Chapter 5

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Sis and I hang out in my room for a bit. She helps me unpack my things and put them away. Even though I didn't have much stuff it still was dear to me. All this stuff reminded me of my father and all the times we have shared. Finally when we were done unpacking we sit on my bed and then lay side by side. "Even though you came here because of what happened, I'm still glad that you came. I always wanted to meet you. But mom wouldn't let me she said it wasn't time yet. 

I didn't get why she would tell me that. I mean why can't I come and see my own father and sister? It just didn't make any sense you know?" Annabelle says to me. "I agree I wanted to see you both as well but dad wouldn't let me. I mean is it bad for us to meet? It makes me feel like our parents are hiding stuff from us. Or is it just me?" I ask sis. "No I think so as well. I've been trying to find things out for myself. But no matter how many times I try to find answers I can't seem to find them. It's like mom is making sure that I don't find anything at all," she said.

I lay there for a bit and bites my lip lost in thought. "I know why don't we investigate together? I'm sure with just the 2 of us we could find out the truth. We are allowed to know the truth do we not?" I ask her. She smiles and nods her head and smiles at me more. "I so agree we both think alike no wonder we are twins," she says giggling. I laugh with her and cuddle up to her.

 "I want to know who killed our father and why and I want to know why our parents didn't want us to meet. So are we in agreement that no matter what happens and what we find out we will deal with it our own way?" I ask her looking up at her. She looks back and nods her head. "Yes no matter what we are in this together sisters to the end," she says. I smile and nod my head back. "Till the end sissy I'm so glad to have met you," I say smiling. I start to drift off and before long I'm in a dream.

I'm trying to swim to the surface but no matter how many times I try. The surface doesn't seem to be getting any closer. I start to panic and scream, as I do water comes into my mouth and I start to choke on it not able to breathe. I feel my vision begin to fade and I start to drift off to sleep. But then I open my eyes and I scream and I feel something pushing out of me and before I knew what was happening I shot out of the water and I'm in the air and I'm able to breathe again. 

I land on shore and I cough out the water and I start to shiver I wrap myself up with my arms and look around. My eyes widen as I see that I'm in the middle of the ocean and there isn't any other land for miles. I try not to panic I take a deep breath and try to relax and get my bearings. "I know I'm dreaming but this feels too real and I feel scared like I'll never get out," I say to myself.

Then I hear footsteps and I quickly get up and get in a stance. My dad taught me how to fight so I can deal with situations like this. But then when I see the person come out. Everything I learned seems to leave my mind because the person standing in front of me is none other than my father. I knew right then and there that I really was just dreaming. 

"Dad? I can't believe that I'm dreaming about you I missed you so much I say," as I run to him and cling to him. He holds me tightly and I cry into his chest and he strokes my hair like he used to do. "I miss you so much daddy I wish you didn't have to die I wish this wasn't a dream," I say in his chest and then I finally look up at him and he kisses my forehead.

"I know sweetie but you will always have me no matter what happens remember? I always taught you that my little dark angel. You have no idea how proud I am of you. I always knew you would grow up to be a wonderful young woman. I just wish I could have been there to see you grow up and have a family of your own," he says sadly.

I kiss his cheek and holds him tightly. "I know daddy so do I, I have so many questions for you that it's too bad that I can't ask you. I wish this dream would never end so I can always be with you daddy," I say. Dad nods his head and then looks down at me.

 "I know my little dark angel but you have to there are some things you need to learn that you haven't learned about yet," he says to me. I look up at him and stare at him intently. "I knew you and mom were hiding stuff from me I'm going to find out," I say mostly to myself. "Just be careful there is a reason why your mother and I kept things from you for a reason," he says to me.

 I roll my eyes I know he isn't really here and it's just a dream. But still I can't believe he would say that to me still even in a dream. But I just smile and nod my head at him.

"I would love to stay but I can't stay for long my little dark angel," he says to me. I feel my heart breaking all over again. "I wish you didn't have to leave daddy," I say to him. "I know but I can't stay my dark angel I know you can do this sweetie I love you with everything I have," he says to me before he disappears yet again from my life. 

I wake up slowly afterwards and I look at the time. It was only 5 in the morning. I sigh and try to get back to sleep but I can't seem to. I get up and I put my hand on a panel and my door opens quietly. 

Then I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around and sees midnight. "I take it you want to come with me?" I ask him. He wags his tail in response and I smile. I motion for him to come and follow.

He walks beside me and we walk around I stop at the library again and I walk inside and close the door behind me once midnight comes in as well.

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