

Once I'm done getting ready I go down and eat. Once done I head up to my room and starts going over plans that we have come up with. As I'm doing this I hear something plink against my window. I go over and opens my window up and I look down. I see Jake out my window and he starts to climb up. When he sees me peek outside of my window.

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