Chapter 35

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After we left the island and landed where we got the chopper. We start to head home and we bring Robby and Amelia with us. We figured that Annabelle's and I's parents would be able to find out what is wrong with Amelia I can't help but think about how that teenager knew coach Purdy's name. But I should know that the reason she knows it at all is because of Dr. James then that means he knows that we are onto him.

But if he knows that we are onto him then why hasn't he done anything to stop us? I think to myself but then again we were told that he wanted us to work for him. But he should know that we never would so then why hasn't he done anything to us. To try to get us to work for him? but I can't think of anything except whatever he used to get Amelia to do what he wanted. 

He must have a plan or someone who can control others the more we think we are close to stopping him. The more surprises he pops up with to stop us and we have to rethink our plans. I can't help but think we would never win or defeat him. We finally make it back home we knew we would have to tell my parents about all of this. But I knew we would have to do it sooner or later as it turned out it became sooner than we expected. 

So when we find my parents and tell them everything minus the plan we came up with and the wolf dreams. They were upset and disappointed in us. I can't help but looks down after they take Amelia away to see what they could find out. We all go into my sisters and I's room and we all sit down and don't say anything for a bit. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "I know they are mad at us but they shouldn't be no matter what they say we are a part of this," I say. 

Everyone nods their heads in agreement then I look over at coach Purdy. "So do you have anything you want to tell us?" I ask him. He looks at me clueless for a moment but I just stare him down before he sighs and begins to speak up. "Maybe I do but I don't know if you guys would believe me on this," he says to us. I roll my eyes at him and snorts. "Oh yeah? try us then," I say. He sighs and chuckles before he turns to us. "Well I don't know if you are going to believe me on this or not but I come from a different world and so does Dr. James," he says. 

He stops and waits for us to all take it in. I feel my eyes are as big as saucers because I think about the dream I had and what midnight told me about someone fighting Dr. James. But I didn't think it would be coach Purdy of all people. "Well we believe you there is something we have to tell you as well," I say. He raises his eyebrow at me and I tell him of the dreams that my sister and I had. 

After we are done we all sit in silence and wait to see what coach Purdy is going to say about all of that. He doesn't say anything for a while. "Alright I wasn't expecting that but I have heard legends about wolves never thought that legend was true. But now there is something else I have to tell you," he says to us. We all sit and stare and waits for him to speak. "I'm going to tell you a tale on how one little boy was told he was going to have to help save not only his world but another world as well," he says. 

We are all transfixed to what he is saying to us. "There was this boy named Rudy who was different than the people around him. He could make things move like the earth. One day the child decided to show off to his mother when he was three. He expected her to be happy about his gift but she was afraid. Not because of his powers but who would want to hurt him and use him. You see the people of his world were power hungry. 

"I don't mean power hungry for money and to take control of people. I mean actual real power whenever someone shows powers the people would want to use that person anyway that they can. So his mother made him promise to never show anyone his powers again and he promised. He did just that for a few years. But then something happened to make him use his powers yet again. His mother was out in the garden minding the flowers like she always does. 

"Then there was this man who hovered over her and looked at her. She felt him staring and she looked up and saw the guy. He smiled at her coldly and his mother couldn't help but show a little fear. 'Come now Martha it's about time you stop this non sense and marry me. It has been three years since your husband died. Don't you think it's time for you to find another man to marry?' he asks her. 

"His mother only looked at him and then she got up and brushed herself down and got into his face. 'I will not be marrying the likes of you I know what you do and I don't approve of it. Leave me and my boy alone,' she says to the guy. His Mother was about to turn her back on him when he grabs a hold of her and pulls her back to him. He had a cold cruel look on his face. 'You will do it for your sons sake if not your own,' he says to her.

"The little boy heard shouting and then a loud crack and he runs outside looking around to see what was going on. He sees his mother on the ground touching her cheek and the guy hovering over her breathing heavily. 'You will pay for that you will die that's for sure,' he growls at her. The little boy goes over to his mother and stands in front of her protecting her. 'Leave my mama alone,' the little boy said to the man. The man only looked down at him and sneered the little boy gets mad and makes his powers come out and knocks the man down. 

"The mother gasps and the man's eyes widen in surprise before he starts to smirk. 'Looks to me like you have been keeping a secret from the rest of us about your boy. You will be punished for this,' the guy says. The mother just stands up and gathers the boy to her and holds him protectively to her. 'Just go away and leave us alone,' she says to the guy. All he does is chuckle and starts to walk away. The mother starts to worry and carries her son inside the house setting him down. 

"The mother starts pacing around and at first the boy doesn't say anything he just watches his mother pace up and down. He couldn't stop thinking about the man who hurt his mother and feeling like there was something different about the man. After a while his mother stops pacing and she bends down and looks at her son. 'My dear boy it looks like we have been found out we are going to have to leave and escape,' his mother says to him. 

"The boy didn't know what to say so he just nodded his head and his mother stood up and started to pack their stuff. His mother said that they were going to leave at night so no one can see them and stop them from leaving this place. The little boy couldn't help but feel like something was about to happen. He didn't know at the time how close he was to the truth on that. But since he was only three he didn't think much about it. 

"Finally night falls and the mother starts to get things ready and soon they are on their way," he says to us. 

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