Chapter 17

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"You did it! I knew you could do it babe! You were amazing and hot!" He says to me excitedly. I laugh and blush then I squeal when he picks me up and spins me around. I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him. After we kiss for a while he pulls away and grins up at me before putting me down. "That's because I had a great teacher," I say in embarrassment. 

He just grins and we leave the training room and we go to the garden and sit for a bit. "Hey love? Can I ask you something?" I say to him. He nods his head and turns to me to let me know that I had his full attention. "What's up babe?" He asks me. I gather my thoughts for a bit before I begin to talk to him. 

"It's about my mother. I think there is something she is hiding from my sister and I. When I told her what happened in gym class today. She had a worried look on her face," I say to him. He doesn't say anything for a bit. He just looks at me for a while as if gathering his thoughts together. "I'm sure she is just worried that you won't do so well on learning to control your powers is all," he says to me. 

I look at him and study him for a while. Why do I feel like the only person who isn't hiding stuff from me is my own sister? I ask myself. Jake looked like he knew what was up with my mom but didn't want to say anything about it. Then I get upset and I look at him sternly. "You know something is up so spill," I say to him. 

He looks down and away from me until I grab his chin and makes him look at me. Finally he sighs and shakes his head. "I might know something I over heard my dad talking on the phone with your mom about this guy that they work for. From what I got from the convo they are pretty scared of him. It looks to me like this guy has something up his sleeve," he says. 

I sigh and look down. "Sis and I already know all of this. I thought you would know more than we did. But looks like we are back to square one," I say with a sigh. Jake looks at me worriedly and then he bites his lip before he speaks. "I'll see what I can get for you, my father is meeting him tomorrow and he is taking me with him," he says to me. I nod my head and lays my head on his shoulder. "I get the feeling that we are going way over our heads or is that just me?" I ask him.

I feel him shrug his shoulders. "we'll never will know till it's too late," he says to me. I bite my lip and I think about everything I know on what I found out so far. Then an idea hits me and I begin to smile. "I think I know where we can get some of our information follow me," I say to him. I get up and I drag him with me to the room we keep the two teens at. Once we get there I am shocked on what I see.

The teens look like hell they looked like they were beaten up and they looked malnourished and dehydrated. I go over to them and look at them worriedly. As if they could sense I was there they opened their eyes and look at me. I gasp out loud when I see their eyes. They looked like they were blind and I worry about them more. 

I go over to them and I touch the teen girls shoulder gently and she flinches away from me. "Who's there? Come to torture us some more?" She asks with a sneer. I whimper and shakes my head no till I realized that she couldn't see me shake my head no. So I speak up so she can hear me. "No I'm not going to hurt you I came here to ask you some questions but I have a proposition for you both," I say to them. 

At first they look hesitant till the boy teen nods his head yes. "Ok you have our attention what is it that you propose to us?" He asks me. I take a deep breath before I speak. "If you tell me what I want and need to know I'll help you guys out on getting out of here," I say to them. At first they both looked like they were going to turn the offer down till they thought about it more. "What makes you think we would believe what you say? For all we know you would just kill us after getting the info from us," the boy teen says.

I sigh and I think for a moment till I got an idea. "Your right on that but what other choice do you have? You could just take a chance with me and believe me on what I say," I tell them. The teen boy just sighs and shakes his head before he gives in. "Fine we agree with your terms, now what is it you want to know from us?" he asks me. I bite my lip a bit before I finally speak up. "I would like to know who hired you guys to kill us? I know you told mom everything. But I believe your hiding the truth," I say to them.

I see their eyes widen in shock as I say this the teen boy sighs more before he speaks again. "Your right about that, we know who hired us," he said. I smile gratefully then I grin big. "That's what I have been waiting to hear all this time," I say with a huge grin on my face. Jake looks at me weirdly and I just ignore it and I sit down in front of them waiting for them to tell me everything I need to know.

 "Well we are working with this guy named Dr. James and he has been trying to get his hands on the fruit that your parents were working on. He has a few colleagues who want to take the fruit and use it for themselves to make themselves stronger," the teen boy says to me.

My eyes widen and I wait for them to tell me anything else they knew. "They want to take control of the military and use them as their own personal use," the teen girl says. "So pretty much they are like every other villain in a comic book who pretty much want to take over the world?" Jake asks them. 

They shake their heads no. "No he wants Aqua and Annabelle to take control of certain cities and countries they can't do it unless they have you and your sister both. You guys are powerful more than you both realize there is a legend about you both. I don't know if you heard of the legend or not," the teen girl says to me.

"No I don't know the legend and why is my mom working for him? I overheard my mom and him talking. So it doesn't make any sense," I say biting my lip. They both laugh as they shake their heads at me. I start to get a little annoyed. "Just tell me the legend and answer my question your tiring out my patience here," I say to them both.

They get serious again and then they begin to tell me the legend. "It is said that twin girls will be born in 40 years after the accident. They will change the future and everything we ever know of the world," the teen girl says.

I sigh in disappointment hoping it would have been a better legend. "Sounds like a stupid legend to me. Many people have given birth to twin girls. So I don't see how it has anything to do with my sister and I," I say. The girl laughs at me. "I wasn't done with it. It is said that one would have blue hair that has black, red, and green streaks and a girl born into darkness. You and your sister both fit that don't you agree?" The teen girl asks me.

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