Chapter 34

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I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine after the door slammed shut behind us. But I knew there was no turning back and I wasn't going to leave a good friend behind no matter what the dangers. I look behind us to see if anyone slammed the door shut behind us and it looked like no one was there. Just as we were about to walk in further inside of the place that's when we all hear a voice boom all around us. 

I can't help but covers my ears when the person started to talk it was that loud. "So you guys finally have made it here. To be honest I can't help but be impressed about you all coming here and making it this far. But from here on out it's going to get harder for you all!" the voice booms around us. I can't help but rolls my eyes after the voice stopped talking. 

"Alright am I the only one who wants to kick that persons ass?" I ask everyone. They all chuckle minus Robby who just nods his head. He obviously feels the same way I do about this person, we finally walk further inside of the place and we look around. Everything looked normal for a creepy place until someone walks out of the living room and heads towards us. We all keep our guards up when the person comes closer to us. 

"Welcome you guys to the place that all misfits such as yourselves can live without having to hide yourselves. You guys must be the guests that Dr. James has told us all about. So if you all would just follow me this way please," the guy says. We just shrugs our shoulders and follows him, we didn't have much of a choice in the matter. But we made sure to keep our guards up as we look around after we leave the living room. The guy stops and punches in some numbers inside of the door. 

After he does that the wall begins to move and reveals a staircase downstairs. We all go down them and when we reach the end. We can't help but feel our eyes widen as we look around the place it looked like a camp more than anything. Everywhere we turn we saw misfits all over the place but we see that they aren't happy to be here. It looked like they were being used for something they also looked drained and exhausted. Like the life and light inside of them was smoked out I have the urge to go and rescue them all from this place. 

No one deserves to be in a place like this it looked like a prison camp finally we have reached an office. We walk inside and the guy slams the door shut after he made sure we were all inside. I couldn't help but feel like I sold my soul to the devil already. We hear someone clear their throats and we turn around and looks at the person that is in front of us. This person looks like she is no older than the rest of us. But I could feel her powers coursing through her. 

I never felt anyone's power like that I couldn't help but want to take a step back. But I fight that urge and looks at the teenage girl that's in front of us. When it looked like to her that she had our attention that's when she speaks up. "So you must be new kids here minus coach Purdy who is with you, it looks to me like you guys need to be put to work right away in here," she says. She sounded really bored and I couldn't help but wonder how she knew coach Purdy's name. 

But I shake it off and I get an annoyed look on my face. "We didn't come here to work we came here to get our friend back. There is no way that we are staying here and working," I say to her. She just looks at me annoyed. "Well the last time I checked you weren't in charge in here, you will be working here for now on," she says with a satisfied smirk. I try to fight the urge to jump over her desk and beat her down. 

"Oh yeah? Who is going to stop us from doing what we want?" I asked her. She just smirks and that's when I feel her powers course through the air more. I feel it pushing me and everyone else down like gravity was getting heavier around us. When she saw that she had us pinned down she lets up a little and smirks down at us. "You were saying?" she asks us.

I scowl then I see Robby hop up and jumps over the desk and attacks the girl. She gives out a surprise gasp before Robby has her pinned down. "Now you are going to listen to me here we aren't going to do any work for anyone. You are going to tell me where my sister is at and your going to let us leave this place. Now are we clear on that part?" he asks. The girl snarls and was about to use her powers again when Robby stops here and makes a fire ball appear in his hand. 

He presses it against her face and she cries out in pain when it touches her skin. She starts to whimper and Robby smiles in satisfaction when she nods her head. He gets up and helps her up and keeps the fire ball close to her. "If you try anything funny I will make sure to burn your pretty face off are we clear?" he asks her. She nods her head and I see her shake some, I started to feel sympathy for her for a moment. 

But then I remember what she did to us and what she is capable of doing so I stop showing sympathy for her. "Now I want you to call up my sister here and if I see you do anything funny then I will make sure to burn your face off and don't think I won't do it," he says. She nods and she calls up his sister up here. When she does a few minutes later his sister shows up and she looks happy to see us. He runs to her and hugs her tightly. 

I keep a close eye on the teenage girl he threatened making sure she doesn't try anything funny now that. Robby wasn't near her, it looked to me like she wasn't going to do anything. But then I see her smirk and smile and I can't help but feel like she did something. But then I hear a shout and I turn around and I see in shock as Amelia pulls a knife out of her brothers shoulder. I can't help but gasp in surprise as I see this.

But then I see the blank look on her face when she did it; It looked to me like she was being under control. But then coach Purdy does something we don't expect and he knocks out Amelia. "We need to get out of here now and fast before it's too late," he says to us. We all don't say anything because we all know that he is right about that. 

So we hurry and run out of the room as we do that's when an alarm goes off. We start picking up the pace and trying to get to the exit. Then we see some teenagers baring our way, I call up my water powers and throw a water blast at them and it knocks them off of their feet. I make a small wave appear and sweep them away from the exit. We run to the exit and we run to the stairwell and run up and out of the mansion. We quickly try to get to the chopper but there are more teens in our way. 

I can't help but swear under my breath that's when coach Purdy surprises me and uses his powers and turns out he is a earth user. He makes the ground shake and knocks over the teens in our way and we are able to run towards the chopper. We run to the chopper and we all pile in.

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