Chapter 42

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*Annabelle's point of view* 

I couldn't help but think about all of the things that have been happening here lately. Dr. James has done nothing but made our lives hell for the past month since we got back home. He had the whole place bugged and then he had guards watch us and follow us around. It was so frustrating that I wanted to scream. But I knew that screaming wouldn't solve anything but make things worse. 

So I just sit and sighs as I sit on my bed and just think about everything. I honestly didn't want to do any of this. I just wanted to have a normal girl life and do things on my own and be able to laugh and have fun with my boyfriend. But I don't see that happening because of everything that was going on. I also couldn't help but notice that I am starting to change as well. 

I feel darker and more daring than I usually feel I wonder if its because of my powers are growing stronger? Who can say exactly all I know is, is that I needed help with my powers. Before they get out of hand and fast. I am sitting there biting my lip and thinking before long I hear a knock on my door and I looked up and see the door slide open. In walks Nightmare I wasn't used to her being human so it still surprises me. "Hey I came here to talk to you about something," she says in her young clear voice. 

I nodded my head and let her sit beside me. "So what is up?" I asked her. She smiled at me. "I came here to talk about how to control your powers. I know that they are growing so I want to help you out to make sure they don't take over you," she says. I looked at her speechless. "How did you know that, that is happening to me?" I asked her quietly. She smiles at me and chuckles. "Simple really because I have the same powers as you," she says. My eyes widen in shock and I look her up and down. 

"Really you do?" I asked her. She smiles at me and then makes the whole room go dark but it was the shadows that were doing it. She conjured so many that they were filling up the whole room in darkness. I couldn't even do that it made me feel like I was in a really dark cave a bottomless pit and that I wasn't ever going to find my way out. I felt scared and wanted to shrink back. 

I started to see things coming out of the darkness I could hear screams and before I could run away the room was just a room again. I sighed in relief on that and shook off the feeling. "How could you do that without feeling scared?" I asked her. She smiles at me. "It takes practice remember the darkness doesn't control you, you control it. We shall practice it tomorrow how does that sound?" She asked me. 

I just nodded my head and didn't speak too many thoughts were spinning around in my head. I didn't even noticed when my door slid back into place. It was a few hours later when Josh came into my room and saw that I was still sitting in my bed thinking about what I just saw. I looked at him and smiled. "Hey how's it going? Didn't think you would come in here what's up?" I asked him.  

He goes over and sits by me and smiles at me. "Just came here to check up on you to see how you were doing. When you didn't show up downstairs I got worried and decided to check up on you," he said. I couldn't help but blush. He and I have been friends for a long time and I have had a crush on him since I don't even know when. 

So it makes me happy to know that we are dating and I hope he and I don't lose each other. He leans towards me and kisses me. I blush and kisses him back and before I knew it, it got turned into a make out session. Then I felt his hands slide up my shirt and that's when I pull away and blushes. He is blushing as well and he looks at me. 

"S-sorry about that I couldn't resist I am not going to push you on anything I just want to love you with all that I have," he says blushing more and looking down. I am blushing as well but I can't help but smile. He was just too cute I go back and kisses him and looks him in the eyes. 

He looks back and kisses me back and before we knew it I was laying down and Josh was on top of me. I blush even more and then get lost in him when he leans down and kisses me deeply I kiss him back just as deep. This time when he slide his hands under my shirt I let hum I shiver in pleasure from his touch and can't help but want more of it. But just when things were starting to get hot and heavy that's when I hear a knock on my door. 

Josh quickly gets up and we are both sitting up flushed. "Come in," I called out. Surprisingly my voice sounds even but on the inside I am quivering from all kinds of emotions. My sister Aqua walks in and smiles at us. She saw the looks on our faces and grins big. "I hope I wasn't intruding on what you both were doing," she asks us with a purr. I throw a pillow at her and she laughs as she catches it. "Nice try there sissy. But anyways mom an dad needs us downstairs they said its important," she says. 

We both get up from the bed and leave my room following Aqua to the living room. The others were all gathered around and waiting for us. Once we get there we sit down and looks at my parents. They had a worried look on their faces and I couldn't help but think something was up. But I brush it off and waits for them to speak up. "Alright we are gathered here because Dr. James is coming over to our place later today," my mom said. 

I grew speechless and I can't help but panic but then I remember that we still have our plan. I looked at Aqua and I saw her nods her head so looks to me that her and I are on the same page. "Is there anything else that you needed to tell us mom?" Aqua asks. Mom smiles and shakes her head. Nope nothing else that was it. After that mom and dad left the room and just left us to ourselves. I knew we wanted to say something. 

But since the place is bugged there is really nothing for any of us to do or say. "Lets go to our rooms," Aqua says. I raised my eyebrow why would we go to the room and talk when every place is bugged well every place except for outside. So that's when it hit me she was saying that so Dr. James would hear. I smiled and we all got up and left the living room and goes to the backyard. 

Once there we all sit down and waits for Aqua to say something. "Ok we need to set up our plan quick before he comes here and we are too late. So this is it the moment we have been waiting for," Aqua says excitedly. Everyone agreed to it and then we head inside and gets the trap ready. I couldn't help but smile it was about time to get rid of this guy who has ruined way too many peoples lives. I just knew we were going to do something to make this stop. 

Pretty soon it is getting close to the time where Dr. James will be here finally after waiting half and hour. He comes to the door and rings the doorbell. I knew it was him because of the window on how I can see right through it and he can't. 

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