Chapter 25

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*The next day*

I'm at school hanging out with my friends at lunch time when I feel someone glaring at me from behind. I look behind me and I see Stacey standing there glaring at me. I roll my eyes and don't bother giving her my attention. I turn back around and that's when I feel someone jumping on my back. I scream in surprise and I get up to see that Stacey is the one on top of me.

I get mad and I slam backwards making her gasp in surprise and I feel her loosen her grip on me. I turn around and pins her down and glares down at her. "What the hell was that for? I didn't do anything to you so how dare you attack me like that," I growl at her. She stops struggling and I get up and let her go.

When I do she tries to attack me again! What the hell is her problem?! I punch her and her and I get into a fight. Until we get pulled apart by a teacher. I sigh and stops struggling and we end up at the principles office. I sigh more and think great just great. "Alright girls let's hear your sides of the story Miss. Summers you go first," the principle says to me.

"I was hanging out with my friends at lunch minding my own business. When all of a sudden I feel someone glaring at me from behind. I turn around and saw that it was Stacey glaring at me. I just turned back around when she jumped on my back. I slammed her back so I could get her off of me. I pinned her down to try to stop her from doing it again. When I let her go she did it again!" I say.

The principle just sighs and sits back. "Ok now Miss. Witch do you have anything to say?" The principle asked her. "I had a good reason for going after her! She got me all wet the first day she was here and I didn't do anything wrong to her!" She said. The principle raised one eyebrow and looked at me.

"Is this true Miss. Summers?" She asked me. "Yes but only because she made me lose air! She used her powers on me," I said. The principle shakes her head before she says anything. "Alright here is what I'm going to do, you guys got a weeks worth of detention. Now if this happens again you guys get suspended for a week are we clear?" She asks us.

We both nods our heads. "Ok now that, that is settled you guys are dismissed," she says to us. We both get up and leave the principles office. I start to walk away when Stacey stops me. I turn around and glares at her getting ready to fight her. "What do you want now? Care to fight me again?" I sneered at her.

She grins at me but doesn't try to attack me. "Just wanted to say that this isn't over your going to pay for taking away Jake from me you got it?" She says to me. I laugh at her. "Dude he isn't interested in you! He and I grew up together so I've known him longer than you. So just give it up," I say getting annoyed.

She doesn't say anything back at first. "That doesn't matter I'm going to get him. He is only dating you for pity he will leave you sooner or later," she says. I just laugh and walks away. I head to my next class and I see Annabelle waiting eagerly for me to sit down and tell her what happened. I looked up and saw that the teacher wasn't paying attention to us.

Before I write what happened in the note I give to her. She reads what I wrote before she writes to me back and the note says this: "Wow you got really lucky there sis normally the principle suspends people for fighting" the note says. I just shake my head and writes back this: "I don't think she would have done that to me considering who our mother is," I write back to her.

She reads what I wrote and then nods a bit as she agreed on what I said. But before we could talk about this further I look up to see the teacher looking at me. I smile and act like I have been taking notes this entire time. The teacher goes back to teaching the class and I sighs in relief.

Finally class is over with and we go home and mom is waiting for us by the time we get back. "Hey girls glad your back home now," she says to us. "Yep I take it you heard what happened at school today mom?" I asks her. Mom nods her head yes at me. "Yep I heard what happened but your not in trouble you were just defending yourself which isn't bad at all," mom says to me.

I stand there speechless for a moment but then just shrugs my shoulders. "Well anyways it's time for you girls to get ready to work for Dr. James," mom says. I grin and nods my head. "Ok then sis and I will go and get ready for him then. Is there anything we aren't supposed to be wearing when working with him?" I asks mom.

Mom thinks for a while before she says anything. "The only thing you can't wear is flip flops other than that it doesn't matter," mom says. I nods my head. "Alright then I'm all ready to go when you are mom," I say to her. "Ok sweetie just let me go and get ready and I will meet you both at the car in ten minutes," mom says.

Annabelle and I goes inside and drops our school stuff in our rooms and waits for mom by the car. Ten minutes later mom comes back out and goes to the car. We all get in and mom drives us to Dr. James is office. We go there and instead of going in the place I went through to first meet Dr. James. We go into a side door and heads to a lab. My eyes widen in shock when I look around.

I try not to talk as we follow mom to where Dr. James is at and when we get there I can't help but feel like my eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. From all the widening my eyes have been doing. But I couldn't help it because of what I see right in front of me. I can see tests going on with different people with different powers. Most of them were younger than my sister and I. Some of them looked to be in their tens to their thirteens and some of them looked like they were just infants. Dr. James smiles when he sees us there and he comes over to us.

"Welcome you guys to my lab I'm so glad you all could make it here. Come, come let me show you around," he says to my sister and I. We follow him but mom stays behind. Because she has her own things to deal with and work on. "Well as you can see we are teaching every misfit we can to control their powers. No matter the age we also do youth groups with the older teens. That's where the both of you will be working at," he says to us.

I hang on to every word he says he stops talking after a while. Then he takes us to a room where there are older teenagers at. "Here is where I want the both of you to be working at. You both will be in charge of watching over them as they practice their powers. I know you both will do great. Is there any questions you have?" He asks us.

I think and I shakes my head no and so does Annabelle. Dr. James smiles at us both before he leaves the room. Annabelle and I are both alone with the four teens are sitting and staring at us. Well this is going to be a long day. I think to myself as I smile at them all before I speak.

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