Chapter 26

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"Alright now will you all tell me your names and we shall get started," I say. No one says anything for a bit until finally they do.
"I'm Jeremy," a boy with icy blue hair said.
"I'm Katie," a girl with purple hair said.
"I'm John," a boy with red and orange hair said.
"I'm Kelsey," a girl with ocean blue hair said.

After everyone said their names I watch them carefully. "I'm Aqua and this is my twin sister Annabelle," I say. They don't say anything. "Alright so does anyone have anything to say?" I ask them. They all shakes their heads and I sigh and try to think of what to do. "Alright then I'll figure out something we should do," I say to them.

They shrugs their shoulders and do their own thing. Finally after a few more minutes I finally come up with something for us to do. "Alright do any of you know how to control your powers?" I ask them. They all laugh.

"Duh of course we know how to use our powers why else would we be here?" Kelsey asks. I just roll my eyes. "Don't have to be a smart-ass you know," I say. Kelsey laughs before saying anything else. "I'm not trying to be a smart-ass your the one asking a dumb question," she says back. I rubs my temples before I say anything back.

"Ok miss hotshot so what kind of powers do you have?" I ask her. She smirks as she looks at me. "I can see the future of anyone I touch or see," she says. I nods my head. "Not a bad power if I do say so myself," I say. Kelsey just looks at me and doesn't say anything else. "Alright what about the rest of you?" I ask the rest.

They don't say anything for a moment some of them looked bored. Others just had smug looks on their faces. Great we are working with arrogance here. I think to myself. "Wow sis these kids are asses if you ask me," Annabelle says. My eyes widen for a bit and the rest don't say anything. But then I start to laugh before I could say anything. "I agree with you sis but oh well beggars can't be choosers am I right?" I say to her.

Annabelle laughs and I grin at her as we both agreed on it. "What the fuck? We don't have to put up with you two bitches you know that right?" Kelsey says. Annabelle and I look at each other and rolls our eyes. "Look we don't want to put up with you guys either but we have to. We are just trying to get to know you all. It's not our faults that all of you guys are asses," I say.

Kelsey is speechless for a bit before she rolls her eyes at me. "Whatever I'm only here because I have nothing better to do anyways," she says. I just ignore her and looked at the others. "So as I was saying what about you guys? What kind of powers do the three of you have?" I asked the rest of the group. "Well I can control ice and makes it snow. I can make water freeze by just touching it," he says.

"Impressive I think I'll keep my water powers away from you then Jeremy," I say half joking and half serious. He just chuckles at me. "Well I can control the earth if anything has a piece of earth in it. Which everything does then I can make it do my will," Katie says. My eyes widen as I hear this. "Well shit! That's awesome there Katie," I say with a smile.

She smiles a little back before I turn towards John. "I take it you are a fire user?" I ask him. He nods his head and I smile. "That's cool lets do some tests than shall we?" I asks them. They just mumble and shrugs their shoulders. Before we all get up and goes into a training room that they lead us towards. Once we get there Annabelle and I set it up.

Once we had it all set up. I set up ways to make them stronger and better. I watch in amazement as I see them go to work. Katie was killer on using her earth powers the way she could make the earth. Do what she wants it to do by just lifting up her index finger. Then I watch Jeremy in amazement as he uses his ice powers to freeze a small ocean.

Then when it was Johns turn I couldn't help but smile as I see him starts a forest fire by just using a small flame. They were all impressive. Then I watch as Kelsey used her powers and I can't help but be a little impressed. She could tell what would happen in a second. Like when I would trip and fall but then the next thing she says to me. Scared me the most. "Well Aqua I can see you surrounded by people and the one person. You don't expect to see comes and shows themselves to you. I can't tell who it is though. It feels like I'm being blocked," she says with a frown.

I can't help but shiver some on what she said. "What do you mean you feel like your being blocked?" I asked her. She doesn't say anything for a moment. She is too busy concentrating on seeing passed it. "It just does every time I try to get close to seeing the persons face. All I get is a glare as if I am staring at the sun," she says to me.

I just sighs and sits down. "Ok thank you for telling me. Your not as bad as I thought you were," I say to her with a smile. She is shocked for a moment before she pulls herself together. "Psh whatever not like I need praise from you," she says. But I can tell that she is trying to hide the smile. That was trying to creep up on her face. Finally after a few hours.

Everyone starts to warm up to us. Then it came for the time for us to leave. In truth I didn't want to leave. I was having too much fun. But I knew we had to. We say goodbye to everyone and meets up with our mother at the car. Mom drives us home and we all get out and head inside. We all go our separate ways.

*The next morning*

I wake up the next morning and I get ready for school. I wait for Annabelle to come down so I can drive us to school. Mom gave me the car and Annabelle and I are supposed to share it for now. Finally ten minutes later Annabelle comes down the stairs and she is looking at me. "My turn to drive you have been hogging the car," she says.

I laugh and tosses her the keys. She catches them grinning and we get into the car. Annabelle starts to drive us to school. But then I noticed that someone is following us. I didn't notice it at first.

Because the person who was driving the car. Was good at staying well hidden. But there was one flaw on it. Whenever Annabelle would turn so would the car. "Hey sissy we are being followed. We should take a detour and see if we can lose them that way," I say to Annabelle. She doesn't say anything at first she just nods her head. "In truth sissy I already knew we were being followed so I'm already ahead of you on that," she says to me.

I laugh and just roll my eyes and let's her drive. Finally ten minutes later we shake them off. Or so we thought. Once we get to the school that's when two people comes out. Annabelle and I get on the defensive and gets ready to attack. The two strangers smirk at us and they try to get a hold of us but Annabelle and I slip away and we fight them.

They seem to be able to match us well. Then Annabelle starts to use her powers and tries to pull them into her darkness and I begin to smile.

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