Chapter 20

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"Hi Aqua I've heard a lot about you from Annabelle. It's nice to finally meet you as well," he says quietly. "Awwwwww your just the cutest!" I squeal and hugs him tightly. "Hey you better not be making any moves towards my baby," someone says behind me. I turn around and sees a guy who has dark ivy hair and he gives me a stern look. 

"I wasn't I have a boyfriend I just couldn't help but want to hug him. Because I can't resist cute people and things," I say. The guy starts to look relaxed after I said that. He sits next to Leon and kisses him," I grin. "Oh my god you guys make a cute couple!" I say excitedly. Leon blushes and so does his boyfriend. "I'm Xavier by the way," he says to me. I smile. "I'm Aqua it's nice to meet you," I say. After the introductions we start to talk. 

*Jakes point of view* 

My dad and I start to head out to Dr. James is office. I can't help but get nervous a little after finding out his plans. I also get mad because it involves Aqua. I try not to show it as we get closer. Dad parks the car in front of the office and we walk in. We go to the reception desk. There is a old lady and she looks like if you tried to touch her. 

You would get cut because her clothes look sharp and crisp. Even her face looks sharp she doesn't show any emotion. As we get closer. "Hello I'm Adam I'm here to see Dr. James?" He asks the receptionist. She doesn't say anything but gives a sharp nod of her head. "I'll let him know that you are here sit and wait. It will be a while," she says in a bored voice.

We both wait after a while we get called over and we walk into Dr. James is office. He looks up as we enter and he smiles. It looks friendly if you didn't know him well. "Sit sit glad you could make it. I have some stuff I would like to tell you," he says to us cheerily. 

*Aqua's point of view* 

Annabelle and I are in gym class and we are talking and having fun. Until coach Purdy walks over to us he smiles. "Hey Aqua could I talk to you for a moment?" He asks me. "Um sure I don't see why not," I say getting up. He smiles and walks away and I follow him finally he stops and turns around and faces me. I wait a bit for him to begin to speak. "So you told me before that you had help right? I want to know who it is. So I can give them some stuff I thought might help you out. On getting your powers under control," he says to me. 

I smile and nods my head. "Sure his name is Jake he's my boyfriend. I can give you his number if you want to talk to him," I say to him. He smiles and nods his head. I give it to him and I'm about to turn around and leave. When I feel his hand on my shoulder. I turn around and looks at him curiously. 

"Yes? Is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask him. He smiles at me. "Yes just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of your mothers work. Do you think there is any way that I can meet her?" He asks me. My eyes widen as I hear him say this. "Sure I'll ask her for you if you want me to," I say to him. He smiles and nods his head and he lets me go.

I look at him a little bit longer and then I start to walk away. I shake my head as I do this. I head back to where Annabelle is at and sit next to her again. "What was that all about sis?" She asked me. "That's a good question sis," I say back to her. I tell her what I was told. She laughs and grins. "You don't think that the coach has a crush on our mom does he?" I ask her.

She grins and shrugs her shoulders at me. "Well it could be after all our mom is attractive," she says to me. I sigh and then wrinkles my nose. "I know but it's just weird having a teacher who likes our mom that way. Won't that make it to where he might favor us in class? If that were to happen then we would be hated by the school," I say. 

We both stay quiet as we think of what just happened. "Nah I doubt it I think it might have something to do with hero worship," she says to me. I laugh and shrugs my shoulders. "You could be right about that sis," I say to her laughing more. She grins at me and before we know it. It's time to get ready for our last class for the day. 

A few hours later and class is over with and sis and I head to the car. I drive us back home. As I pull up to the house I see Jake's car in the driveway and I grin big. I get out and run to the house eagerly. I look for Jake and I find him in my room. I run over to him and tackle hugs him. He gasps in surprise and we fall over and on my bed. With me on top of him. 

I giggle and he smirks up at me. "Hello to you too. I take it that you missed me?" He asks me with a smile. I blush and nods my head. He laughs and we both sit up. He gets serious and I look at him curiously. "I take it you have news for me love?" I ask him. He nods his head at me. I take a deep breath and let it out as I wait for him to explain to me what happened. 

"Well it's worse than we thought he never had the intention to kill you. He sent those two people after you both to see what you guys were capable of. He liked what he found out and is planning on getting you both on his side. He wants me and dad to make sure it happens," he says to me. My eyes widen and I'm speechless for a moment. 

I don't know what to say. I just let what he said play in my head over and over again. Finally I sigh and I flop down and lay on my bed and rubs my temples. "Ugh this is just great like we needed anything else to happen to us! I mean haven't we gone through enough on losing dad? Why can't we just live normal lives?" I ask no one in particular. 

Jake doesn't say anything for a bit he lays next to me. He rubs my shoulders and pulls me to him. I cuddle into him and bury my face in his chest. "It's going to be alright we will get through this. You will see just have faith, I won't let anything happened to you. You have my word," he said to me. I can't help but blush and look up at him. I kiss him and lays my head on his chest. 

"I don't know what I would do without you in my life Jake," I say in a whisper. I feel him laugh and he kisses the top of my head. Then midnight hops on the bed and nuzzles my hand. I turn over to him and pet him. "I'm fine buddy I promise I love you," I say to him and I kiss his wet nose. He sneezes in my face and buries his nose under my arm. I pull him closer to me. 

Then my sister walks in and jumps on the bed. Making me scream and midnight barking and trying to get in on the fun. We all lay there laughing and I look at my sister. "Hey sis I have to tell you something," I say to her. She looks up at me. "What do you want to tell me?" She asks me. I tell her everything that happened last night.

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